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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -蜥-, *蜥*
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, xī, ㄒㄧ] lizard
Radical: , Decomposition:   虫 [chóng, ㄔㄨㄥˊ]  析 [, ㄒㄧ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] worm
Rank: 4307

KANJIDIC with stroke order from AnimCJK
[] Meaning: a lizard
On-yomi: シャク, セキ, shaku, seki
Kun-yomi: とかげ, tokage
Radical: , Decomposition:     

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[xī, ㄒㄧ, ] chameleon; Eumeces latiscutatus #54,647 [Add to Longdo]
[xī yì, ㄒㄧ ㄧˋ,  ] lizard #30,804 [Add to Longdo]
[huǒ xī yì, ㄏㄨㄛˇ ㄒㄧ ㄧˋ,   ] fire lizard; fire-bellied salamander (Cynops orientalis David) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
蜴;石竜子[とかげ;トカゲ;せきえき(蜥蜴)(ik), tokage ; tokage ; sekieki ( tokage )(ik)] (n) lizard [Add to Longdo]
蜴座[とかげざ, tokageza] (n) (constellation) Lacerta [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You really shouldn't handle a lizard like that.[CN] 你们真的不应该这样对待蜴的 Episode #1.1 (2007)
Eft.[CN] Eft(小蜴) Smart People (2008)
Catch that lizard![CN] 抓住那只蜴! Chup Chup Ke (2006)
That's Jessie. He's a Senegalhe gama. I got him in Africa.[CN] 这是杰西.他是塞内加示 场.是我在非洲带回未的 Hangman's Curse (2003)
I didn't show you my lizard.[CN] 我还没给你看我的 Peyton Place (1957)
Oh...[CN] -蜴 -史波克 The Lizard-Spock Expansion (2008)
Yeah, and your testimony about two blutbaden and a skalengeck should go over really well with a jury.[JP] 蜴獣1人と狼獣2人についての証言を 陪審員の前で明確に繰り返す必要があるからな もう判ったからどうする? Natural Born Wesen (2013)
Arid Australia is the land of the lizards[CN] 澳洲是蜴的王国 Australia: Land Beyond Time (2002)
A lizard?[CN] 蜴? Episode #1.5 (2007)
This is Lizard![JP] こちらは「蜴(とかげ)」! Sunny (2008)
This is Lizard One. We need an EVAC.[JP] こちらは蜴(とかげ) 救護ヘリコプタを寄こしてくれ Sunny (2008)
Who are you calling lizards?[CN] 你叫谁蜴? Willow (1988)


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