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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
童工[tóng gōng, ㄊㄨㄥˊ ㄍㄨㄥ,  ] child labor #33,196 [Add to Longdo]

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l`ll tell you where My contributors make more profits[CN] 我告诉你去哪里了 捐钱给我的人 在墨西哥请童工赚更多 Bulworth (1998)
The real scandal is how young they're starting you guttersnipes now.[CN] 真正的丑闻是他们居然 开始雇用像你这么小的童工 What a Girl Wants (2003)
The guy was obviously running a sweatshop.[CN] 我认为他一直让 童工每天工作十六小时 The Haunting (1999)
I-I admire anybody that works with kids.[CN] 我 - -我钦佩每个儿童工作者 The Shipping News (2001)
Your great-grandfather made his fortune by putting children to work in mines.[CN] 你们曾祖父靠童工挖矿发财 Fierce People (2005)
I phoned Krantz, and he offered me this job working with some kids.[CN] 我叫克兰茨,他给了我 与一些儿童工作。 The Favourite Game (2003)
Here, in Malaysia, there is a sense of euphoria, as the new Prime Minister gives this impoverished nation the gift of hope, promising to raise the sub-standard minimum wage and end child labor.[CN] 马来西亚这里一片欢欣 因为新总理给了这穷国一个希望 承诺提高过低的工资和结束童工 Zoolander (2001)
Child workers at the glassworks said something odd.[CN] 玻璃厂的童工 说些怪事 Vidocq (2001)
How the standard of living, how our health care... social security, child labor...[CN] 想到我们如何提高了生活水准 建立了医疗保险 得到了社会保障 解决了童工问题 The Big One (1997)
But today the age-old right of children to work is under attack.[CN] 但现在儿童工作权利受到攻击 Zoolander (2001)
And it the child is unable to bear this burden?[CN] 比雇佣童工还糟糕 Like Stars on Earth (2007)
A job with kids?[CN] - 一个从事儿童工作的? The Favourite Game (2003)


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