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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
痛打[つうだ, tsuuda] (n, vs) hard or crushing blow; severe attack [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
So you stomped him real good?[CN] 你把他痛打了一顿? Bloodsport (1988)
[ Dugin Speaking Hebrew ] Anyone who said "corpse" or "victim" was beaten.[CN] 每一个说"尸体"或"受害者"的人都会被痛打 Shoah (1985)
And they humiliated me, they... they beat me, they left me naked and bleeding on the cobblestones.[CN] 他们羞辱我,他们... 他们痛打我,他们把我剥光衣服扔到街边 High Sparrow (2015)
I think you really would.[CN] 我会痛打他一顿 然后因为伤害罪被抓起来 Bakêshon (2015)
He tied me to a chair, beat me, and threw a walker in the room.[CN] 他把我绑在椅子上 痛打我 把一个行尸扔进屋子里 This Sorrowful Life (2013)
I'll thrash you![CN] 我会痛打 Haider (2014)
Nah, you idiots. You take him outside.[CN] 欸 你们这群白痴 是你把他带到外面 你让他痛打自己一顿 Nah, you idiots. Poker Night (2014)
I remember being punished for it.[CN] 我记得你痛打了我一顿 Floating Skyscrapers (2013)
Yeah, looks like somebody beat him up pretty good.[CN] 貌似挨了顿痛打 Take the Money and Run (2013)
At least you don't have to worry about getting beat up anymore.[CN] 至少你不必担心 有关获取痛打了。 The Right Kind of Wrong (2013)
There's no need to belabor it.[CN] 有没有必要 要痛打它。 They Came Together (2014)
Look, there's no need to beat a man when he's down[CN] 我看我们还是别痛打落水狗 So Young (2013)


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