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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
卷轴[juàn zhóu, ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄓㄡˊ,   /  ] scroll; book; reel #30,392 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Here's the scroll in question.[CN] 这是被怀疑的卷轴 Dogra Magra (1988)
If you are right about the legend, then this casket may contain the Scroll of Thoth, from the holy of holies in the temple, and I can hardly wait to get back to find out.[CN] 如果你对传说的研究没错的话 那么,从这个神庙的至圣之所找到的 这匣子中也许装着月神卷轴 我已经等不及要回去把它找出来 The Mummy (1932)
And I believe that you have in your hut the Scroll of Thoth itself, which contains the great spell with which Isis raised Osiris from the dead.[CN] 而且我相信你小屋里的月神卷轴它本身 就写着伊希斯把奥西里斯从冥界召回 的强大的咒语 The Mummy (1932)
- A scroll.[CN] - 一个卷轴 The Mummy (1932)
You also know that you must return that scroll to me or die.[CN] 你们也知道你们必须把卷轴还给我 要么就只有死路一条 The Mummy (1932)
Give me the scroll like you did at the cape.[CN] 我可以完成那幅卷轴了, 把你在那个角落做的 那个卷轴给我 Dogra Magra (1988)
Burn the scroll, man.[CN] 卷轴烧了, 老兄. The Mummy (1932)
Now tell that weak fool to get that scroll, wherever it is, and hand it to his Nubian servant.[CN] 现在, 告诉那个虚弱的傻瓜 不管卷轴在哪都给我取过来 然后交给他的努比亚仆人 The Mummy (1932)
Your father destroyed the scroll, knowing that it would cost him his life.[CN] 你父亲销毁了卷轴, 即使知道那将送上他的性命. The Mummy (1932)
Your assistant who went insane and died, as you might have if you'd seen what he saw, made a transcription of part of that scroll.[CN] 你的助手疯了,然后死了 如果你看见了他所看见的 你也可能是一样的下场 把那个卷轴的部分做一个抄本 The Mummy (1932)
Your father did not burn the Scroll of Thoth.[CN] 你的父亲并没有烧毁月神卷轴 The Mummy (1932)
The scroll is papyrus.[CN] 卷轴是莎草纸的 The Mummy (1932)


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