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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -二分-, *二分*
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
二分[èr fēn, ㄦˋ ㄈㄣ,  ] second part; the equinox [Add to Longdo]
二分之一[èr fēn zhī yī, ㄦˋ ㄈㄣ ㄓ ㄧ,    ] one half #31,579 [Add to Longdo]
二分之一[shí èr fēn zhī yī, ㄕˊ ㄦˋ ㄈㄣ ㄓ ㄧ,     ] one twelfth #140,838 [Add to Longdo]
二分[èr fēn diǎn, ㄦˋ ㄈㄣ ㄉㄧㄢˇ,    /   ] the two equinoxes #849,850 [Add to Longdo]
二分[shí èr fēn, ㄕˊ ㄦˋ ㄈㄣ,   ] exceedingly; hundred percent; everything and more [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
二分[にぶん, nibun] (n) two minutes #19,004 [Add to Longdo]
二分[にぶん, nibun] (n, vs, adj-no) (1) halving; bisection; (2) the two equinoxes (vernal and autumnal); (P) #19,004 [Add to Longdo]
二分の一[にぶんのいち, nibunnoichi] (n) a half [Add to Longdo]
二分音符[にぶおんぷ;にぶんおんぷ, nibuonpu ; nibun'onpu] (n) half note; minim [Add to Longdo]
二分休符[にぶきゅうふ, nibukyuufu] (n) minim rest; half rest (music) [Add to Longdo]
二分脊椎[にぶんせきつい, nibunsekitsui] (n) spina bifida [Add to Longdo]
二分分類体系[にぶんぶんるいたいけい, nibunbunruitaikei] (n) { comp } dichotomized classification system [Add to Longdo]
二分[にぶんほう, nibunhou] (n) dichotomy [Add to Longdo]
二分[にぶんぎ, nibungi] (n) binary tree [Add to Longdo]

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Two minutes, design a maze that it takes one minute to solve.[JP] じゃ、二分で一分で解ける 部屋を書いてくれ Inception (2010)
That shipment was half of what it was supposed to be.[CN] 出货只有原定的二分之一 Flesh and Blood (2012)
All right, do what you gotta do.[JP] 二分ほど近くにいれば、 Eagles and Angels (2008)
Well, she thinks it's between her and someone else.[CN] 她还以为自己会有二分之一的机会 Anatomy of a Joke (2012)
Protecting this country ours and the people we promised to protect.[JP] 世界を二分した... 我々と我々が守る人に Day 7: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. (2009)
One in fifty-two.[CN] 五十二分之一 Dawn Rider (2012)
And the second announcement of the day is a congratulations to our UIL Academic Team as we put the whippin' on Crane and Kermit yesterday in the first half of the competition.[CN] 第二个要宣布的是 祝贺我们的UIL学术团队 在昨天的二分之一决赛中 Marfa Girl (2012)
Quarter note. Half note.[JP] 四分音符、二分音符 Sound of Noise (2010)
Right! You're on report. Two times in as many minutes, Lister![JP] これもエンマ帳に書いておくからな 二分で二回も! The End (1988)
Our gamekeeper, Hagrid, is more than capable of seeing to them.[JP] 森番のハグリッドが 十二分にお世話致しましょう Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
In strategic terms, Charlie's cut the country in half the civilian press are about to wet their pants and we've heard even Cronkite's gonna say the war is now unwinnable.[JP] 戦略的に敵は国土を二分した 民間の記者たちは 小便をちびり― TVも 勝ち目のない戦争と 呼ぶ気らしい Full Metal Jacket (1987)
This is the last thing you need right now, especially with public opinion so split.[JP] 世論が二分しているから これはダメ押しになるだろう Day 7: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. (2009)

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
二分分類体系[にぶんぶんるいたいけい, nibunbunruitaikei] dichotomized classification system [Add to Longdo]


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