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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
麦加[Mài jiā, ㄇㄞˋ ㄐㄧㄚ,   /  ] Mecca (the holiest city of Islam) #46,132 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I have never witnessed such sincere hospitality and true brotherhood as practiced here in the ancient home of Abraham, Mohammed and the great prophets of the Scriptures."[CN] 在这里亚伯罕的古代家中 穆罕默德及圣经的伟大先 今天我在麦加宣告神的伟 Malcolm X (1992)
That is why five times daily, we turn to Mecca to pray to bend our knees in submission.[CN] 所以一日祷告五次和到麦加 Malcolm X (1992)
The mother of Mecca is right here before me.[CN] 麦加的母亲 就在这里我面前。 Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996)
The Ka'aba Mecca, SAUDI ARABIA[CN] 克尔白神殿 沙特,麦加 Baraka (1992)
I'd get out while you can[CN] 他们是利用你的 麦加 Evita (1996)
Great Mosque Mecca, SAUDI ARABIA[CN] 麦加大清真寺 沙特 Baraka (1992)
Let's begin.[CN] 是,当我朝圣往麦加 Malcolm X (1992)
Muhammad Shrine Mecca, SAUDI ARABIA[CN] 穆罕默德圣地 沙特阿拉伯,麦加 Baraka (1992)
The other guy is Shooter McGavin, leading money winner this year.[CN] 另外一个: 席特麦加文 本年度赚钱最多的选手 Happy Gilmore (1996)
We must get on. Miss McGrath? Alisdair Stewart.[CN] 继续走 麦加小姐, 我是史亚力 The Piano (1993)
In my desire to fully understand the religion of Islam as practiced by 750 million Muslims around the world I intend to make a pilgrimage, or holy journey, to Mecca.[CN] 我要朝圣,或神圣旅程 去麦加朝圣 是每个回教徒的责任 Malcolm X (1992)
Grand Mosque Mecca, SAUDI ARABIA[CN] 麦加大清真寺 沙特 Baraka (1992)


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