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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
香甜[xiāng tián, ㄒㄧㄤ ㄊㄧㄢˊ,  ] sound sleep #22,614 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I have sweet reds from Lys, Volantis and the Arbor![CN] 我有里斯、瓦兰提斯和青亭岛产的香甜红酒 You Win or You Die (2011)
Cupcakes, don't be too hasty![CN] 蛋糕,香甜美妙 Call of the Cutie (2011)
- Incredibly, these pastries. - Unbelievable, just unbelievable, you'd say that![CN] 阿拉伯香甜糕 太好了 Oh, les loukoums, c'est incroyable. What's in a Name? (2012)
With lush vegetation, succulent fruit, tasty dishes and vivid colours.[CN] 有各式各样的植物 香甜的水果 美味的餐点 Tales of the Night (2011)
Sweet, isn't it?[CN] 味道很香甜吧? You Win or You Die (2011)
I knew my future was to run Sweet Apple Acres and these bright shiny apples sealed the deal.[CN] 我知道我将来会经营香甜苹果园 而这些闪闪发光的苹果证明了一切 Call of the Cutie (2011)
Nothing has ever tasted sweeter in my life. Okay.[CN] 我从没吃过比那更香甜的了 Snow Queen (2012)
The sweetest perfumes attract insects.[CN] 香甜的芬芳能吸引昆虫 Survival (2012)
The sweet essence of rosemary.[CN] 这里面带有一股无法隐藏的迷迭香的香甜气味 跟你可不配 Bayonetta: Bloody Fate (2013)
So, why don't you come with me over to Sweet Apple Acres?[CN] ... 那么,为什么不和我一同去香甜苹果园呢? Party of One (2011)
- Delicious chestnuts.[CN] - 香甜的栗子 The Billionaire (2011)
Sweet reds...[CN] 香甜的红酒咯 You Win or You Die (2011)


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