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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
野良[のら, nora] (n) (1) (良 is ateji) field; farm; (adj-no) (2) rural; agricultural; (n-pref) (3) stray (e.g. dog, cat); (4) (See 勝手・かって・6) unauthorised (esp. mobile phone application) #19,438 [Add to Longdo]
野良[のらいぬ, norainu] (n) stray dog [Add to Longdo]
野良仕事[のらしごと, norashigoto] (n) farm work; field labour; field labor [Add to Longdo]
野良[のらぎ, noragi] (n) clothes for doing farm work or working in fields [Add to Longdo]
野良[のらねこ, noraneko] (n) stray cat; alley cat [Add to Longdo]

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You're as stubborn as your father.[CN] 怎么脑子跟野良一样 死脑筋啊 Plastic City (2008)
I'll make them release Yuda! Isn't that what you want?[CN] 别 我让他们放了野良还不行吗 Plastic City (2008)
Yuda...[CN] 野良... Plastic City (2008)
And I say that dog is a dangerous stray, plain and simple.[JP] その犬は危険な野良犬だ はっきりさせる Red Dog (2011)
No. We did have, but we just get strays. They come in off the estate.[JP] 野良猫が入ってきて困るの Rose (2005)
Like a mutt in the streets.[JP] 道にいる野良犬扱いするのね! 8 Women (2002)
Sometimes living like a stray dog sucks.[JP] (気が向くと 野良犬暮らし) (最高) The East (2013)
Bitter unsubs with a grudge against the fat cats.[JP] 太った猫に恨みを持った悲惨な野良 Carnelian, Inc. (2009)
Yuda told me the crocodile story, but not all of it.[CN] 野良讲过你和鳄鱼的故事 还没有讲完 Plastic City (2008)
Fuck this. Fuck, fuck. Fuck![JP] もうィヤ 丿ヾ力野良B! Evil Dead (2013)
I had a perfectly clear view.[CN] 我的视野良 True Crime (1999)
- Dogs keep a promise a person can't.[JP] 彼女は野良犬じゃない Potage (2013)


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