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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
血腥[xuè xīng, ㄒㄩㄝˋ ㄒㄧㄥ,  ] reeking of blood; bloody (events) #11,173 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Because two words. "Bloody Mary."[CN] 两个词 "血腥玛丽" Duped (2009)
What a bloody mess.[CN] 什么是血腥混乱。 What a bloody mess. Silent Night (2012)
Bloody Jen.[CN] 血腥仁。 Boggy Creek (2010)
There's nothing you won't do to us in your bloody quest.[CN] 为了你那血腥的追求 你什么事都能做出来 The Devil (2013)
Come on, you stupid, bloody[CN] 来吧,你这个愚蠢的,血腥 Dead of the Nite (2013)
Two Bloody Marys.[CN] 两杯血腥玛丽 Flightplan (2005)
I feel like I can smell it.[CN] 我想我都闻得见血腥 Pineapple Express (2008)
But there are just too many similarities with the Bloody Mary legend.[CN] 可是... 这与血腥玛莉的传说 相似处太多了 编剧: Till Death Do Us Part (2011)
Bloody thing.[CN] 血腥的事情。 Arthur (2011)
ALL:[CN] 我闻到了一股不列颠人的血腥。" Great Performances (1971)
You use him to stop this bloody havoc, right?[CN] 你利用他阻止这一切血腥的事情 对吧? The Long Good Friday (1980)
Betrayal begets blood.[CN] 背叛招来血腥 Ninja Assassin (2009)


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