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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
螺母[luó mǔ, ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄇㄨˇ,  ] nut (female component of nut and bolt) #50,518 [Add to Longdo]
螺母螺栓[luó mǔ luó shuān, ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄇㄨˇ ㄌㄨㄛˊ ㄕㄨㄢ,    ] nuts and bolts [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
All right. Go on, throw your nut.[CN] 那好吧, 走啊, 继续扔螺母 Stalker (1979)
Why don't you throw one of your nuts at least?[CN] 至少你也得扔一下螺母吧? Stalker (1979)
Warwick the Wingnut and Sausage Fingers?[CN] 华威? 那个螺母肉肠手? Easy Virtue (2008)
But keep off this nut, just in case.[CN] 不要拿走螺母, 以防万一 Stalker (1979)
And how has our nut gotten here?[CN] 我们的螺母怎么会挂在这儿? Stalker (1979)
Will you help me? Tie those strips of bandage to the nuts.[CN] 来帮帮我, 把这些带子绑到螺母上去 Stalker (1979)
The Zone had let you through earlier, under the nut, so it became clear that only you could go through the meat mincer.[CN] 螺母的指引下, "区"让你提早通过 现在已经很清楚, 只有你一个人通过了"绞肉机" Stalker (1979)
You're all nuts![CN] 你所有的螺母 Cookie's Fortune (1999)
And what am I doing when I tighten this little screw, when I turn it like this?[CN] 我收紧这颗螺母 这是在做什么? 我这样转动它 Music of the Heart (1999)
You`re such a nut.[CN] 你真是个螺母 The Seventh Sign (1988)
- It's called the frog. - It's called the frog. That's right.[CN] 这个叫紧弦螺母 这个叫紧弦螺母,很好 Music of the Heart (1999)
I'm fed up with all those nuts and bandages.[CN] 那些螺母带子已经够讨厌的呢! Stalker (1979)


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