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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
虚無[きょむ, kyomu] (n) nihility; nothingness; (P) [Add to Longdo]
虚無主義[きょむしゅぎ, kyomushugi] (n) nihilism [Add to Longdo]
虚無[こむそう, komusou] (n) begging Zen priest of the Fuke sect (wearing a sedge hood and playing a shakuhachi flute) [Add to Longdo]
虚無[きょむてき, kyomuteki] (adj-na) nihilistic [Add to Longdo]
虚無[きょむとう, kyomutou] (n) the Nihilists [Add to Longdo]
虚無恬淡[きょむてんたん, kyomutentan] (adj-na, adj-no, adj-t, adv-to, n) (arch) rising above the trivia of life and remaining calm and selfless [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
Sweet nihilistic angel of war.優しく虚無的な戦いの天使よ。 [ F ]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
All our destinies flying and swimming in blood and emptiness.[JP] 我々すべての運命は 血と虚無に向かって飛び、泳ぐのだ。 Mizumono (2014)
Limbo became her reality.[JP] - 虚無がモルを現実に... Inception (2010)
Nothing.[JP] 虚無だ. Source Code (2011)
Limbo is gonna become your reality.[JP] 虚無があなたの現実世界になり Inception (2010)
When were you in limbo?[JP] 虚無に行ったの? Inception (2010)
A chemist, a nihilist... a capitalist, a mutation.[JP] 科学者、虚無主義者... 資本主義者、そしてミュータントよ... The Wolverine (2013)
And today... on the Lilienthaler Chaussee, a man walks slowly... and looks over his shoulder into space.[JP] リリエンタール通りで男が歩みを緩め- 振り向いて 虚無を見た Wings of Desire (1987)
Maybe it would've been better for us to have died quickly back on the colonies with our families, instead of dying out here slowly in the emptiness of dark space.[JP] さっさと死んだほうがいいのかもしれない 家族とコロニーに戻って― ここで緩やかに死ぬくらいなら 暗黒宇宙の虚無の中で― Episode #1.2 (2003)
We are weak, vain creatures.[JP] 我々は弱く虚無な生き物だ Home (2016)
Well if you ever get tired of being a nihilistic, murdering, pungent human, come take the cure.[JP] 虚無主義的殺人で疲れたら 俺の治療を受けさせてやるよ The Siege of Murphytown (2016)
Until death, nothingness.[JP] 死ぬまで 虚無 Stairway to Heaven (2014)
It couldn't imagine nothingness... and today shudders at the idea.[JP] 昔は虚無など考えなかった 今は虚無におびえる Wings of Desire (1987)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
虚無主義[きょむしゅぎ, kyomushugi] Nihilismus [Add to Longdo]


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