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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
联姻[lián yīn, ㄌㄧㄢˊ ㄧㄣ,   /  ] related by marriage; to connect by marriage (families, work units) #22,733 [Add to Longdo]

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If a marriage was to happen between our two houses, no one could doubt all was well.[CN] 如果我们两家联姻 没有人会怀疑 Death Mask (2007)
He is convinced this alliance will safeguard our kingdom.[CN] 他一直相信这次联姻能保护我们的邦国 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
If Elizabeth was betrothed to King Francis' son, then her legitimacy would no longer be questioned by anyone.[CN] 如果伊丽莎白 If Elizabeth was betrothed 与法兰西斯国王之子联姻 to King Francis' son, then her legitimacy 她的正统地位将不再遭到质疑 would no longer be questioned by anyone. Matters of State (2008)
Will you ask the French Ambassador again if Francis will not relent and agree to the marriage of Elizabeth to his son?[CN] 您会再次召见法国大使吗 Will you ask the French Ambassador again 如果弗兰西斯仍然不同意 if Francis will not relent and agree... 伊丽莎白与其子联姻 ...to the marriage of Elizabeth to his son? Matters of State (2008)
I accept his proposal of a marriage of alliance with his daughter.[CN] 我接受他的求婚,和他的女儿联姻 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
What a degrading alliance for a connection of the Elliots.[CN] 这对于埃利奥特家族来说 会是多么不名誉的一门联姻 Persuasion (2007)
- His Majesty consent to the betrotha of the Dauphin, to Lady Mary.[CN] 陛下应允法王太子与玛丽女士联姻 His Majesty... consent to the betrothal of the Dauphin, to Lady Mary. Matters of State (2008)
And I admit that being linked with the Archers.[CN] 我知道和Archer联姻 Episode #3.3 (2008)
Will you not ask King Francis to reconsider his refusal?[CN] 陛下会去请求法国国王重新考虑联姻事宜吗 Will you not ask King Francis to reconsider his refusal? Lady in Waiting (2008)
That everything is settled now in your family for a union between yourself and Mr Elliot.[CN] 你的家族已经准备好你和埃利奥特先生 之间的联姻的一切事宜了 Persuasion (2007)
Due to that alliance, I was appointed, the Governor of Ajmer, Nagor and Mewat.[CN] 因为这场联姻结盟 我被任命为阿杰梅尔、纳高和梅瓦特的管理者 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
If your sister had lived, we'd have been bound by blood.[CN] 如果你妹妹还活着, 我们就会是联姻手足. If your sister had lived, we'd have been bound by blood. Winter Is Coming (2011)


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