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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
美金[Měi jīn, ㄇㄟˇ ㄐㄧㄣ,  ] US dollar #9,652 [Add to Longdo]
五分美金[wǔ fēn Měi jīn, ㄨˇ ㄈㄣ ㄇㄟˇ ㄐㄧㄣ,    ] nickel; five US cents [Add to Longdo]

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Tom, I'll pay you $250, 000.[CN] 汤姆 我给你250000美金 Surviving Christmas (2004)
The very day Sloane handed over $100 million in bearer bonds, [CN] 斯隆交出一亿美金空白抬头债券的那天 The Getaway (2003)
With interest.[CN] 算上三年来的利息,一共是一亿六千万美金 With interest. Ocean's Twelve (2004)
U.S. Bucks only.[CN] 只收美金 Endgame (2003)
Ariana Kane had, in fact, deposited the bearer bonds into that Monaco account.[CN] 实际上 亚利安娜·凯恩巴勒索得到的 一亿美金债券存在了摩纳哥的账户上 The Getaway (2003)
$100 million. Which The Alliance paid.[CN] 联盟为此支付了一亿美金 The Getaway (2003)
How about 97 million?[CN] 那九千七百万美金的事谈得怎样? How about 97 million? Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Okay, I'm a-giving you your two little dollars.[CN] 好吧,我就给你两个美金 Ray (2004)
-...how much does everybody owe?[CN] -我们每人平均欠多少? -一千七百三十四万美金 how much does everybody owe? Ocean's Twelve (2004)
No, no! I'll give you another 75 grand. Okay?[CN] 不 不 我再给你75000美金好不好 Surviving Christmas (2004)
I will have $40 million wired tomorrow to the account of your choosing.[CN] 我明天会将四千万美金 汇入你想要的账户里 Firebomb (2003)
Since 9/11, haven't we paid guys like this millions and gotten almost nothing in return?[CN] 从9/11以来我们为了搜集信息 付给这些人大量的美金 却都几乎没有结果 Firebomb (2003)


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