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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: -精子-, *精子*
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
精子[jīng zǐ, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄗˇ,  ] sperm; spermatozoon #10,069 [Add to Longdo]
精子密度[jīng zǐ mì dù, ㄐㄧㄥ ㄗˇ ㄇㄧˋ ㄉㄨˋ,    ] sperm count [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
精子[せいし, seishi] (n, adj-no) sperm; (P) #18,181 [Add to Longdo]
精子形成[せいしけいせい, seishikeisei] (n) spermatogenesis [Add to Longdo]

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By overusing your donations, they have given rise to a substantial, well-funded challenge to your anonymity which has now generated extensive media coverage.[CN] 但由于诊所滥用了你的精子 一个实质性的 有资金资助的集团在挑战你的匿名权 而这已经引起了广大媒体的关注 Delivery Man (2013)
Unfortunately, Trevor passed away from a heart attack... while masturbating... to produce sperm for artificial insemination.[JP] 残念ながら、トレバーは 心臓発作で亡くなりました 自慰の最中に・・ 人工受精用の精子を準備してたの Idiocracy (2006)
Let's just say that a normal person had a slight lapse of judgment and donated sperm 693 times.[CN] 假设一个正常人出现了一点判断失误 捐献精子693次 Delivery Man (2013)
It is a volcano brewing with the sacred semen, lava...[CN] 它是喷涌精子和岩浆的火山 Dom Hemingway (2013)
"Is it true that being fat results in poor sperm quality?[JP] "肥満だと精子の能力は 劣りますか?" Excision (2012)
Auditioning a few more sperm donors.[CN] 试演了几个精子捐献者。 Svengali (2013)
You shoot millions of sperm and only one egg gets fertilized, right?[JP] 何百万も精子飛ばして 受精するのは1つ Small Apartments (2012)
Mr. Graboski-Levitt gave your sperm to all the women in his clientele.[CN] Graboski -Levitt先生将您的精子 给了他的所有女性客户 Delivery Man (2013)
This was quietly announced as a[JP] 精子を殺して不妊にしてしまうというものでした。 これは、世界の人口過剰問題の解決に貢献と、 Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take? (2011)
Your deductive powers are a gift from God, or chance, or a stray shot of sperm, or whatever, or whoever the hell wrote your life script, a gift not earned.[JP] その力は神の贈り物か 偶然の産物だ あるいは精子の 突然変異かな 自分で作り上げたものじゃない Limitless (2011)
Yes, fact: being overweight does affect your sperm quality.[JP] 確かに太り過ぎは 精子の質に影響する Excision (2012)
And you need a sperm bank?[JP] - つまり精子バンクが必要? - ええ A561984 (2009)


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