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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
抱怨[bào yuàn, ㄅㄠˋ ㄩㄢˋ,  ] complain; grumble #4,448 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I don'T... complain.[CN] 我没有... 抱怨 Mother Said (2008)
Yeah, I was just start complaining about the bus.[CN] 是啊 我正想抱怨一下现在的公交车 Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007)
Misa will get her own floor so that should keep her happy.[CN] 让海砂住其中一层的话 她就不会抱怨了吧 Execution (2007)
I don't know why you're complaining about handicapped spaces.[CN] 但我不知道 你为什么抱怨残疾人车位 In Buddy's Eyes (2008)
If all your rants about Congress and politics are true, Todd, if things are really bad, as bad as you say they are, when thousands of American troops are dead and more are dying as we speak, [CN] 如果你对国会和政治的那些抱怨 都是对的,托德 如果事情都如你说的那般糟糕 几千名美国士兵牺牲 我们说话的时候,人数还在不断增加 Lions for Lambs (2007)
You have got to stop complaining about me to her.[CN] 你不要再向她抱怨我了 Mother Said (2008)
We're not sure what part of crack, but....[CN] 但你知道,我当时并没抱怨 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Can't complain.[CN] 没有什么可抱怨 I Always Wanted to Be a Gangster (2007)
- I was just gonna launch into complaining--[CN] -我正想好好抱怨一下 Hannah Takes the Stairs (2007)
And the supervisor in Miami-Dade, he complained that his list had clear mismatches, but he was told, [CN] 在Miami -Dade的主管 他抱怨这个单子明显不对 但是他被告知 Recount (2008)
Have I ever complained about Simon coming down for his...[CN] 我没抱怨过西蒙下楼来... Flight of the Red Balloon (2007)
Without a second thought, no, don't you dare gripe about me eatin' fries.[CN] 想都不想 老头子 看你还敢 抱怨我吃太多薯条 Strange Love (2008)


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