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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
奠基人[diàn jī rén, ㄉㄧㄢˋ ㄐㄧ ㄖㄣˊ,   ] founder; pioneer #44,694 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You grew up to be the founder of this wretched time, so I plan to destroy your destiny.[CN] 你长大成为这悲惨时代的奠基人 所以我计划去破坏你的定数 Meet the Robinsons (2007)
But he followed Rosa Luxemburg to the end.[CN] 但他誓死追从罗莎·卢森堡 [ 罗莎·卢森堡,德国共产党的奠基人之一 ] Hannah Arendt (2012)
A kind of Rosa Luxemburg or at least a circus director.[CN] ...成为了不起的人物... ... 就像罗莎·卢森堡一样 [ 左派政治家,德国共产党的奠基人之一 ] What to Do in Case of Fire (2001)
You can be forgotten, or you can be remembered as one of the noble few who made it[CN] 你们希望被忘掉还是被记住 你们将是项事业的奠基人 Antitrust (2001)
This was invented by a German philosopher, Leibniz, who is very much the basis of the character of the philosopher.[CN] 这是德国哲学家莱布尼兹提出的 他可以说是哲学精神的奠基人 Goodbye First Love (2011)
It's a small circle, founding families, few city officials.[CN] 只有一個小圈子的人用 奠基人家族 一些市政府官員 The Turning Point (2009)
I studied santeria and certain other things that squares like you would call the black arts due to lack of understanding, from chano pozo in new Orleans.[CN] 我从新奥尔良的切诺·波泽那里 古巴非洲混血爵士音乐家 拉丁爵士乐奠基人 学了萨泰里阿教的和其他一些东西 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
-based on Werner Heisenberg, isn't it?[CN] 是关于维尔纳・海森堡吧 维尔纳・海森堡 德国物理学家 量子力学奠基人 1932年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者 是的 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)
One of founders of the Indian tradition of medicine, ayurveda, is said to have been Kanishka's guru and chief minister.[CN] 印度传统药学即印度草医学的奠基人之一 据说是色迦王的导师兼宰相 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
Heisenberg himself, codiscoverer of quantum physics... said atoms are not things, they're only tendencies.[CN] 海森堡 量子物理的奠基人之一 说过原子不是事物,只是某种倾向 What the #$*! Do We (K)now!? (2004)
Well, I appreciate the homage to the founding fathers, [CN] 好吧 我献上对父辈奠基人的敬意 I Wanna Rock and Roll All Knight (2008)
We are the people that carry the children on our shoulders.[CN] 我们是子孙后代的奠基人 Iron Sky (2012)


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