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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
堂哥[táng gē, ㄊㄤˊ ㄍㄜ,  ] older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather) #87,661 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
By the way, your cousin is looking for someone with help for filing.[CN] 一个小小资讯 你堂哥要找人帮忙归档 One for the Money (2012)
My cousin in Colombia says I can find work there.[CN] 哥伦比亚的堂哥说我可以在那里找工作 Inspector Bellamy (2009)
Old cousin Hugh is pushing us in that direction, and I say why not?[CN] 堂哥休,把我們往那個方向引導, 我也覺得,為什麼不呢 The Descendants (2011)
There�s Cousin Hugh.[CN] 堂哥休在那邊 The Descendants (2011)
He�s my cousin.[CN] 他是我堂哥 The Descendants (2011)
Don't pick on me when my cousin is in jail[CN] 你不要趁我堂哥进去蹲的时候 找藉口弄我喔 Monga (2010)
What you gonna say to my cousin?[CN] 你这样 你怎么跟我堂哥交代 Monga (2010)
Pay your respects to Cousin Hugh?[CN] 表示一下你對堂哥休的尊重? The Descendants (2011)
Cousin Hugh wants him, they go way back. I got my misgivings, somehow.[CN] 堂哥休是想要賣給他的,一心這樣 雖然我還有顧慮 The Descendants (2011)
And Cousin Dave, both of whom oppose the sale entirely.[CN] 還有堂哥戴夫,他們倆是 完全反對這樁生意的 The Descendants (2011)
My cousin Timmy says you got more balls than anybody.[CN] 堂哥提米说你比任何人都要有种 Kill the Irishman (2011)
Your cousin Isaac never studied and look at him now.[CN] 你的堂哥艾萨克都没读过书 看看他现在 Simon Konianski (2009)


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