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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
因而[yīn ér, ㄧㄣ ㄦˊ,  ] therefore; as a result; thus; and as a result, ... #2,577 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Right now, Johnson has other fish to fry and he'll ignore us if he can.[CN] 现在约翰逊有许多棘手问题 因而忽略我们, 正如你们所见 Selma (2014)
They'll send telomerase code to deal with the body after the mission is complete[CN] 任务正式完成后 会发来端粒酶编码因而被处理掉 Rakuen Tsuiho: Expelled from Paradise (2014)
Mark, it's just cocaine. It's not going to kill you.[CN] 马克, 可卡因而已 不会杀了你的 Foxcatcher (2014)
It could make a jury think differently about you, and that could end your career...[CN] 让陪审团改变对你的看法 因而结束你的职业生涯 Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (2013)
Dean, they own one gene.[CN] Dean 他们只是拥有一个基因而 Dear God (2014)
And so, they -- the females don't put on enough weight, and so they don't breed.[CN] - the females don't put on enough weight, 导致雌性红松鼠体重过轻 and so they don't breed. 因而无法繁殖 Ireland's Wild River (2014)
Accordingly, the astral bombardment decreased, so the surface could cool off.[CN] 星體撞擊因而減少 所以表面能冷卻 Our Universe 3D (2013)
You weren't even supposed to be here. And this plan suddenly...[CN] 你不该在这里的,我们的计划因而改变。 Queen (2013)
Are you out of your mind?[CN] 因而露出马脚啊 你是疯了啊 Sweet Alibis (2014)
We can never have anyone in the Agency abuse its resources for personal reasons the way the Campbells have.[CN] 我们不能再允许局里有人 因为个人原因而滥用职权 Dead (2013)
We'll let ourselves die in peace and if everything comes from on high, we wouldn't feel guilty for not having done anything to change things.[CN] 我们会安详地死去 如同一切都是神的旨意 因而我们不会因为 没能及时改变这个世界而感到半点遗憾 L'arte della felicità (2013)
You know, sometimes people, who may not otherwise be happy or feel appreciated, they start to get excited about what they know... and how much they know.[CN] 你认识,有时人, 谁可能不以其他模式是愉快的 或者感到被感激,他们 开始因而激动 他们知道的和 他们知道多少。 Misfire (2014)


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