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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
友交[ゆうこう, yuukou] (n) friendship; amity; companionship [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
It's that complicated point in a relationship.[CN] 你和你女友交往多久了? Mr. Perfect in the City (2016)
He too was punished for his friendship with me by being expelled from party.[JP] 彼も私との友交の理由で党から 追放されました The Dust of Time (2008)
Now, what are you going to say to the kids?[CN] 你这样怎么跟小朋友交 The Soul of Bread (2012)
- Just once, I'd like to see a guy talk for five minutes to a fat, ugly old friend.[CN] - 就一次,我看到一个男人 和一个又胖又丑的老朋友交谈了5分钟 Rabbit Without Ears 2 (2009)
According to his prison buddy, [CN] 根据他狱友交 I Never (2012)
I'm trying to talk to my friend?[CN] 我试着给我的朋友交谈。 Elena Undone (2010)
Am I dating a sixth-grader?[CN] 我是在跟一个六年级的小朋友交往吗? Into the Blue 2: The Reef (2009)
Hold an image of talking to an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time.[CN] 保持一幅你和一个很久 都没有见过的老朋友交谈的图像. The Secret (2006)
How long have you known this guy?[CN] 你跟男友交往多久? The Accidental Husband (2008)
A BOPE officer cannot date a dealer's friend.[CN] 特警不能跟药头的朋友交往 A BOPE officer could not go out with a friend of a drug dealer. Elite Squad (2007)
I deal mostly with her boyfriend now.[CN] 我一般都是和她的男友交易 那个俄罗斯人 Sideswipe (2012)
I've been chatting with some of his old medical school chums.[CN] 我与他学生时代的密友交谈过 Naka-Choko (2014)


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