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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
卷轴[juàn zhóu, ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄓㄡˊ,   /  ] scroll; book; reel #30,392 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Hey, it's Eric. Listen, they saw your reel.[CN] 嘿 这是埃里克 听着 他们看到你的卷轴 Compulsion (2013)
If I put the same piece on the reel ...[CN] 如果我把同一块上的卷轴... Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart (2013)
I know he had some picture of him on a scroll.[CN] 我知道他的卷轴上有那男孩的图像 Quite a Common Fairy (2013)
In the box is the key to every object, scroll, spell ever collected for thousands of years under one roof.[CN] 盒子里面是把钥匙 几千年来搜集到的 所有的物件 卷轴 咒语 都藏在那个地方 As Time Goes By (2013)
I even think we got our very own private full-blown reel of tape.[CN] 真正的轨道。 我什至觉得 我们得到了我们自己的私人 完全成熟的卷轴磁带。 Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me (2012)
"some have a scroll in their mouth you're supposed to rip out."[CN] 有的泥巨人嘴里有卷轴 你应该把它拿出来 Everybody Hates Hitler (2013)
Hey, honey can you put that damn camera down and wet my reel here for me?[CN] 嘿,亲爱的,你可以把那该死的 相机下来,打湿了我的卷轴,我这里? [ 注浆 ] Ghost Shark (2013)
You must know where they keep the books and scrolls and whatnot, and I need to figure out what her abilities...[CN] 他们把那些书籍 卷轴之类的东西放哪儿了 我需要知道她到底有些什么力量 Vampire Academy (2014)
In the box is the key to every object, scroll, spell ever collected for thousands of years under one roof.[CN] 盒子里面是把钥匙 几千年来搜集到的 所有的物件 卷轴 咒语 都藏在那个地方 Everybody Hates Hitler (2013)
There was a prophecy, recorded in a text called the "Jinn Scrolls".[CN] 有一个预言,记录在一个叫"灵魔卷轴"的文字。 Jinn (2014)
YOU KNOW, THE REELS ON THE BENCHES. BENCHES. [ reel whirring ] [ reel whirring ] IT WAS A VERY NOISY, KIND OF[CN] 就是工作台上的卷轴发出的 Side by Side (2012)
Oh, a scroll! I like scrolls.[CN] 卷轴 我爱死卷轴 The Santa Simulation (2012)


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