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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
做主[zuò zhǔ, ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄓㄨˇ,  ] make the decision; take charge of; back up; support; be host #15,885 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Kiddie porn starring your very own flesh and blood.[CN] - 你疯了吗? 以自己的骨肉做主角的儿童色情 Like Father, Like Daughter (2014)
If I do not lead this next assault... my men will return north, and I with them.[CN] 如果这次不由我做主将 我的部下就会返回北边 我也和他们一起 The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
Nobody said that. And it is not my decision.[CN] 这不是我能做主的,我有老板管着 The Big Short (2015)
Is there any way the shots could've been tampered with?[CN] 有没有办法做主可能已经被篡改?
I didn't know women can actually take the lead.[CN] 我从来都不知道女人可以做主 Naked Ambition 2 (2014)
But I lead this assault.[CN] 但这次出战由我做主 The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
I saw a man in white gloves put something in the shots.[CN] 只见白手套的人把东西做主
A chance to choose your own path.[CN] 一个自己做主的机会 The Brothers That Care Forgot (2014)
- He wants to be the chairman![CN] -他想做主 Warsaw '44 (2014)
If I had to hire one of these three home cooks as a chef in my restaurant today, [CN] 如果我得聘用他们中的一个 来我的餐馆做主 Top 3 Compete (2014)
Okay, it's time to get started on your entrees.[CN] 到了开始做主菜的时候了 Top 3 Compete (2014)
I occasionally get to make my own decisions sometimes, you know?[CN] 我偶尔也能自己做主的 知道吗 Episode #1.6 (2014)


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