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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
一类[yī lèi, ㄧ ㄌㄟˋ,   /  ] same type; category 1 (i.e. class A) [Add to Longdo]
一类保护动物[yī lèi bǎo hù dòng wù, ㄧ ㄌㄟˋ ㄅㄠˇ ㄏㄨˋ ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄨˋ,       /      ] class A protected animal [Add to Longdo]

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They can not put me in that category.[CN] 他们不能把我这一类 Boyhood (2014)
I've known a lot of famous personalities, and only a certain type of creature can live in that spotlight.[CN] 只有某一类型的可以住在一起就可以了灯。 Big Eyes (2014)
Way out of my league. So I'm thinking working girls, right?[CN] 跟我绝对不是一类人 我想着应该是小姐 Fallout (2013)
Yes, it's me ... I have a class with her.[CN] 是的,这是我, 我有一类和她在一起。 Boyhood (2014)
So, he thinks that you're a certain type of girl, and he thinks that he will meet that same type of girl later in his life when he's ready.[CN] 因此,他认为你是 某种类型的女孩, 他认为 他将会见 同一类型的女孩后 在他的生活时,他已经准备好。 Two Night Stand (2014)
Isn't that some kind of God Squad?[CN] 是不是类似,呃,上帝教一类的东西? Pawn Sacrifice (2014)
Thing about Tommy is... he was only used to dealing with a certain class of woman... so when he went up against Lorraine, it was like, no contest.[CN] 关于汤米的是。 他只是用来处理某一类女人。 所以当他去补防洛林,就好像,没有比赛。 Jersey Boys (2014)
Besides, what kind of support do you give to the guys who do all the supporting?[CN] 然后,你给哪一类的保护 我们的增强? Saints and Soldiers: The Void (2014)
Well, you, uh ... need a hot chocolate or something?[CN] -嗯,你... -你要来杯热巧克力一类的吗? The Voices (2014)
You have been selected for the opportunity to take part in a one-of-a-kind game show![CN] 您已被选中 有机会 参加一个 之一的一类游戏节目! 13 Sins (2014)
Mr. Sacks, what sort of experiments are you doing here?[CN] 麻布袋先生, 哪一类的实验 是你在这里做? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
You know, big 6'8" man, giant. You'd come in the dressing room and there was a tray of sandwiches and, you know, the big hot silver pots with tea in or coffee.[CN] 有一个训练时用的热水壶 用来装茶、咖啡一类东西的 The Class of 92 (2013)


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