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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: rev., -rev.-
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English-Thai: NECTEC's Lexitron-2 Dictionary [with local updates]
Rev.(abbr) คำย่อของ reverend, Syn. Revd

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Karev.Karev. Where the Boys Are (2006)
- So, it's about Alex Karev.- Also, es geht um Karev. Throwing It All Away (2014)
Tell them that I belong on the board, not Karev.Sagen Sie ihnen, dass ich in den Vorstand gehöre, nicht Karev. I Must Have Lost It on the Wind (2014)
It's Alex Karev.Er ist Alex Karev. I Must Have Lost It on the Wind (2014)
I assure you that Dr. Karev...Ich versichere Ihnen, dass Dr. Karev... Bend & Break (2014)
[ Monitor beeping ] Dr. Karev...Dr. Karev... Don't Let's Start (2014)
Now it just smells like Karev.Jetzt riecht es einfach nach Karev. Could We Start Again, Please? (2014)
- But Karev...- Aber Karev... Got to Be Real (2014)
What I am not afraid of is Alex Karev.Wovor ich keine Angst habe, ist Alex Karev. Got to Be Real (2014)
Team Karev.Team Karev. Got to Be Real (2014)
Jackson Avery... friend of Alex Karev.Jackson Avery... ein Freund von Alex Karev. Got to Be Real (2014)
Dr. Karev.Dr. Karev. Got to Be Real (2014)
Karev.Karev. Got to Be Real (2014)
First Rita, then Dr. Karev.Erst Rita, dann Dr. Karev. Puzzle with a Piece Missing (2014)
- Rev. James F. Talbot -"Rev. James F. Talbot, Vorsitzender der Studienanfängervereinigung" Spotlight (2015)
Let's see it, Rev.Lassen Sie sehen, Rev. Demons Are Forever (2015)
Sometimes, Rev.Manchmal, Rev. Demons Are Forever (2015)
Thanks, Rev. I've tried holy water.Danke, Rev. Weihwasser hab ich schon ausprobiert. Demons Are Forever (2015)
Powerless against the faceless evil of petty tyranny... just like in School Ties....sind machtlos gegenüber der kleingeistigen Tyrannei. REV. RICHARD LIVE IM GESPRÄCH 14 WDUR Kimmy Rides a Bike! (2015)
Thank you, Dr. Karev.Danke, Dr. Karev. Walking Tall (2015)
Gary, this is Dr. Karev.Gary, das ist Dr. Karev. Something Against You (2015)
Hey, Trev.Hi, Trev. Snowden (2016)
-Hey, Trev.Hi, Trev. Snowden (2016)
I don't know what the hell I'm doin', Rev.Ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich tue, Rev. Close to Home (2016)
We're not there yet, Karev.So weit sind wir noch nicht, Karev. There's a Fine, Fine Line (2016)
Here's what I think, Karev.Was denkst du? Ich denke Folgendes, Karev. Family Affair (2016)
- No one has to consider it, Zarev.- Keiner würde das sagen, Zarev. Episode #5.1 (2016)
Mr. Hall can handle anything that comes up.-Du siehst gut aus, Trev. Hall (2016)
Pareve.Parev. How the Sausage Is Made (2016)
Water is pareve.Wasser ist parev. How the Sausage Is Made (2016)
Carrots are pareve.Karotten sind parev. How the Sausage Is Made (2016)
Hey, Betty...Hey, Betty. Trev. Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness (2017)
Tell me everything about this Trev.- Erzähl mir alles über diesen Trev. - Da gibt es nichts. Chapter Five: Heart of Darkness (2017)
Hey, Rev. Look, I ain't got time to explain right now, but you gotta get these kids outta here.Hey, Rev. Sie müssen sofort die Kinder wegbringen. Pie a la Mojo (2017)
Well, uh, about Karev.Naja, wegen Karev. Jukebox Hero (2017)
It's Karev.Es heißt Karev. Jukebox Hero (2017)
Karev.- Karev. None of Your Business (2017)
She and Karev.Sie und Karev. Leave It Inside (2017)
I'm looking for Dr. Karev.Ich suche nach Dr. Karev. Leave It Inside (2017)
Well, I know Dr. Karev.Nun, ich kenne Dr. Karev. Leave It Inside (2017)
You could go to jail, Karev.Sie könnten ins Gefängnis gehen, Karev. Leave It Inside (2017)
It's Dr. Karev...Hier ist Dr. Karev... Leave It Inside (2017)
Put your back into it, Trev.Zeig etwas Einsatz, Trev. Dark Clouds (2017)
Okay, Karev.Okay, Karev. This Magic Moment (2012)
You deliver those papers to Rev. Williams...คุณส่งเอกสารให้บาทหลวงวิลเลี่ยมส์ Oh, God! (1977)
You take these, and give them to Rev. Bigmouth.คุณเอาคำตอบนี้ ไปให้บาทหลวงปากมาก Oh, God! (1977)
The Rev. Willie Williams is on the road for God to the tune of 100, 000 miles a year.บาทหลวงวิลลี่ วิลเลี่ยมส์ กำลังปฏิบัติภารกิจของพระเจ้า ทั่วพื้นที่ปีละนับแสนๆ ไมล์ Oh, God! (1977)
And for that reason, your remarks to the Rev. Williams could be regarded as a divine assignment.พระเจ้า และด้วยสาเหตุนั้น คำพูดของคุณที่พาดพิงถึง บาทหลวงวิลเลี่ยมส์ คงจะเป็นคำสั่งจากพระองค์ท่านจริง Oh, God! (1977)
Also "Ago fly rev."Also "Ago fly rev." National Treasure (2004)
Thanks, Trev.ขอบใจ เทรฟ Peaceful Warrior (2006)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
rev.Some of (Rev. Martin Luther) King's supporters began to question his belief in peaceful protests.
rev.Jack and Peggy were married by the Rev. John Smith.
rev.The strike had not been peaceful, however, and (Rev. Martin Luther) King begged both sides to be patient and calm.
rev.Millions of people all over the world knew about (Rev. Martin Luther) King and his beliefs.
rev.(Rev. Martin Luther) King led protests and demonstrations all over the country during the next few years.
rev.In 1964, (Rev. Martin Luther) King won the Nobel Peace Prize.
rev.Everything (Rev. Martin Luther) King had worked so hard for seemed lost.
rev.In April of 1968, (Rev. Martin Luther) King was in Memphis, Tennessee.
rev.(Rev. Martin Luther) King and his supporters were threatened.
rev.About dinner time, (Rev. Martin Luther) King was on the balcony outside his room.
rev.(Rev. Martin Luther) King's house was destroyed by a bomb. But still, the buses went on empty.
rev.(Rev. Martin Luther) King fell backwards, shot in the neck.

Thai-English-French: Volubilis Dictionary 1.0
แอมป์[aēm] (n) EN: amp ; ampli  FR: ampli [ m ] (abrév. - fam.)
บริการตนเอง[børikān ton-ēng] (n, exp) EN: self-service  FR: self-service [ m ] ; self [ m ] (abrév.)
บริการตัวเอง[børikān tūa-ēng] (n, exp) EN: self-service  FR: self-service [ m ] ; self [ m ] (abrév.)
ได้แก่[dāikaē] (adv) EN: that is (to say) ; namely ; i.e.  FR: c'est-à-dire ; à savoir ; tel que ; c-à-d (abrév.) ; id est ; i.e. (abrév.)
ฟอร์มูลาวัน[Fømulā Wan] (tm) EN: Formula One ; Formula 1 ; F1 (abbrev.)  FR: Formule 1 [ f ] ; F1 [ f ] (abrév.)
ห้องปฏิบัติการ[hǿng patibatkān] (n, exp) EN: laboratory ; lab ; operations room  FR: laboratoire [ m ] ; labo [ m ] (abrév. - fam.)
จระเข้[jørakhē] (n) EN: crocodile ; alligator ; croc (inf.)  FR: crocodile [ m ] ; alligator [ m ] ; croco [ m ] (abrév.)
คำสั่งมาโคร[khamsang mākhrō] (n, exp) EN: macro instruction  FR: macro-instruction [ f ] ; macro [ f ] (abrév.)
คอมพ์[khøm = khǿm] (n) EN: computer  FR: ordinateur [ m ] ; ordi [ m ] (fam. - abrév.) ; PC = P.C. [ m ]
คอนโด[khøndō] (n) EN: condo (abbrev. - inf.)  FR: appartement [ m ] ; condo [ m ] (Québ.) ; condominium [ m ] (angl.)
เครื่องขยายเสียง[khreūang khayāi sīeng] (n) EN: amplifier microphone ; amplifier ; loud-speaker ; power amp  FR: amplificateur [ m ] ; ampli [ m ] (abrév. - fam.) ; haut-parleur [ m ]
เครื่องหมายบุพสัญญา[khreūangmāi buppha sanyā] (n, exp) EN: « “ »  FR: « “ » ; idem ; id. (abrév.)
กล่าวคือ[klāokheū] (conj) EN: that is to say ; in other words ; that is  FR: à savoir ; c'est-à-dire ; c-à-d (abrév.)
ๆลๆ[la] (x) EN: and so on ; etc.  FR: etc. (abrév.)
และอื่น ๆ[lae eūn-eūn] (x) FR: etc. (abrév.) ; et cetera = et caetera ; et le reste ; et ainsi de suite
หมายเหตุ[māihēt] (n) EN: note ; comment ; remark ; footnote ; commentary ; annotation ; NB = N.B.  FR: remarque [ f ] ; annotation [ f ] ; commentaire [ m ] ; note [ f ] ; observation [ f ] ; N.B. [ m ] (abrév.)
มัธยมบริบูรณ์[matthayombøribūn] (n) EN: highest grade in high school  FR: baccalauréat [ m ] ; bac [ m ] (abrév.)
หม้อแปลงไฟฟ้า[møplaēng faifā] (n, exp) EN: transformer  FR: transformateur [ m ] ; transfo [ m ] (abrév. - fam.)
หนุ่ม[num] (n) EN: young man ; lad  FR: jeune [ m ] ; adolescent [ m ] ; ado [ m ] (abrév. - fam.)
โอลิมปิก =โอลิมปิค[Ōlimpik] (n, prop) EN: Olympic games  FR: jeux Olympiques [ mpl ] ; JO [ mpl ] (abrév.)
องค์กรพัฒนาเอกชน = อพช. (abv)[ongkøn phatthanā ēkkachon] (n, exp) EN: Non Government Organization ; NGO (abbr.)  FR: organisation non gouvernementale [ f ] ; ONG [ f ] (abrév.)
เป็นต้น[penton] (adv) EN: etc. ; and so on ; and so forth ; et cetera  FR: etc. (abrév.) ; et cetera = et caetera ; et ainsi de suite
ภาพนิ่ง[phāpning] (n) EN: slide  FR: diapositive [ f ] ; diapo [ f ] (fam.) ; dia [ f ] (abrév. - Belg.)
ภาษีมูลค่าเพิ่ม[phāsī mūnkhā phoēm = phāsī mūnlakhā phoēm] (n, exp) EN: value added tax ; VAT (abbrev.)  FR: taxe sur la valeur ajoutée [ f ] ; TVA [ f ] (abrév.) ; T.V.A. [ f ] (abrév.)
ประวัติ[prawat] (n) EN: record ; résumé ; curriculum vitae  FR: curriculum vitæ = curriculum vitae [ m ] ; C.V. [ m ] (abrév.) ; parcours [ m ] (fig.)
โปรด[prōt] (x) EN: please ; would you mind ... ?  FR: pardon ; s'il vous plaît ; S.V.P. (abrév.) ; veuillez ...
รถทัวร์[rotthūa] (n) EN: coach bus ; coach ; motor coach ; tour bus  FR: autocar [ m ] ; car [ m ] (abrév.)
รถยนต์[rotyon] (n) EN: car ; automobile (Am.) ; motor vehicle ; motorcar ; auto  FR: voiture [ f ] ; automobile [ f ] ; auto [ f ] (abrév.) ; véhicule automobile [ m ] ; bagnole [ f ] (fam.) ; caisse [ f ] (fam.)
สไลด์[salai] (n) FR: diapositive [ f ] ; diapo [ f ] (fam.) ; dia [ f ] (abrév. - Belg.)
โสตนาสิกลาริงซ์วิทยา[sōtnāsiklāringwitthayā] (n) EN: otolaryngology ; otorhinolaryngology ; ear, nose, and throat medical specialty  FR: oto-rhino-laryngologie [ f ] ; ORL (abrév.)
ทีวี[thīwī] (n) EN: television ; TV  FR: télévision [ f ] ; télé [ f ] (fam.) ; TV =T.V. [ f ] (abrév.)
โทรทัศน์[thōrathat] (n) EN: television ; TV ; TV set ; telly (inf.)  FR: télévision [ f ] ; poste de télévision [ m ] ; téléviseur [ m ] ; télé [ f ] (fam.) ; TV = T.V. [ f ] (abrév.)
วอลเลย์[wønlē] (n) FR: volley [ m ] (abrév.)
วอลเลย์สาว[wønlē sāo] (n, exp) FR: volley féminin [ m ] (abrév.)

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
斗批改[dòu pī gǎi, ㄉㄡˋ ㄆㄧ ㄍㄞˇ,   ] (Cul. Rev.) struggle-criticism-transformation #67,512 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
デカリットル[dekarittoru] (n) (prev. 竍) decaliter; decalitre [Add to Longdo]


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