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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: koch, -koch-
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อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Koch's Phenomenonการไม่พบการแพร่กระจายของเชื้อวัณโรคจากตำแหน่งที่ [การแพทย์]
Koch's Postulatesการแยกเลี้ยงเชื้อวัณโรคบริสุทธิ์โดยทำให้สัตว์เก, กฎเกณฑ์ของโค๊ค [การแพทย์]
Kocher Maneuverวิธีดึงข้อไหล่หลุดให้เข้าที่ [การแพทย์]
Kocher's Incisionรอยผ่าแบบโคเคอร์ [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I always cook the same stuff.Ich koch immer dasselbe. Nightmare Detective 2 (2008)
# When you cook my food and you clean my roomWenn du für mich kochst und putzt Lieb ich dich, Mama Wolf Creek (2005)
Are you all free for dinner?Was habt ihr vor? Ihr kommt zu mir und ich koche für euch. Pauline at the Beach (1983)
- I cook on Wednesday.- Ich koche mittwochs. Another Kind of War, Another Kind of Peace (1986)
I'm not a cook.Ich bin kein Koch. All the Colors of the Heart (1987)
Cooking.Kochen. Im-Po-Dent (1988)
Because I seem to remember spending two hours in the kitchen.Ich erinnere mich dunkel daran, zwei Stunden gekocht zu haben. Four Brothers (2005)
Pear Helene is a cooked pear with vanilla ice cream and chocolate sauce.Birne Helene ist eine gekochte Birne mit Vanilleeis und Schokoladensauce. Attention, Papa Arrives! (1991)
You never cook for me.Du hast noch nie für mich gekocht. The Status Quo Combustion (2014)
Well... you cook for me all the time and...Du kochst immer für mich und... Ugh. The Status Quo Combustion (2014)
Well, Leonard cooked for me and now we're just having a nice dinner, you know, as a newly engaged couple.Leonhard hat für mich gekocht und nun genießen wir ein schönes Essen, du weißt schon, als frisch verlobtes Paar. The Status Quo Combustion (2014)
I was cooking in the back room last night and the hot plate caught on fire.Letzte Nacht habe ich hinten gekocht und die Herdplatte hat Feuer gefangen. The Status Quo Combustion (2014)
Sorry, I was just trying to cook something.Tut mir leid, ich habe nur versucht, etwas zu kochen. Blond Ambition (2014)
I was just trying to cook something for you guys.Ich habe nur versucht, etwas für euch zu kochen. Blond Ambition (2014)
Oh, you mean so I won't cook?Oh, du meinst, damit ich nicht koche? Blond Ambition (2014)
Don't worry, I wasn't cooking anything.Keine Sorge, ich hab nichts gekocht. Blond Ambition (2014)
It's been a long time since someone cooked a meal for me.Es ist schon lange her, seit jemand für mich gekocht hat. All Things Must Pass (2014)
I'm hardly a chef.Ich bin nicht gerade ein Chefkoch. All Things Must Pass (2014)
I tried to teach myself how to cook when I was stationed in Prague.Ich habe mir das Kochen beigebracht, als ich in Prag stationiert war. All Things Must Pass (2014)
My first triumph, boiled potatoes.Mein erster Triumph? Gekochte Kartoffeln. All Things Must Pass (2014)
That's the chef you were fooling around with?Das ist der Koch, mit dem du rumgemacht hast? Toilet Wine and the Earl of Sandwich (2014)
Uh, it's cooking.- Es kocht. - Und ich gehe. About Last Night (2014)
Um... someone who doesn't care to cook or get out of bed when it's not a work day.Ähm... jemanden, den Kochen nicht interessiert oder aufzustehen, wenn es kein Arbeitstag ist. We Gotta Get Out of This Place (2014)
It's almost like they were splashed on, as if he was cooking with it or something.Fast so, als wäre es gespritzt worden, als habe er damit gekocht oder so. Blood Relations (2014)
We must be cooking meth.Wir müssen Meth kochen. Ich sage Ihnen was. Blood Relations (2014)
If they were cooking meth in here, they'd all be dead from the fumes.Wenn sie hier drin Meth gekocht hätten, wären sie alle durch die Dämpfe tot. Blood Relations (2014)
So what exactly are they cooking?Also, was genau kochen sie? Blood Relations (2014)
Come on. I made some coffee.Komm, ich habe Kaffee gekocht. Blood (2014)
Hey, what you got cookin', baby girl?Hey, was hast du am Kochen, Baby Girl? What Happens in Mecklinburg... (2014)
- Hey! Now we're cooking with gas.Jetzt kochen wir mit Gas. Mars Landing (2014)
Oh! He cooks with a lot of garlic and plays a lot of Call of Duty?Er kocht mit viel Knoblauch und spielt oft Call of Duty. Enough Nemesis to Go Around (2014)
You're a chef who took 19 hours to make one loaf of bread.Du bist ein Koch, der 19 Stunden gebraucht hat, um ein Laib Brot zu backen. And the Reality Problem (2014)
It's a mixture of saline and gelatin.Es ist eine Mischung aus Kochsalz und Gelatine. Er belügt also alle. Allegiance (2014)
So for example, what do you like to cook?Was kochen Sie denn so? La vie à l'envers (2014)
So you told us you like to cook a lot as well.Sie sagten auch, dass Sie gern kochen. La vie à l'envers (2014)
Ah yes, cooking is one of my little indulgences.Ja, Kochen ist meine Leidenschaft. La vie à l'envers (2014)
Do you like to cook?Kochen Sie gern? La vie à l'envers (2014)
Mum doesn't cook a lot but she likes good food.Mama kocht nicht oft, aber sie liebt gutes Essen. Du isst gern... La vie à l'envers (2014)
Joan, I'm having some difficulty with my dessert chef at the restaurant.Joan, ich habe einige Schwierigkeiten mit meinem Dessert-Koch im Restaurant. The Man with the Twisted Lip (2014)
To your knowledge, did Charlie enjoy cooking?Hat Charlie Ihres Wissens nach gerne gekocht? Penguin One, Us Zero (2014)
I boil it whole first.Ich koche sie zuerst im Ganzen. The Gathering (2014)
I'll boil it in the future.Ich werde es in Zukunft kochen. The Gathering (2014)
The boneless chicken wings are amazing.Dieser Tierpräparator ist ein Chefkoch. Together Again (2014)
I-In good news, the chili is better the longer it cooks.Das Chili wird immer besser, je länger es kocht. Together Again (2014)
Let the healing begin. And the healing begins with you making coffee.Als Erstes beginnst du damit, einen Kaffee zu kochen. Stuck (2014)
That's a great idea. We'll bring him out, schmooze him a little bit, show him a couple of Super Bowl rings, and, boom, new sign.Wir bekochen ihn, schleimen, zeigen ihm Super Bowl-Trophäen, bumm, ein neues Schild. Stuck (2014)
I'll fix some pine-nut pesto pasta real quick!Ich koche was Einfaches, Nudeln mit Pesto. Mommy (2014)
“I'll fix some pasta...""Ich koche was Einfaches." Mommy (2014)
But for me, your talent here is to make photocopies and serve coffee four days a week.Für mich beschränkt sich dein Talent auf Akten ordnen, kopieren und vier Tage die Woche Kaffee kochen. Mommy (2014)
Don't smoke there, it'll taste like ashes!Rauch nicht beim Kochen, du qualmst doch alles voll! Mommy (2014)

ตัวอย่างประโยคจาก Tanaka JP-EN Corpus
kochThe climate of Kochi is warmer than that of Kyoto.

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

WordNet (3.0)
koch(n) German bacteriologist who isolated the anthrax bacillus and the tubercle bacillus and the cholera bacillus (1843-1910), Syn. Robert Koch
bassia(n) summer cypress, Syn. genus Kochia, Kochia, genus Bassia
german iris(n) iris of northern Italy having deep blue-purple flowers; similar to but smaller than Iris germanica, Syn. Iris kochii
summer cypress(n) densely branched Eurasian plant; foliage turns purple-red in autumn, Syn. burning bush, belvedere, fire bush, Kochia scoparia, Bassia scoparia, fire-bush

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
こちら[こちら, kochira] TH: คนนี้  EN: this person

German-Thai: Longdo Dictionary
kochen(vt) |kochte, gekocht| เตรียมอาหาร, ทําอาหาร, ต้ม(ชา, กาแฟ)
Kochnische(n) |die, pl. Kochnischen| มุมทำครัวเล็กๆ ภายในแฟลตหรือห้องเช่า, See also: Küche
Kochsalz(n) |das| เกลือที่ใช้ทำอาหาร

German-English: TU-Chemnitz DING Dictionary
Dampfkochtopf { m } | Dampfkochtöpfe { pl }autoclave | autoclaves [Add to Longdo]
Dampfkochtopf { m }pressure cooker [Add to Longdo]
Dekokt { n }; Abkochung { f }; Sud { m }decoction [Add to Longdo]
auf kleiner Flamme kochento cook on a low heat [Add to Longdo]
Gaskocher { m }gas cooker [Add to Longdo]
Gemüse { n } | frisches Gemüse | gekochtes Gemüsevegetable; vegetables { pl } | fresh vegetables | cooked vegetables [Add to Longdo]
Hülsenfrucht { f } | Hülsenfrüchte { pl }; Bohnen, Linsen, Erbsen zum Kochenpulse | pulses [Add to Longdo]
Kaffee { m } | Kaffee machen; Kaffee kochen | türkischer Kaffeecoffee | to make coffee | Turkish coffee [Add to Longdo]
Kartoffel { f } [ bot. ] [ cook. ] | Kartoffeln { pl } | fest kochende Kartoffelnpotato | potatoes | waxy potatoes [Add to Longdo]
Koch { m }; Köchin { f }chef [Add to Longdo]
Koch { m }; Köchin { f } (angelernt) | Köche { pl }cook | cooks [Add to Longdo]
Koch...culinary [Add to Longdo]
Kochbuch { n }cookbook [Add to Longdo]
Kochbuch { n }cookery book [Add to Longdo]
Kocher { m }boiler [Add to Longdo]
Kocher { m }cooker [Add to Longdo]
Kochgelegenheit { f }cooking facilities [Add to Longdo]
Kochgeschirr { n }canteen [Add to Longdo]
Kochkunst { f } | Kochkünste { pl }cookery | cookeries [Add to Longdo]
Kochlöffel { m } | Kochlöffel { pl }wooden spoon | wooden spoons [Add to Longdo]
Kochnische { f }kitchenette [Add to Longdo]
Kochplatte { f }boilerplate [Add to Longdo]
Kochplatte { f } | Kochplatten { pl }hot place | hot places [Add to Longdo]
Kochsalz { n }table salt [Add to Longdo]
Kochstein { m }pot-boiler; cooking stone [Add to Longdo]
Kochtopf { m }cooking pot [Add to Longdo]
Kochtopf { m } | Kochtöpfe { pl }; Töpfe { pl }pot | pots [Add to Longdo]
Kochtopf { m } | Kochtöpfe { pl }saucepan | saucepans [Add to Longdo]
Küche { f } (Kochkunst)cuisine [Add to Longdo]
Küchenchef { m }; Küchenchefin { f }; Chefkoch { m }; Chefköchin { f }chef [Add to Longdo]
Mikrowelle { f }; Mikrowellenofen { m } | Mikrowellen { pl } | in der Mikrowelle erhitzen (kochen)microwave | microwaves | to microwave; to micro-cook; to nuke [Add to Longdo]
Natriumchlorid { n } (Kochsalz)sodium chloride [Add to Longdo]
Rezept { n }; Kochrezept { n }; Rezeptur { f } [ cook. ] | Rezepte { pl }; Kochrezepte { pl }; Rezeptuen { pl }recipe | recipes [Add to Longdo]
gekochtboiled [Add to Longdo]
gekocht; kochtecooked [Add to Longdo]
gekochtecooked [Add to Longdo]
Spirituskocher { m } | Spirituskocher { pl }spirit stove | spirit stoves [Add to Longdo]
abgekocht { adj }boiled [Add to Longdo]
ankochen | ankochend | angekocht | kocht anto parboil | parboiling | parboiled | parboils [Add to Longdo]
aufbrühen; kochen; gären | aufbrühend; kochend; gärendto brew | brewing [Add to Longdo]
aufkochen | aufkochend | aufgekochtto boil up | boiling up | boiled up [Add to Longdo]
ausgekocht; listig; gewieft { adj } | ausgekochter; listiger; gewiefter | am ausgekochtesten; am listigsten; am gewieftestencrafty | craftier | craftiest [Add to Longdo]
eingekochtboiled down [Add to Longdo]
einkochen | einkochendto boil down | boiling down [Add to Longdo]
etw. gar kochento cook sth. through [Add to Longdo]
hacken; zerkleinern (beim Kochen) | hackend | gehackt | er/sie hackt | ich/er/sie hackte | er/sie hat/hatte gehacktto hash; to hash up | hashing | hashed | he/she hashes | I/he/she hashed | he/she has/had hashed [Add to Longdo]
halb kochen | halb kochend | halb gekochtto parboil | parboiling | parboiled [Add to Longdo]
kochecht { adj }boil-proof [Add to Longdo]
kochen; Essen zubereiten | kochend | gekocht | er/sie kocht | ich/er/sie kochte | er/sie hat/hatte gekochtto cook | cooking | cooked | he/she cooks | I/he/she cooked | he/she has/had cooked [Add to Longdo]
kochen; sieden | kochend; siedend | gekocht; gesiedetto boil | boiling | boiled [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
横丁;横町[よこちょう, yokochou] (n) bystreet; side street; back street; alley; lane #17,231 [Add to Longdo]
おっちょこちょい[occhokochoi] (adj-na, n) careless person; scatterbrain; birdbrain [Add to Longdo]
お子ちゃま[おこちゃま, okochama] (n) (1) child; (2) childish person; immature person [Add to Longdo]
かちかち(P);こちこち(P);カチカチ;コチコチ[kachikachi (P); kochikochi (P); kachikachi ; kochikochi] (adv-to, adv) (1) (on-mim) ticktock; (2) (on-mim) chinking (e.g. of a hammer against rock); knocking; (adj-no, adj-na) (3) (on-mim) dry and hard; (frozen) stiff; (4) (on-mim) hidebound; die-hard; stubborn; obstinate; bigoted; (5) (on-mim) scared stiff; tense; nervous; frightened; (P) [Add to Longdo]
かわい子ちゃん[かわいこちゃん, kawaikochan] (n) (sl) popsy; cutie; sweetie [Add to Longdo]
ぎこちない(P);ぎごちない[gikochinai (P); gigochinai] (adj-i) awkward; clumsy; stiff; crude; unrefined; constrained; (P) [Add to Longdo]
こちょこちょ;コチョコチョ[kochokocho ; kochokocho] (adv, adv-to, vs) (on-mim) coochy-coo; hitchy-koo; kitchy-koo (tickling sound) [Add to Longdo]
こちらこそ[kochirakoso] (exp) it is I who should say so [Add to Longdo]
こちらの話;此方の話[こちらのはなし, kochiranohanashi] (exp) (See こっちの話) talking to oneself [Add to Longdo]
こちんこちん[kochinkochin] (adj-no, adj-na) (1) hard (due to freezing, drying, etc.); (2) wound up; tense [Add to Longdo]
ちゃんこ長[ちゃんこちょう, chankochou] (n) most experienced chanko cook in the sumo stable [Add to Longdo]
ちょこちょこ[chokochoko] (adv, n, vs) toddling; hobbling; restless; easily accomplished [Add to Longdo]
とんぶり[tonburi] (n) belvedere fruit; field caviar; land caviar; mountain caviar; kochia seed [Add to Longdo]
ぽこちん[pokochin] (n) (col) penis [Add to Longdo]
よさこい[yosakoi] (n) (from 夜さり来い) (See 鳴子) dance originating in Kochi Prefecture using "naruko" [Add to Longdo]
イソニコチン酸ヒドラジド[イソニコチンさんヒドラジド, isonikochin san hidorajido] (n) (See イソニアジド) isonicotinic acid hydrazide [Add to Longdo]
コチニール[kochini-ru] (n) (See カルミン) cochineal [Add to Longdo]
コチュジャン;コチジャン[kochujan ; kochijan] (n) gochujang (Korean red chili paste) (kor [Add to Longdo]
チョコチップ[chokochippu] (n) chocolate chips; chocolate chip [Add to Longdo]
ナルコチン[narukochin] (n) narcotine [Add to Longdo]
ニコチン[nikochin] (n) nicotine; (P) [Add to Longdo]
ニコチンアミドアデニンジヌクレオチド[nikochin'amidoadeninjinukureochido] (n) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide [Add to Longdo]
ニコチンアミドアデニンジヌクレオチドホスフェート[nikochin'amidoadeninjinukureochidohosufe-to] (n) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotidephosphate (NAD) [Add to Longdo]
ニコチンガム[nikochingamu] (n) nicotine gum [Add to Longdo]
ニコチンキャンディー[nikochinkyandei-] (n) nicotine lollipop [Add to Longdo]
ニコチン酸[ニコチンさん, nikochin san] (n) nicotinic acid [Add to Longdo]
ニコチン中毒[ニコチンちゅうどく, nikochin chuudoku] (n) nicotinism; nicotine addiction; nicotine poisoning [Add to Longdo]
壱越調[いちこつちょう;いちこちちょう, ichikotsuchou ; ichikochichou] (n) (in gagaku) scale similar to Mixolydian mode on D [Add to Longdo]
羽白小千鳥[はじろこちどり;ハジロコチドリ, hajirokochidori ; hajirokochidori] (n) (uk) ringed plover (Charadrius hiaticula) [Add to Longdo]
遠近[えんきん;おちこち, enkin ; ochikochi] (n) distance; perspective; far and near; here and there [Add to Longdo]
横乳[よこちち, yokochichi] (n) (See 横パイ) side of the breast; sideboob; side-boob [Add to Longdo]
温故知新;温古知新[おんこちしん, onkochishin] (n) developing new ideas based on study of the past; learning from the past [Add to Longdo]
過去帳[かこちょう, kakochou] (n) (family) death register [Add to Longdo]
掛け心地[かけごこち, kakegokochi] (n) feel of a chair [Add to Longdo]
居心地[いごこち, igokochi] (n) comfort; (P) [Add to Longdo]
居心地いい;居心地良い;居心地よい[いごこちいい(居心地いい;居心地良い);いごこちよい(居心地良い;居心地よい), igokochiii ( igokochi ii ; igokochi yoi ); igokochiyoi ( igokochi yoi ; igokochi yo] (adj-i) (See 居心地のいい) comfortable (to live in); snug; cozy; cosy [Add to Longdo]
居心地がいい;居心地が良い;居心地がよい[いごこちがよい(居心地が良い;居心地がよい);いごこちがいい(居心地がいい;居心地が良い), igokochigayoi ( igokochi ga yoi ; igokochi gayoi ); igokochigaii ( igokochi gaii ; ] (exp, adj-i) (See 居心地のいい) (ant [Add to Longdo]
居心地が悪い[いごこちがわるい, igokochigawarui] (adj-i) (ant [Add to Longdo]
居心地のいい;居心地の良い;居心地のよい[いごこちのいい(居心地のいい;居心地の良い);いごこちのよい(居心地の良い;居心地のよい), igokochinoii ( igokochi noii ; igokochi no yoi ); igokochinoyoi ( igokochi no yoi ;] (adj-i) (See 居心地がいい) comfortable (to live in); snug; cozy; cosy [Add to Longdo]
近称[きんしょう, kinshou] (n) { ling } proximal pronoun (indicating proximity to the speaker, i. e., kore, koko, kochira) [Add to Longdo]
個虫[こちゅう, kochuu] (n) zooid [Add to Longdo]
古地理[こちり, kochiri] (n) past geography [Add to Longdo]
古地理学[こちりがく, kochirigaku] (n) paleogeography; palaeogeography [Add to Longdo]
古茶[こちゃ, kocha] (n) last year's tea [Add to Longdo]
古注;古註[こちゅう, kochuu] (n) commentaries of the ancients [Add to Longdo]
固着[こちゃく, kochaku] (n, vs, adj-no) adherence to; sticking fast; fixation [Add to Longdo]
固着観念[こちゃくかんねん, kochakukannen] (n) (obsc) (See 固定観念) fixed idea; idee fixe; obsession; fixation [Add to Longdo]
弧長[こちょう, kochou] (n) { comp } arc length [Add to Longdo]
故知;故智[こち, kochi] (n) the wisdom of the ancients [Add to Longdo]
胡蝶;蝴蝶[こちょう, kochou] (n) butterfly [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
弧長[こちょう, kochou] arc length [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
ご飯[ごはん, gohan] gekochter_Reis, Mahlzeit [Add to Longdo]
住み心地[すみごこち, sumigokochi] Wohnlichkeit [Add to Longdo]
半熟[はんじゅく, hanjuku] halbgar, weichgekocht (Ei), halbreif [Add to Longdo]
御飯[ごはん, gohan] gekochter_Reis, Mahlzeit [Add to Longdo]
怒髪天を突く[どはつてんをつく, dohatsutenwotsuku] vor_Wut_kochen [Add to Longdo]
料理[りょうり, ryouri] Kochen, Speise, Gericht [Add to Longdo]
沸かす[わかす, wakasu] zum_Kochen_bringen, zum_Sieden_bringen [Add to Longdo]
沸く[わく, waku] -kochen, -sieden [Add to Longdo]
沸騰[ふっとう, futtou] das_Sieden, das_Kochen, Erregung [Add to Longdo]
炊く[たく, taku] verbrennen, Feuer_anzuenden, -kochen [Add to Longdo]
炊事[すいじ, suiji] das_Kochen [Add to Longdo]
炊飯器[すいはんき, suihanki] Reiskochtopf [Add to Longdo]
煮える[にえる, nieru] -kochen (itr.) [Add to Longdo]
煮やす[にやす, niyasu] innerlich_kochen, ungeduldig_sein [Add to Longdo]
煮る[にる, niru] -kochen (tr.) [Add to Longdo]
煮沸[しゃふつ, shafutsu] das_Sieden, das_Kochen [Add to Longdo]
煮返す[にかえす, nikaesu] noch_einmal_kochen, wieder_aufwaermen [Add to Longdo]
熱湯[ねっとう, nettou] kochendes_Wasser [Add to Longdo]
生煮え[なまにえ, namanie] halbgar, ungenuegend_gekocht [Add to Longdo]
自己中心[じこちゅうしん, jikochuushin] egozentrisch [Add to Longdo]
自炊[じすい, jisui] selbst_kochen [Add to Longdo]
薪水[しんすい, shinsui] Brennholz_und_Wasser, das_Kochen [Add to Longdo]
誇張[こちょう, kochou] Uebertreibung, Prahlerei [Add to Longdo]
赤飯[せきはん, sekihan] mit_roten_Bohnen_gekochter_Reis [Add to Longdo]
[めし, meshi] gekochter_Reis, Mahlzeit [Add to Longdo]
飯ごう[はんごう, hangou] Kochgeschirr [Add to Longdo]


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