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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
阿兰[Ā lán, ㄚ ㄌㄢˊ,   /  ] Alan, Allen, Allan, Alain etc (name); A-lan (Chinese female name); Ram, begotten of Hezron 赫茲龍|赫兹龙 and begetter of Amminadab 阿米納達布|阿米纳达布 in biblical Book of Ruth 路得記|路得记, 4:19 and Matthew 1:4 #38,563 [Add to Longdo]
阿兰文[Ā lán wén, ㄚ ㄌㄢˊ ㄨㄣˊ,    /   ] Aramaic [Add to Longdo]

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No. I can't drink coffee, Alan.[CN] 阿兰 我不能喝咖啡 Rendition (2007)
Call Benghazi police and see if that's them.[CN] 阿兰你去问问 13 Hours (2016)
- Aram, the lead?[CN] -阿兰姆 什么线索 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
I think Alan Turing's hiding something.[CN] 我认为阿兰·图灵的 难言之隐。 The Imitation Game (2014)
I know a lot of spies, Alan.[CN] 我知道很多间谍,阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
Why, Alan?[CN] 为什么 阿兰? The Witches (1966)
Alan Turing, you're fired.[CN] 阿兰·图灵,你被解雇了。 The Imitation Game (2014)
"Poodles, now may we have sex again?" Love Alan.[CN] "贵宾犬,现在可能我们有 做爱了吗?"爱阿兰。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
- Do you know Alan Randall?[CN] - 你知道阿兰・兰德尔? Hello Ladies: The Movie (2014)
Aram, what do you have for me?[CN] 阿兰姆 你有什么发现 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
- [ Alan panting ][CN] - [ 阿兰喘气 ] The Imitation Game (2014)
- Alan Z. Emmerich?[CN] - 阿兰 埃默里吗? Not Safe for Work (2014)
Aram... we got to keep this between us.[CN] 阿兰姆 这件事只能你知我知 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
In fact that's how I met Alan for the first time.[CN] 其实这就是我遇到 阿兰首次。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
You can't tell anyone, Alan.[CN] 你不能告诉任何人,阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
No I'm not joking, Alan.[CN] 不,我不是在开玩笑,阿兰。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
- Alan Turing has a theory. - [ Joan ] He has many.[CN] - 阿兰·图灵有一个理论。 The Imitation Game (2014)
You can not throw me out, Alan.[CN] 你不能把我扔出去,阿兰。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
II II II[CN] [ 手风琴演奏 ] 嗯,阿兰·图灵 The Imitation Game (2014)
8:00 p.m., Alain Ducasse.[CN] 下午八时,阿兰·杜卡斯。 Syrup (2013)
Alan?[CN] 阿兰? The Imitation Game (2014)
His name's Alan Turing and he cracked the Germans' Enigma code.[CN] 他叫阿兰·图灵 是他拦截了德国人的密码 The Normal Heart (2014)
Aram, where are they?[CN] 阿兰姆 他们在哪 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
- Agent Keen, are you okay?[CN] -阿兰姆 -基恩探员 你没事吧 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
Do you know what I was when I met Alan?[CN] 你知道我是什么,当我遇到阿兰? Pride (2014)
Aram![CN] 阿兰姆 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
Alain, are you ready? ![CN] 阿兰,你准备好了吗? Low Down (2014)
Alan.[CN] 阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
"everyone's going to hate us because we're wrecking the club." I think they've got problems. I wouldn't say they've got major problems.[CN] (利物浦名宿、BBC评论员 阿兰·汉森) 很显然,曼联出问题了 The Class of 92 (2013)
- Wow. Alan and I go way back.[CN] 我认识阿兰很久了。 Spy (2015)
- You're not there, kid.[CN] 这个小名叫迪科的年轻人 埃德森·阿兰托斯·纳西门托 在几场少年组的比赛中 通过自身 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
I like talking to you, too, Alan.[CN] 我喜欢跟你说话,也阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
Alan Turing's classified military file.[CN] 阿兰·图灵的机密军事文件。 The Imitation Game (2014)
Alan Turing's war records aren't just classified, they're nonexistent.[CN] 阿兰·图灵的交战记录不只是分类, 他们是不存在的。 The Imitation Game (2014)
You know, to pull off this irascible genius routine, one actually has to be a genius, Alan.[CN] 你知道, 拉过这位性情暴躁的天才套路, 人真正必须是一个天才,阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
Aram, wait.[CN] 阿兰姆 等等 Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion (2013)
No, not Alain.[CN] 不是阿兰 Bird People (2014)
[ sergeant ] Turing, Alan.[CN] [ 警长 ]图灵,阿兰。 The Imitation Game (2014)
Oh, thank you for seeing me Alan.[CN] 哦,谢谢你送我阿兰。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
We lose.[CN] 埃德森·迪科·阿兰特斯·多纳西门托 Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
Alain?[CN] 阿兰吗? Bird People (2014)
You think this Alan Turing might be a Soviet agent?[CN] 你觉得这阿兰·图灵可能是苏联的代理人? The Imitation Game (2014)
But you know, Alan, sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.[CN] 但是你知道,阿兰, 有时它是非常人谁也没有人们想象的东西 谁做的事情没有人能够想象的。 The Imitation Game (2014)
I'm Alan mooney.[CN] 我是阿兰穆尼。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
Alan Turing.[CN] 阿兰·图灵。 The Imitation Game (2014)
The Quinjet's transponder went dark outside Aranda de Duero in Spain.[CN] 这架战斗机的应答机 The quinjet's transponder went dark 在西班牙的杜罗河畔阿兰达失去响应 outside Aranda de Duero in Spain. S.O.S. Part 1 (2015)
I'm sorry, Alan.[CN] 对不起,阿兰。 Authors Anonymous (2014)
Oh, Alan... we're gonna have such a wonderful war together.[CN] 噢,阿兰... 我们要去有这样一个美好的战在一起。 The Imitation Game (2014)


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