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邮戳[yóu chuō, ㄧㄡˊ ㄔㄨㄛ,   /  ] letter stamp; postmark #39,732 [Add to Longdo]
邮戳日期[yóu chuō rì qī, ㄧㄡˊ ㄔㄨㄛ ㄖˋ ㄑㄧ,     /    ] postmark date [Add to Longdo]

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And judging by the postmarks, the letters were written and sent over a period of several weeks.[CN] 而从邮戳来看 这些信是在几周之内 写完和投递的 Cover Story (2007)
What about this, how's he pay for this?[CN] 查邮戳 Lonely Hearts (2006)
Let's see who was writing to Ronnette. Postmarked Georgia.[CN] 看看是谁写信给兰娜蒂 上面有乔治亚州的邮戳 Episode #1.6 (1990)
Be careful where you mail it, so they can't trace the postmark.[CN] 注意你投寄的地点 别让他们通过邮戳找到你 The Clearing (2004)
Look at all these postmarks.[CN] 这是寄给我们的 看看这些邮戳 A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
I wouldn't look too closely at the postmarks.[CN] 我不会仔细看那些邮戳的 Sunset Boulevard (1950)
I touched everything, so you'll need my elimination prints, and this is postmarked Seattle.[CN] 所有东西我都碰过 所以你需要排除我的指纹 邮戳是西雅图的 Crazy for You (2014)
Postmarked the day before yesterday.[CN] 是前天的邮戳. Before and After (1996)
It's postmarked.[CN] 这里有邮戳 A Class to Remember (1993)
The envelope was postmarked London, Soho.[CN] 信封邮戳是伦敦苏荷区 The envelope was postmarked London, Soho. Episode #1.2 (2015)
But this ballot does not have a postmark or a witness signature and no date.[CN] 但是这张选票没有邮戳 也没有证人签名和日期 Recount (2008)
Thanks for the stamps, Ash.[CN] 多谢这些邮戳,艾希. Reindeer Games (2000)
Your Honor, if a member of our military gets shot, that bullet won't have a postmark on it either.[CN] 法官大人 如果一位我们的军人中弹了 这颗子弹也不会有邮戳的 Recount (2008)
It isn't exactly the kind of letter that a married woman gets from a casual friend.[CN] 邮戳是两年前的... 是已婚妇女从一个随意的朋友那收到的信 D.O.A. (1949)
- Postmark says Brooklyn.[CN] -邮戳是布鲁克林区 Mystic River (2003)
It was stamped in Oostende, but it had a Japanese seal in the corner.[CN] 邮戳是奥斯坦德(比利时港口)的 但在信角有日本的封条 Silk (2007)
Postmarked... around the end of the outbreak.[CN] 邮戳时间... 大约在疫情爆发结束之后 Bad Blood (2014)
The postmark on the Space Cowboy's postcards?[CN] 太空牛仔明信片上的邮戳? Untethered (2014)
Go to my room and put them in order by the postmark.[CN] 去我房间,按照邮戳日期排好 The Color Purple (1985)
- Postmark?[CN] - 邮戳? The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
I was told that military ballots without postmarks are common because soldiers on tankers usually can't get postmarks.[CN] 我听说没有邮戳的军队选票很常见 因为这些士兵通常没法弄到邮戳 Recount (2008)
Three letters, postmarked last year... from your sister in England.[CN] 还有三封信 ,去年的邮戳 是你英国的姐姐寄的 Heaven (2002)
Find it quickly.[CN] 赶快找到它, 查查邮戳, Memories of Murder (2003)
They held a press conference, sir, in which they said if absentee ballots are not properly postmarked they should not be counted.[CN] 他们举行了新闻发布会 先生 他们说 如果未到的选票没有合适的邮戳 它们就不应被统计 这是他们的原话 Recount (2008)
We made an agreement with Will.[CN] 如果我没注意到瑞士邮戳... Me Before You (2016)
These are ballots without postmarks, without witness signatures or dates.[CN] 这些是没有邮戳的选票 没有证人签名和日期 Recount (2008)
When police went to question the post office, no one could recall who sent it.[CN] 包裹上盖了罗阿诺克的邮戳 Devil's Backbone (2016)
It was blank, but the postmark said...[CN] 没写字,但有邮戳 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Yeah, the postmark was Chicago.[CN] 是的 邮戳是芝加哥 The Dancing Men (1984)
Postmarked Hattiesburg, 28th of December. It's addressed to a Roy Tagliaferro.[CN] 是打印件 邮戳是12月20日 哈蒂斯堡 收件人是Roy Tagliaferro Red John's Footsteps (2009)
The French postmark might indicate another KGB agent entering the country.[CN] 那个法国邮戳可能暗示着 另一个克格勃特工进入英国 The French postmark might indicate another KGB agent entering the country. Episode Four (2014)
So this will have the Cape Horn stamp on it and be sent from Cape Horn?[CN] 那么,这张贺卡将会加盖合恩角邮戳,从合恩角寄出? Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
Look at the stamp.[CN] 看看这邮戳 The Long Voyage Home (1940)
Baltimore postmark on the envelope.[CN] 信封上是巴尔的摩的邮戳 Red Dragon (2002)
It's postmarked from Nevada. That's Hughes country.[CN] 邮戳上是内华达,那是休斯的故乡 The Hoax (2006)
Again, what I thought.[CN] 看看上面的邮戳 { \fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000 }Take a look at that postmark on that. 但是没达到 { \fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000 }but not so sophisticated Ogygia (2017)
The postmark will be yesterday, as if it could get here from France in one day.[CN] 要是从法国寄过来只用一天的话 那邮戳肯定是昨天的 New York, I Love You (2008)
Postmarked on my birthday.[CN] 每个邮戳日期都是我的生日 Friendship! (2010)
But this does not have a postmark. This was hand-delivered.[CN] 但这个没有邮戳 是亲手送的 The Player (1992)
Postmarked Las Vegas.[CN] 邮戳是拉斯维加斯 The Second Coming (2007)
I have drowned in pieces of papers stamped top secret that had no right to be stamped top secret whatsoever.[CN] 我已经被这些盖着绝密文件 邮戳的 甚至还有没什么秘密却盖着这有错的 信件淹没了 The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby (2011)
Here's one for you, an American stamp, Chicago.[CN] 有封你的信 美国的邮戳 芝加哥 The Dancing Men (1984)
It just said, "You're not guilty of anything.[CN] 没有邮戳 也没有退信地址 No postmark, no return address. Side Effects May Include... (2015)
And the postmark is Nassau.[CN] 邮戳是在拿骚 The Hoax (2006)
Eventually, a package arrived containing all of her letters stamped with a prison seal.[CN] 后来 送来了一个包裹 里面是所有她写的信 带有监狱的邮戳 Labor Day (2013)
A postmark's a dangerous thing.[CN] 邮戳会带来危险 Night Train to Munich (1940)
That's correct, sir, which is why the memo also states if a ballot is signed and dated on or before election day, this would count the same as a postmark.[CN] 很正确 先生 所以这项备忘录也说明 如果选票在选举日前或选举当日被签名 也应该等同于邮戳 Recount (2008)
No stamps, No post marks.[CN] 没有邮票,没有邮戳。 The Big Bang (2010)
You said the envelope in the mailbox had a French postmark?[CN] 你说信箱里的那个信封上 有一个法国的邮戳? You said the envelope in the mailbox had a French postmark? Episode Four (2014)
What's the postmark on that?[CN] 邮戳是什么时间 Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word (2013)


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