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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: 退出, -退出-
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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
退出[tuì chū, ㄊㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄨ, 退 ] to withdraw; to abort; to quit #3,497 [Add to Longdo]
退出运行[tuì chū yùn xíng, ㄊㄨㄟˋ ㄔㄨ ㄩㄣˋ ㄒㄧㄥˊ, 退    / 退   ] decommission [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
退出[たいしゅつ, taishutsu] (n, vs) leaving (e.g. work at end of day); withdrawal (e.g. from a noble's or superior's presence); exit (e.g. from a market) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
In an army no man is permitted to leave without permission.軍隊では無断退出する事は許されない。
During the Diet session, there are often a politician or two leaving without permission when a question becomes too personal.国会の会期中、質問があまりにも個人的になると、無断退出する議員が一人、二人よくいるものだ。
I'm going to clock out early today.今日は早めに退出するつもりだ。
The teacher did not permit the students to leave the lecture hall.先生は生徒達に講義室を退出させなかった。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
But now, you're not giving up.[CN] 但現在, 你不應該退出 Black Belly of the Tarantula (1971)
- Count me out too.[CN] - 我也退出 Thunderball (1965)
Allied raids on Rome provided another argument for getting out of the war.[CN] 盟军对罗马的空袭为退出 战争提供了另一个理由 Tough Old Gut: Italy - November 1942-June 1944 (1974)
Gonna be a pop quiz before we leave.[JP] 退出前に片付けていけよ American Sniper (2014)
Take the defendant out, now![JP] 廷吏 退出させなさい! Second Degree (2013)
There's a late scratch there.[CN] 有马退出比赛 The Sting (1973)
It was the scene of the Russian surrender to Germany in 1918.[CN] 这就像是1918年俄国人向德国人投降的场景 (1918年苏联与德国在此签定布列斯特条约退出一战) Distant War: September 1939-May 1940 (1973)
Not many field agents get to leav e this cleanly.[JP] きれいに引退出来る者は わずかだ Skyfall (2012)
You are excused, Lieutenant.[JP] 退出して下さい、中尉 Litmus (2004)
-If Smalley's not in, I'm staying on. Hey, what's this shit?[CN] 既然斯莫利先生不加入,我就不退出 McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
She wants you to quit. You thinking about it ?[CN] - 她想让你退出,你考虑过吗? Topaz (1969)
Sure. I'm clocking out anyway. New computer?[JP] もちろん いずれにしろ退出しないと 新しいコンピューター? Nautilus (2014)
You finish your shift, clock out, don't leave.[JP] シフトを終え 退出記録しろ そのまま待て Heist (2015)
I've decided to quit.[CN] 我已經決定退出 Black Belly of the Tarantula (1971)
- Dismissed.[JP] - 退出していい Survivor Zero (2014)
Hey. You can't dismiss my subjects like that.[JP] おい 俺の取り調べてる相手に勝手に 退出許可を出すな Crimson Casanova (2009)
"which it was thought would keep Orvil Newton out of the race...[CN] 让奥弗尔・牛顿退出了比赛 Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (1965)
I mean, I don't suppose you regret the navy very much.[CN] 我是说您不应该 为退出海军而感到遗憾 The V.I.P.s (1963)
Quit this film and I'll ruin you.[CN] 现在退出的话我会杀了你 8½ (1963)
If you miss, you're out.[JP] ミスしたら退出、 Welcome to the Fu-Bar (2014)
After two years, the conquerors beat in withdrawal.[CN] 两年后, 征服者正在退出俄国 Red Star: The Soviet Union - 1941-1943 (1974)
I need reassignment, Tom. I want out of this job. It's wrong, it's no good.[CN] 我要换职位 汤姆 我要退出这份工作 这是不对的 The Exorcist (1973)
We want this man to quit, desist go away.[CN] 我们希望这个人退出,停止... 走开。 Death Wish (1974)
No, it's time to quit.[CN] 不, 是時間退出了. The Chairman (1969)
She stabilized two wounded soldiers and hid them from insurgents until they could be evac'd.[JP] 怪我した2人の兵士を看護し 彼らが撤退出来るまで 暴徒から隠したんです Red, White and Blue (2013)
If one of you tries to quit on me I'll pay a bonus of $1 , 000 to the man that kills him ![CN] 如果你们当中有人想退出 我将悬赏1000块... 给杀他的人 The Wild Bunch (1969)
-You're not quittin'?[CN] 你是要走了吗? 你不是要退出牌局吧? McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
About Kozlik's retreat.[CN] 克兹里克退出洛哈兹科 Marketa Lazarová (1967)
You have 10 minutes to leave the building, then I'm calling security.[JP] 退出に10分 その後警備員を呼びます Spectre (2015)
Mary, this isn't just a club you resign from.[CN] 玛丽 这不是你退出俱乐部 The Trouble with Angels (1966)
In the north, Finland had been knocked out of the war, [CN] 在北面, 芬兰已被迫退出战争, Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
I'd like to withdraw my candidacy.[CN] 我想退出競選 Hands Over the City (1963)
Engage the autopilot, punch out. Get picked up by a Raptor.[JP] 自動操縦を起動、脱出して ラプターに拾ってもらう punch out タイムレコーダーを押して退出する 〈話〉たたきのめす Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part 1 (2005)
- I'm out![CN] -我退出! How to Steal a Million (1966)
I have referred to the growing pressures that ask... for Senator Eagleton's withdrawal.[CN] 我感到越来越大的压力 要求伊高顿参议员退出 All the President's Men (1976)
Now will you take Mama's advice and get out of show business?[CN] 现在你愿意听妈妈一言退出演艺界吗? Bye Bye Birdie (1963)
I once tried to pull out.[CN] 我曾经试过想退出 Serpico (1973)
- Thank you, sir. - You're excused, Lieutenant.[JP] ‐ ありがとうございます ‐ 退出して結構です、中尉 Litmus (2004)
Why, my dear Mr. Bond it'll drive them out of their minds and, subsequently, out of the business.[CN] 为什么? 那逼使他们发疯退出这行业 Live and Let Die (1973)
No one enters this kingdom and no one leaves it.[JP] 誰にも この国の入退出をさせるな The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
And no need to swear, either, or I'll take you off the field... the, ah... rehearsal.[CN] 也没必要诅咒 否则我让您退出战场 彩排 Watch Out for the Automobile (1966)
It's time I quit.[CN] - 所以这是我退出的时间了. Earthquake (1974)
Transmutate is scratched in the fifth at Riverside.[CN] 变形虫决定退出 河滨公园的第五场比赛 The Sting (1973)
I've got to get out.[CN] 我要退出 Serpico (1973)
Baron Von Rauchenberg has withdrawn.[CN] 范罗森伯格男爵退出 The 10th Victim (1965)
Bulgaria had already quit the Axis, and Finland, too, began negotiating with the Russians for an armistice.[CN] 保加利亚已退出了轴心国, 而芬兰也开始和俄国人商谈停战事宜 Pincers: August 1944-March 1945 (1974)
Out, all of you.[JP] 全員退出 What Is Dead May Never Die (2012)
Out! All of you out![JP] 全員退出! The North Remembers (2012)
If Skaggs is afraid to, let's let him withdraw.[CN] 若是斯卡格斯怕了 他退出便是 Man's Favorite Sport? (1964)
- But I quit.[CN] - 但我退出了 Loaded Guns (1975)


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