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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
禁制令[jìn zhì lìng, ㄐㄧㄣˋ ㄓˋ ㄌㄧㄥˋ,   ] prohibition; ban; law forbidding sth [Add to Longdo]

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The editor who fired her still has an order of protection out against her.[CN] 把她炒了的编辑 到现在还有一份针对她的禁制令 Vanity's Bonfire (2012)
That's me! My guys are still under a misstrangement order.[CN] 他们仍未解除禁制令 Ghostbusters II (1989)
Can you relay the events that led to the restraining order?[CN] 你能说下导致你申请禁制令的事吗? Love Is a Battlefield (2014)
So I have no alternative but to grant an intervention order against you.[CN] 我必须对你发出禁制令 Irresistible (2006)
I have an appointment with a lawyer, Tony. I will get a restraining order.[CN] 我约了律师 我会得到禁制令 Whitecaps (2002)
All they have is a restraining order on you.[CN] 所有他们需要的是你的禁制令。 Malicious (1995)
Now, what this one is, is a temporary restraining order, a gag order, issued by a Kentucky court.[CN] 这是一张暂时性的禁制令 言论禁止令由肯德基州开出 The Insider (1999)
Can't you get one of those orders of selection to keep her away?[CN] 你能不能取得某种禁制令来防止她? Vanity's Bonfire (2012)
You got a restraining order. Twenty feet.[CN] 你被下了禁制令 保持二十英尺距离 Something Nice Back Home (2008)
- I have an restraining order against you ...[CN] -我有一张你的禁制令 Observe and Report (2009)
We tried talking to him ourselves, we tried writing a letter, we tried the Ad Board, and we tried talking to the president of the university.[CN] 我们试过和他谈 写禁制令给他 我们找过行政委员会 也找过了校长 The Social Network (2010)
In accordance to the terms of the contractual obligations undertaken by you not to disclose any information about your work at the Brown WilliamsonTobaccoCompany, and in accordance with the force and effect of the temporary restraining order that has been entered against you[CN] 别忘了合约义务,你签署过的 决不透露在布朗威廉工作时 相关的资料 根据合约以及肯德基州开出 暂时禁制令 The Insider (1999)
He got a restraining order.[CN] 因为他接到禁制令 The One with the Boobies (1995)
- Let's leave, you have straining order.[CN] - 杜莉你受到禁制令限制。 Black Ice (2007)
What part of "restraining order" don't you understand?[CN] 你到底懂不懂 "禁制令"的意思? Something Nice Back Home (2008)
Look, Miles, I think it's only fair to warn you that after a decent interval, I intend to have Freddy seek an injunction that would forbid you to approach within 500 feet of my house.[CN] 迈尔斯,经过一段合理时间 我会叫佛莱迪申请禁制令 禁止你在我房子150公尺范围内出现 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
Maybe Shane would like to know about the 200-yard restraining order.[CN] 要不要告诉席恩我申请了两百码禁制令? Osmosis Jones (2001)
Well, I can't get in to see Trump and the Zegmans have a restraining order.[CN] 我见不到川普 塞格曼又申请了禁制令 Two Weeks Notice (2002)
Paul modified his behavior in response to the restraining order.[CN] Paul在收到禁制令后就改变了他的举止 Manhunt (2014)
You just sat there in that courtroom and let thatjudge pass that despicable sentence.[CN] 你就坐在法庭里 眼睁睁地让法官颁布那可怕的禁制令 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)
Then I'll go to my cop friends, and I'll get a restraining order.[CN] 然后我会去找我的警察朋友 拿到一张禁制令 Family Affair (2009)
Lift the restraining order so I can do this father-daughter trip.[CN] 我只是希望你能够暂时取消禁制令,让我和女儿参加远足 Osmosis Jones (2001)
See about grounds for a restraining order, protective custody.[CN] 人身禁制令或保护监护权 The Skeleton Key (2005)
This guy's a restraining order waiting to happen.[CN] 看来我得申请禁制令才行 Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Don't let her in the hospital. There's a restraining order.[CN] 别让她来医院,有禁制令。 Black Ice (2007)
After the restraining order was put in place, there was very little contact with Paul, but there are a couple of recent entries where she states that she feels like she's being watched, but she wasn't sure it was Paul.[CN] 在禁制令发出之后 她跟Paul之间就基本没有接触了 但最近有几次她写到 Manhunt (2014)
I'm not lying. The woman filed a restraining order against me.[CN] 我没有撒谎 那女人对我下了禁制令 Love Is a Battlefield (2014)
In his last, he railed against Prohibition.[CN] 最后一篇中反对了诉讼禁制令 Boom (2010)
Doctor Laakso has filed for a restraining order.[CN] 拉克索医师已经申请了禁制令。 Black Ice (2007)
They say "to stop the counting of legal votes, the majority today departs from three venerable rules of judicial restraint that have guided the Court throughout its history."[CN] 他们说:"停止合法的计票" "裁决团多数人同意使用三条法律禁制令" "在其历史上从未发生过" Recount (2008)
I heard about the Kentucky gag order.[CN] 我听说肯州禁制令的事 The Insider (1999)
- I'm gonna get a restraining order.[CN] 我会去申请法院禁制令 A Bottle of Jean Nate (2012)
I have a restraining order. Don't you get near me.[CN] 我有禁制令 你不要过来 Love Is a Battlefield (2014)
This is a temporary restraining order issued by the Court, to stop Z Hedge Fund from getting listed.[CN] 这张是法庭颁布的临时禁制令 禁止你们Z基金上市 Z Storm (2014)
Violating a judicial restraining order wilful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief.[CN] 违反禁制令 损害他人财产,诈欺,恶意侵犯 Ghostbusters II (1989)
Jeanie don't want you, dummy. That's what a restraining order means.[CN] Jeanie不想见你 傻瓜 所以才会申请禁制令 Stop-Loss (2008)
We can get a court order.[CN] - 我们能申请禁制令 Intruders (2011)
- I'm getting a restraining order.[CN] 一我要申请禁制令 一不,比尔,这好极了 The First Wives Club (1996)
We obtained a restraining order against her ex-husband, and he was being a good boy until last night.[CN] 我们申请了对她前夫的禁制令 一直到昨天晚上为止 他的表现都挺好的 Love Is a Battlefield (2014)
You are no longer permitted in this house, by order of the State of New York.[CN] 你被禁止再进这间屋子了, 这是纽约州的禁制令。 The Search for Santa Paws (2010)
And they got slapped with an injunction.[CN] 他们得到了耳光 禁制令。 We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks (2013)
Or maybe Shane should know about the 200-yard restraining order.[CN] 要不要我告诉席恩 我申请的两百码禁制令? Osmosis Jones (2001)
Or do I need a court order to get my point across?[CN] 还是需要我去法院申请禁制令 才能彻底让你明白呢? Episode #2.13 (1991)
Αnyhow. there was a restraining order.[CN] 长话短说,我取得禁制令 There's Something About Mary (1998)
Because, Miranda Cosgrove took out a restraining order against me.[CN] 因为Miranda Cosgrove申请了对我的禁制令 (注: 尼克频道某剧集的女演员) Bear Essentials (2012)
- The point is, in all of those cases... we absolutely would see injunctive relief granted... because those are rights worth protecting.[CN] 在这些事中 我们可以看到禁制令的作用 因为有些权力值得我们去维护 Truth Be Told (2004)
I filed the report and got a restraining order.[CN] 我既提交了报告 又拿到了禁制令 Love Is a Battlefield (2014)
I would've followed them, but I have a restraining order.[CN] 我原本想追上去 但我被人警告有禁制令 Something Nice Back Home (2008)
You violated your restraining order.[CN] 你违反了禁制令 Manhunt (2014)
The Eldridge Cleaver estate, they with an injunction.[CN] Eldridge Cleaver不动产想申请禁制令 (Eldridge Cleaver已故黑人作家及民权激进分子) (电影是说白人被碎尸, 编剧的一个冷笑话) Stage 5 (2007)


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