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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
朝圣[cháo shèng, ㄔㄠˊ ㄕㄥˋ,   /  ] to make a pilgrimage; a pilgrimage to a holy mountain #38,531 [Add to Longdo]
朝圣者[cháo shèng zhě, ㄔㄠˊ ㄕㄥˋ ㄓㄜˇ,    /   ] pilgrim #70,134 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I make soon a pilgrim excursion to lourdes.[CN] 这几周 我会带领人们去卢尔德朝圣 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)
That is causing problems for the Haj pilgrims.[CN] 给去麦加朝圣的穆斯林造成麻烦 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
A taxman that isn't a taxman, pilgrims no one's ever heard of...[CN] 一个不是收税员的收税员 一群没人听说过的朝圣者 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
You come to us as a pilgrim and a penitent.[CN] 你以朝圣者 You come to us 及悔罪者的身份前来 as a pilgrim and a penitent. Lady in Waiting (2008)
Your Majesty, congratulations! Your marriage has given the pilgrims of Ajmer Sharif new reason to rejoice.[CN] 您的婚礼给圣城阿杰梅尔的朝圣者带来新的喜悦 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
- She was leading a pilgrimage to Canterbury.[CN] - 她原本带着朝圣者去坎特伯雷 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
This pilgrimage to Jacob makes him uncomfortable.[CN] 这场前往晋见雅各的朝圣团 让他有点不舒服 Follow the Leader (2009)
Pilgrimage...[CN] 朝圣者... The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
To interrupt services during the height of the pilgrimage. How?[CN] 为了停止朝圣期间的教堂服务 Demonology (2009)
In order to protect travellers, the church... sent their most-feared warriors:[CN] 为了保护行进中的朝圣者 基督教会派出了他最令人畏惧的战士 Arn: The Knight Templar (2007)
# Neither a pilgrimage, a statue or a peaceful place. #[CN] 无需朝圣, 神像或者静地 Secret: The Mystery Continues (2009)
with the hundreds and hundreds of coaching inns for the pilgrims, it would have been like this:[CN] 那里有为朝圣者准备的成百上千的 中途休息站 一定就像这样 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
Kawakarpo, crown of the Hengduan range, is a site of holy pilgrimage.[CN] 卡瓦格博峰是横断山脉之上的王冠 也是圣洁朝圣者旅途的一站 Shangri-La (2008)
The Chinese pilgrims talked about 5 stages.[CN] 中国的朝圣者说有五阶 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
When you find him... please return to us so that we may come worship him as well.[CN] 你们找到他後... 也要通知我们 好让我们也去朝圣 The Nativity Story (2006)
Hey, hey, hey. Pilgrims, Indians, can we please stop fighting?[CN] 嘿,嘿,嘿,朝圣者们 印第安人们,我们能不能不争斗 Funny People (2009)
What pilgrims?[CN] 什么朝圣者? The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
He was on pilgrimage on the Camino, walking the road to Santiago de Compostela.[CN] 他要去卡米诺朝圣 徒步走到圣地亚哥·德孔波斯特拉 The Way (2010)
Jalal, there was almost a riot on my way to Ajmer when some Hindu Rajputs stopped Muslim pilgrims from coming to this shrine.[CN] Jalal,在我去阿杰梅尔的一路上几乎都是暴乱 一些印度教的拉齐普特族人 阻止穆斯林朝圣者前来朝拜 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
Those bandits have robbed many pilgrims, and it's our mission to protect the pilgrims.[CN] 那些土匪抢劫了很多朝圣者 而我们的使命是保护那些朝圣者 Arn: The Knight Templar (2007)
It is now my desire, that you unburden yourself of responsibility and devote your life to Allah![CN] 现在我的心愿是,你可以卸下你的责任 将你的余生奉献给真主安拉,你去麦加朝圣吧 Jodhaa Akbar (2008)
A pilgrimage?[CN] 朝圣? Pope Joan (2009)
It's one the great moments in history and this is the very place.[CN] 见证人是一位中国的佛教朝圣者 Ages of Gold (2007)
Only a coward would steal from pilgrims![CN] 只有懦夫才会去偷朝圣者 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Where we are amongst the 200, 000 pilgrims that are there.[CN] 而我们刚好是两千多朝圣者中的一员 Bernard and Doris (2006)
"which is enlightenment. "[CN] 朝圣是中世纪另一种现存的遗产 Ages of Gold (2007)
It's dawn on the festival of the great god Shiva, and the pilgrims are gathering here by the enormous sacred pool at Kurukshetra[CN] 这是伟大湿婆神节的黎明 在俱卢之野,朝圣者聚集在 巨大的圣池边上 Beginnings (2007)
when the Chinese pilgrims came here 500 years later, they say that everybody agrees this was the most wonderful stupa in the whole of the inhabited world.[CN] 当中国朝圣者500年後来到这里 他们说所有人都承认 它是整个人类世界 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
The stupa is described by several Chinese Buddhist pilgrims of the late Roman period.[CN] 一些罗马时代晚期的 中国佛教朝圣者 描述过这个舍利塔 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
Robin Hood, pilgrim robber.[CN] Robin Hood 抢劫朝圣者 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Pilgrims?[CN] 朝圣者? The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Now they march like zombies towards the nearest tree, and start to climb.[CN] 现在它们如朝圣般向最近的树进军 并开始攀爬 Seasonal Forests (2006)
To deny every pilgrim the chance to kneel at the tomb of the Magdalene.[CN] 毁掉了每个朝圣者向抹大拉朝圣的机会 The Da Vinci Code (2006)
the holiest river in India, perhaps in all the world.[CN] 数百万虔诚朝圣者每年聚集 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
But in the cities of the Ganges Plain here in India, in the 5th century BC, a host of thinkers arose.[CN] 以及朝圣者艰苦修行的中心 Ages of Gold (2007)
It was built by the Knights Templar, an order of soldier monks founded during the Crusades to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land.[CN] 它是由圣殿骑士团建造的。 这是十字军时期由武装 修道士组成的骑士团, 以保护前往圣地的朝圣者。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
Oh, don't you worry, pilgrim, we will.[CN] 哦,不用操心,朝圣者,我们会的 Solomon Kane (2009)
lured by the pilgrimage to the glacial ice cave that gives the Ganges its life.[CN] 展开朝圣之旅 前往恒河源头的冰河冰穴 Six Degrees Could Change the World (2008)
With all the warmongering and the colonial rampaging and...[CN] 还有那些朝圣者 The Infidel (2010)
It's visited by over 100, 000 religious pilgrims every year.[CN] 每年有十万多虔诚的朝圣者去那里 Demonology (2009)
It could be like a frigging Shriner convention.[CN] 就像个朝圣大会 Croatoan (2006)
And it's pilgrims who made the pillar look so strange.[CN] 是一群朝圣者把这个柱子 弄得如此古里古怪的。 The First Christianity (2009)
I haven't touched any pilgrims.[CN] 我没接触过任何朝圣者 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Long is the road that the pilgrim walks in the name of his devotion.[CN] 以献身精神为名义的朝圣者走的路是漫长的 Solomon Kane (2009)
On the battlefield he built domed stone memorials... stupas... in atonement.[CN] 在俱卢之野,朝圣者聚集在 巨大的圣池边上 The Power of Ideas (2007)
We're carnivores.[CN] 我们是食肉动物 当朝圣者登陆时 'Til We Meat Again (2005)
So, of course, I dashed impetuously to the shrine to pay homage.[CN] 当然马上来朝圣 Brideshead Revisited (2008)
Pilgrim![CN] 朝圣者! Solomon Kane (2009)
a city teeming with pilgrims like this at festival time.[CN] 一个在节日塞满朝圣者的城市 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)
"Of all the stupas in the world," the Chinese said, [CN] 「世界上所有的舍利塔 」中国朝圣者说 Spice Routes & Silk Roads (2007)


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