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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
放置[fàng zhì, ㄈㄤˋ ㄓˋ,  ] put #7,944 [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
放置[ほうち, houchi] (n, vs) leave as is; leave to chance; leave alone; neglect; (P) #5,150 [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
A bicycle will rust if you leave it in the rain.雨の中に放置しておくと自転車はさびるでしょう。
Wherever you go, you see a lot of bicycles left on sidewalks near stations.駅の近くの歩道には何処に行ってもおびただしい数の自転車が放置されているのが見かけられる。
The girls were trussed up and left in a cellar.少女たちは縛り上げられて地下室に放置された。
For things that have had contents with volatile oil like thinners they should be left for a few days to completely evaporate it before being disposed of as non-flammable waste.シンナーなどの揮発性油分が入っていたものについては数日間放置して完全に揮発させてから、不燃物として捨てます。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.[JP] プログラムを拒否した 異端を放置すれば 災害の可能性を増大させる The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
You can just leave his body out in the open.[JP] 外に放置してもいいぞ Nebraska (2011)
- placing items as they...[CN] - 一路放置物品 - 嘿嘿! Winnie the Pooh (2011)
That stuff has been sitting for a year.[JP] 1年は放置されてた Sorcerer (1977)
Impact with at least three of these buildings... directly below will be unavoidable... as will contact with all the fuel storage tanks situated here.[CN] 铁轨下面的三栋建筑恐怕无法幸免 火车出轨以后 会撞到放置在这里的这些油料罐 Unstoppable (2010)
It's derelict.[JP] 建物が放置されている Pink Tops (2011)
They will be blown apart if we leave them out in the snow.[JP] 雪の中で放置するなら バラバラになるだろう Assembly (2007)
We've been helping some of them out.[JP] 放置すれば 全滅します Chinatown (1974)
This crazy-ass motherfucker kidnapped me to some garlic-stlnkln'place, man.[CN] 这发狂 -驴 motherfucker 绑架了我 对一些大蒜 -stlnkin' 放置, 男人。 Street Kings 2: Motor City (2011)
I couldn't leave the car there with him in the gully.[JP] 彼を車に入れたまま 放置できない Detour (1945)
The same word found carved on a post at the abandoned colony.[JP] 見つかった単語は 放置された植民地の ─ ポストに彫刻されてた Birth (2011)
No roadblocks are placed in the way of Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons.[CN] 没有路障 被放置的方式 伊朗的追求 核武器。 2016: Obama's America (2012)
That's right, not a crane, not a jackhammer, not a hardhat in sight, just one ugly-ass hole on the ground.[JP] ここに来て再建工事も何も無い 爆発の跡が放置されてる Tin Man Is Down (2013)
I thought they would put it a little more to the right, but that will work.[CN] 我想我会再放置到正确的,但非常值得。 Hell and Back Again (2011)
It's a shame, because a condition such as yours left untreated could be downright dangerous.[JP] 未処置では実に危険なあなたを 放置する事になるのは残念です The Other Side (2012)
You were left for dead.[JP] 君は 死体として放置されてた A Bright New Day (2009)
A cast of this work was placed next to his tomb.[CN] 这件作品的另一个铸件 被放置在他墓地旁边, Midnight in Paris (2011)
- So If you're trying to place your suspect at the...[CN] - 因此如果你正在尝试放置 你的嫌疑犯在那 -- Street Kings 2: Motor City (2011)
Well, yeah, since mayonnaise left out in the sun can kill ya.[JP] いや、日なたに放置された マヨネーズは危ないだろ Now You Know (2007)
The moment we put the first stone...[CN] 当我们放置第一块石头的时候 Conquest 1453 (2012)
If you hypothetically wanted to record an eternal message that could be decoded by a creature that had eventually evolved enough intelligence to decode it, the place to put that message would not be on some monument or in some text, [CN] 要在一种生命进化到 足够智慧的时候才能将其解码 放置这些信息的地方不是什么纪念碑 The Visitors (2010)
You're my boss for 3 and a half years, did I ever once let anything lie?[JP] 貴方は3年半 私の上司だった 私が放置した案件など無い Marine One (2011)
Poured all those chemicals into huge holding tanks.[CN] 化学品 放置在一个大罐。 State of Emergency (2011)
A note from the head of the family could be placed in a pneumatic baton.[CN] 一张来自家庭首领的纸条能 放置在一个气动接力棒里。 Keyhole (2011)
And it was in the studio for a long time and no one knew what to do with it.[CN] 长期放置在工作室 但没有人知道它的用处 Marley (2012)
17 past midnight, a woman, pregnant to term, was found alone outside the hospital.[JP] 12時17分 妊婦が病院の外で 放置されているのが見つかった The Same Old Story (2008)
They leave me there.[JP] 放置された Two Hats (2012)
I've placed three bombs in three American cities.[CN] 我在三个美国城市放置了三枚炸弹 Unthinkable (2010)
Stay with me now as we go on this journey... because we are going to a place where Christ was born.[CN] 现在留在我身边,因为我们 走在这个征途上... ... 因为我们要一个 放置在基督诞生。 Black Nativity (2013)
Yes, and then I cut off her head and left for here.[CN] 是的,然后我就砍了她的头 并放置在这里。 Inkubus (2011)
He'll be in a bad way if he's been exposed.[JP] 放置されてたなら彼は マズい状態ね The Last Days on Mars (2013)
The lights are all in place.[CN] 引导灯放置完成 Brave Hearts: Umizaru (2012)
Well, not actually this, but this horse poo is home to hundreds of tiny fungi and it is literally the speediest thing on the planet, in there.[CN] 通过放置培养皿来捕捉喷出物 科学家已经找了的答案 Speed Limits (2010)
He left it like this.[JP] 彼はこんなふうに放置した Pilot (2013)
now ********************* okey *************[CN] 现在把你的手放置在他的头部来给予支撑 好 然后就仅仅是把他引导出来 Entanglement (2012)
Excuse me. Have you happened to see the driver of that minivan that's out front?[JP] 外に放置してあるミニヴァンに乗ってた ドライバーを知らないかな? The Hangover Part III (2013)
The press'd love to find out the police weren't concerned... about finding and burying them.[JP] 警察が知ってて 死体を放置すれば Se7en (1995)
Abducted, raped, and left for dead five years ago.[JP] 誘拐されてレイプされた後 放置されて そのまま死んだの 5年前よ Red Sails in the Sunset (2012)
We need to take multiple copies of these telescopes, place them around the world to create a virtual telescope as large as the Earth itself.[CN] 我们需要多个类似的望远镜 将它们放置在世界各地 以形成与地球等大的虚拟望远镜 Black Holes (2010)
Santa Maria de Loreto.[JP] 放置されて20年以上 Sin of Omission (2011)
THEY'RE NEVER HAPPY WITH THEIR PLACE IN THE WORLD.[CN] 他们从来不喜欢他们 放置在世界上。 The Silent Thief (2012)
THEY LET HIS BODY ROT FOR THREE DAYS.[JP] 3日間 遺体が放置 Escape Plan (2013)
Does this seem like a safe place to you?[CN] 这看起来像一个安全 放置到你? The Zombinator (2012)
When the tape ends, we'll let him stew for a while.[JP] 後は少し放置して狼狽させる Q&A (2012)
Don't leave me, Sophie[JP] ソフィー、私を放置しないでください Howl's Moving Castle (2004)
Where is it? What does it look like?[CN] 它放置哪裏,怎樣子 Source Code (2011)
Safer though my stash now was, I was not sitting around until it ran out.[CN] (現在有安全的放置地方) (我必須要小心隨時服用它) Limitless (2011)
he would've let her hang there.[JP] ぶら下がったまま放置してただろう Now You Know (2007)
It's not wise to leave shit just lying there... a sorcerer can do things with it.[JP] うんこを放置していくのは賢明ではない... 魔術師はそれをあるものにできる Ten Canoes (2006)
Meeting place every eight hours in next seven days.[CN] 会议每八个小时放置在 往后的七天。 Mercenaries (2011)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
放置[ほうち, houchi] liegen_lassen, dem_Zufall_ueberlassen [Add to Longdo]


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