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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
抽烟[chōu yān, ㄔㄡ ㄧㄢ,   /  ] to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco) #8,032 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
No, you don't use grass.[CN] 没有,我没抽烟 World's Greatest Dad (2009)
If I were you, I quit smoking.[CN] 那就别抽烟了 Going South (2009)
Was your teacher lying when she told me you smoked?[CN] 你抽烟的事,难道是你老师骗我吗 Dev D (2009)
I've never seen you smoke on TV.[CN] 在电视上我从没见过你抽烟 Pilot (2009)
Make up your mind about why you're hitting me for smoking or for calling you Sattu?[CN] 你打我是因为我抽烟 还是叫你萨图 Dev D (2009)
- Why are you smoking right now?[CN] 那你现在为啥抽烟? 我一直处于嘿咻前 Ted Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
Sir. Do you smoke?[CN] 长官 抽烟吗? Green Street Hooligans 2 (2009)
No thanks, I don't smoke.[CN] 谢了 我不抽烟 A Single Man (2009)
There are plenty of smokers in this building, but you're the only one who smokes "Three Cannons".[CN] 整栋楼有几个人抽烟 惟独你抽三炮台 The Message (2009)
And that's why you and I can enjoy a cigarette right here on the air.[CN] 所以我和你能在直播时抽烟 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
No smoking please[CN] 请你不要抽烟 Silver Medalist (2009)
Let's go have a smoke.[CN] 我们去抽烟吧 啥? Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
Smoke?[CN] 抽烟呀? A Very Short Life (2009)
What did tell you about smoking in here?[CN] 嘿 假人 我不是警告过你 不许在这儿抽烟的么? Definitions (2009)
I am going out for a smoke[CN] 我去抽烟 Overheard (2009)
It's a no smoking area![CN] 不许抽烟啊 不许抽烟 Handphone (2009)
/...as a youngster /labeled mentally ill /because of the /underlying cigarette habit, [CN] 由很不好的抽烟习惯导致的 The Soloist (2009)
I'm trying to smoke these hornets to death so I can get their honey.[CN] 我想用抽烟把这些大黄蜂抽死 这样不就能拿到蜂蜜了吗 The Waitress Is Getting Married (2009)
I promised her I'd never tell you this, but once upon a time, your Aunt Robin did enjoy the occasional cigarette, and occasionally that occasional cigarette was more than just occasional.[CN] 很久之前 你们Robin阿姨偶尔会抽抽烟 而这个"偶尔" 偶尔会超出"偶尔"的定义 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
I swear on you, Sattu, I didn't smoke.[CN] 我发誓,萨图,我没抽烟 Dev D (2009)
I don't smoke.[CN] 我不抽烟 White Night (2009)
Do you guys have to smoke in here?[CN] - 非得在车里抽烟吗? The Gang Hits the Road (2009)
Do you smoke?[CN] 抽烟吗 I Corrupt All Cops (2009)
- Anyway, you used to smoke.[CN] -反正你以前也抽烟 Everybody's Fine (2009)
Lend me a lighter as I need to go out for a smoke.[CN] 借个打火机我去抽烟 Overheard (2009)
A drink and a smoke are enough to make me happy.[CN] 抽烟喝酒就让我快乐似神仙了 White Night (2009)
- Robert, come on. Don't smoke. - What do you mean, don't smoke?[CN] -劳勃,拜托,别抽烟 Everybody's Fine (2009)
I'll pay for all your meals this month.[CN] 这个月喝茶抽烟,全部我请 I Corrupt All Cops (2009)
And now I'm smoking. Now I'm smoking.[CN] 现在我还抽烟了 我抽烟了 Benefits (2009)
DANIEL: Just to sit and smoke...[CN] 只是坐在这儿,抽抽烟 Pilot (2009)
Yes, I smoked, and it was my third of the day.[CN] 没错我抽烟了 而且是我今天第三根 知道那代表什么? Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
- You're not using grass?[CN] - 你没有抽烟? World's Greatest Dad (2009)
- That's for gasoline.[CN] 你抽烟抽得太凶了 Going South (2009)
I heard that Minoru Fukase was smoking when they get on line, but Zhenye had some comments about it so Minoru Fukase borne Zhenye a grudge since then.[CN] 好像是在多罗碧加乐园排队时 阵野先生警告他不许抽烟 因此怀恨在心 Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser (2009)
Don't smoke.[CN] 别抽烟 Everybody's Fine (2009)
- I'm always pre-coital, Ted. You know, maybe smoking's not so bad.[CN] 也许抽烟没那么糟 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
- Hey. - You smoked.[CN] 你抽烟了 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
You want a cigarette?[CN] - 你想抽烟? - 是啊 The Gang Hits the Road (2009)
I can't believe those guys are smoking out there.[CN] 真不敢相信他们在外面抽烟 外面冷死了 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
tenant who lived in the 5th floor throw cigarette end sotunne I escape can not be used when the blaze broke out[CN] 起火的原因是五楼的房客抽烟不慎造成的 逃生通道刚好也无法使用 Detective Conan: The Raven Chaser (2009)
Smoke?[CN] 抽烟吗 { \b0\shad1\fs14\fn微软雅黑\3cH202020 }Smoke? Van Wilder: Freshman Year (2009)
You don't even smoke.[CN] 你都不抽烟了 A Single Man (2009)
You know better. Come on.[CN] 别抽烟,你很清楚的 拜托 Everybody's Fine (2009)
A morally ambiguous confidence man who smokes, has lung cancer and is tormented by the spirits of the undead.[CN] 一个道德有问题的自信男人 爱抽烟 有肺癌 被不死亡灵折磨的故事 The Hofstadter Isotope (2009)
We're not going to smoke.[CN] 我们不会抽烟的 Last Cigarette Ever (2009)
Seriously, you smell like pot.[CN] 我说真的,你有烟的味道,你抽烟? World's Greatest Dad (2009)
I've told you 100 times not to smoke in your room![CN] 告诉过你无数次了 不要在房间里抽烟! Simon Konianski (2009)
- What are you guys doing there?[CN] 你们干什么 工作地方能抽烟吗 Overheard (2009)
- Let's smoke to that. Give me one.[CN] 抽烟吧,给我一根 White Night (2009)
Don't smoke.[CN] -什么叫别抽烟? Everybody's Fine (2009)


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