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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
愿意[yuàn yì, ㄩㄢˋ ㄧˋ,   /  ] to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth) #1,102 [Add to Longdo]
愿意不愿意[yuàn yì bù yuàn yì, ㄩㄢˋ ㄧˋ ㄅㄨˋ ㄩㄢˋ ㄧˋ,      /     ] whether one wants to or not [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
I'd do anything for her.[CN] 我愿意为她做任何事 Freakin' Whack-a-Mole (2014)
But are you really willing to take that risk?[CN] 可你真的愿意去冒这个险吗? Death Benefit (2014)
But unfortunately now is not the time.[CN] 我和我的同时是很愿意帮你的 可遗憾的是 现在不是时候 Death Benefit (2014)
I'm a freelance lancer.[CN] 我是一个自由职业者的职业者。 一个自由职业者,如果你愿意。 Summer of Blood (2014)
They don't talk to strangers and shut their doors at nightfall.[CN] 他们都不愿意跟陌生讲话 一到天黑就关门 Hung bou joi sin (2014)
Oh, I really want to hear your story.[CN] 哦,我很愿意听你们的故事。 Oh, I really want to hear your story. Crate (2014)
You spend so much time sucking up to Americans... by all means, you should be comfortable.[CN] 你花了那么多时间讨好美国人 你一定愿意讲英语 Twenty Klicks (2014)
A price I would willingly pay.[CN] 我愿意做这个人 A price I would willingly pay. Episode #1.3 (2014)
And that girl would rather be. She wants to be with you.[CN] 而那女孩她不愿意这样 她想和你在一起 Appleseed Alpha (2014)
You ever nee me to watch her, nee anything for her, I'm right here.[CN] 假如你需要我照看她 或者需要我为她做任何事 我都愿意 Strangers (2014)
Do you know how much I would give to have a kid who didn't understand the concept of a calendar?[CN] 你知道我愿意用多少钱来换 一个看不懂日历的孩子吗? The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Maybe this time, If you'd consider giving me[CN] 这次可以破例 只要你们愿意提供 maybe this time, if you'd consider giving me Episode #1.5 (2014)
I'm sort of an expert in the field, if you will.[CN] 我有点专家的 在现场,如果你愿意。 Call in the Light (2014)
I refuse to think the worst.[CN] 我不愿意去想最坏的情况 Twenty Klicks (2014)
Unless you wanna ask Fury for me.[CN] 除非你愿意帮我问弗瑞 Nothing Personal (2014)
I'm more comfortable shooting this guy than the cops.[CN] 比起杀条子 我更愿意杀这人 Death Benefit (2014)
I couldn't possibly marry her[CN] 他要我们结婚,我不愿意 Oi chum mai (2014)
I will totally officiate your wedding![CN] 好的 我非常愿意主持你们的婚礼 Yes! I will totally officiate your wedding! The Wedding, Part 1 (2014)
And is there any reason you wouldn't want me to know the name of your friend?[CN] 你不愿意透露朋友的名字 And is there any reason you wouldn't want me to know 有什么原因吗 the name of your friend? Episode #1.2 (2014)
God, I want to believe that.[CN] 上帝 我真愿意这么想 Last Minute (2014)
I THINK WE'D LIKE THAT.[CN] 我认为 我们很愿意。 My Boyfriends' Dogs (2014)
I'm willing to tell you whatever you want to know, but only if you agree to spare the lives of everyone else in this courtroom.[CN] 我愿意说出你想知道的一切 只要你同意放过法庭里的其他人 Deus Ex Machina (2014)
It's nice to have a partner who's willing to let you lead.[CN] 有个愿意让你领舞的舞伴真是太好了 Most Likely to... (2014)
And I refuse to listen to that missile hit the helicopter again.[CN] 也不愿意再听到 导弹击中直升机的声音 Twenty Klicks (2014)
WILL YOU MARRY ME?[CN] 你愿意嫁给我吗 My Boyfriends' Dogs (2014)
WELL, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO IF YOU'D LET ME READ IT.[CN] 好了,你就不必 如果你愿意让我读它。 My Boyfriends' Dogs (2014)
I will steal you a baby.[CN] 我愿意给你偷个孩子回来 The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
And as long as you do it for me.[CN] 只要你愿意帮我... ... The One Percent (2014)
I--he got it for me as a favor.[CN] -he got it for me as a favor. 他一开始不愿意的 He didn't even want to. Episode #1.4 (2014)
- Uh, can I get a volunteer?[CN] - 呃,有谁愿意帮忙? - 我我我。 - Uh, can I get a volunteer? Crate (2014)
He said he'll sell me a piece of his business, so...[CN] 他说愿意让我参与生意 所以... Always (2014)
Alan Harper, will you marry me?[CN] Alan Harper 你愿意嫁给我吗? The Ol' Mexican Spinach (2014)
Whether he wants to or not.[CN] 不管他愿不愿意 Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (2014)
Whatever it is, it was so important he was willing to die for it.[CN] 不管是什么 应该很重要 是足以让他愿意为之而牺牲 Appleseed Alpha (2014)
Oh, well, if you want, but, you know, they work for you, so if this is what you want to do, you say, "make it work." Oh.[CN] 哦,好吧,如果你愿意, 但是,你知道,他们为你工作, 因此,如果这是你想要做什么, Call in the Light (2014)
And he won't take it from me anymore. - Where is he?[CN] 他不愿意再从我这里接受帮助了 Nothing Personal (2014)
I'd rather watch you.[CN] - 我更愿意看你洗 A'ohe Kahi e Pe'e Ai (2014)
He wants to endorse you.[CN] 他愿意替你助选 The Line (2014)
Would you be willing to give DNA and fingerprint samples for elimination purposes?[CN] 你愿意提供DNA和指纹样本 Would you be willing to give DNA and fingerprint samples 用作排除之需吗 for elimination purposes? Episode #1.2 (2014)
I think Mozzie would rather be anywhere but here, and the fact that he's still around says a lot.[CN] 我想这里是Mozzie最不愿意呆的地方 但是他还在这里 说明了不少问题 Borrowed Time (2014)
Adam, there is nothing I'd like more than to be your wife.[CN] Adam 我非常愿意做你的新娘 A'ohe Kahi e Pe'e Ai (2014)
- You know? Who wants to go through life without some heartbreak?[CN] 谁愿意过个连心碎都没有过的人生? Always (2014)
Your girl, she really didn't want you to come.[CN] 你女朋友 她可真的不愿意让你来 Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (2014)
Gabriella Dawson, will you marry me?[CN] Gabriella Dawson 你愿意嫁给我吗? Always (2014)
- I do. - You wouldn't sing it with me, eh?[CN] 有啊 你愿意和我一起唱吗 Mommy (2014)
You want, I can leave.[CN] 如果你不愿意 我可以走 You want, I can leave. A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
WHO WANTS CHAMPAGNE?[CN] 谁愿意 香槟酒 My Boyfriends' Dogs (2014)
Will you have us?[CN] 你愿意接纳我们吗 Strangers (2014)
Ma'am, we have a donation offer from Oliveri Systems for $4, 000.[CN] 女士,Oliveri系统 Ma'am, we have a donation offer 愿意捐助4000元。 from Oliveri Systems for $4, 000. Crate (2014)
- The ones who stand by you.[CN] 就是那些愿意支持你的人 Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (2014)


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