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弥撒[mí sa, ㄇㄧˊ ㄙㄚ˙,   /  ] (Catholic) Mass #60,287 [Add to Longdo]
安魂弥撒[ān hún mí sa, ㄢ ㄏㄨㄣˊ ㄇㄧˊ ㄙㄚ˙,     /    ] Requiem Mass (Catholic) [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You do remember what Mass is, yes?[CN] 你还记得弥撒是什么吧? Breach (2007)
Failure to accept that the Mass was a miracle could land you into trouble.[CN] 不肯接受弥撒是一个神迹, 会给你惹来麻烦。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
If, by chance, I die in my sleep, I want you to make sure that the funeral mass is in Latin.[CN] 如果,真的发生意外,我一睡不起了 我想确定一点 我的安所弥撒是用拉丁写的 The Extra Man (2010)
The Council also told people what to believe about the Mass.[CN] 宗教会议还告诉人们在 举行弥撒时要相信什么。 (弥撒即天主教的圣餐礼) Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
No exaggeration, with your husband and these two I could easily steal the chair from under the pope's ass while he says Mass at St. Peter's.[CN] 不是吹牛, 有你老公和这俩人... ...我都能轻轻松松偷走... ...老兵在圣彼得广场做弥撒时屁股下面坐的椅子 Angel of Evil (2010)
You're gonna be going to the bakery after mass.[CN] 弥撒过后你得去趟面包房 Doubt (2008)
I see you every day, the same time, winding that thing like a village priest saying mass.[CN] 我每天都看你给这玩意上发条 就跟山村牧师作弥撒一样坚持不懈 Vatos (2010)
Are you coming to mass?[CN] 保罗, 你要去弥撒吗? A Christmas Tale (2008)
Goes to church every day, his wife loves him, so do his grandkids.[CN] 他每天去弥撒 他的太太和孙子都喜欢她 Breach (2007)
Can't. Serving mass. I'm an altar boy.[CN] 没空 今天要给弥撒辅祭 我是侍童 Doubt (2008)
Zwingli argued that the bread and wine are NOT miraculously transformed in the Mass.[CN] 茨温利争辩道,面包和酒在 弥撒中并没有发生神奇的变化。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
We'll celebrate Mass at 1:00, and I'll hear confessions at 3:00.[CN] 我们要在1: 00点做弥撒,在3: 00点听告解。 There Be Dragons (2011)
He was even invited to say mass at the washington national cathedral.[CN] 他甚至获邀到华盛顿国家大教堂作弥撒 Demonology (2009)
And I would wish that 500 masses be said for my soul... and that someone would visit the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham to pray on my behalf.[CN] 我期望我的灵魂会有500次弥撒来祷告 And I would wish that 500 masses be said for my soul... 会有人去 and that someone would visit 位于沃尔辛海姆的圣母神殿 the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham Matters of State (2008)
How was, uh, late mass last week?[CN] 上星期的弥撒怎么样 Turn the River (2007)
Um, you probably aren't back from mass yet, but we couldn't make it.[CN] 你可能还没结束弥撒回来 但是我们不能来了 Turn the River (2007)
-After Mass, Mr. Chapuys is sure to dine with us?[CN] 弥撒之后 乔普斯先生会和我们一起用餐吗 After Mass, Mr. Chapuys is sure to dine with us? The Act of Treason (2008)
♪ Home by midnight 'cause Santa is due. ♪[CN] 弥撒炖肉我最爱 Donkey's Christmas Shrektacular (2010)
Before 1789, there were no fewer than 40, 000 French parishes celebrating the Mass.[CN] 1789年前,能举行弥撒 的法国教区不下4万个, God in the Dock (2009)
Zwingli's view on the Mass, or Eucharist, transformed the heart of Christian worship.[CN] 茨温利关于弥撒(即圣餐礼)的 观点改变了基督教敬拜的本质。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
Midnight mass.[CN] 午夜弥撒 A Christmas Tale (2008)
Well, I did and we couldn't get to mass.[CN] 我记得我们没能去参加弥撒 Turn the River (2007)
And there were plenty of other forms of religious energy which unnerved the Pope, like the Cathars, who rejected the Mass altogether.[CN] 但这世上依然存在着许多 许多令教宗头痛的宗教势力。 比如清洁派,他们完全拒绝弥撒。 Catholicism: The Unpredictable Rise of Rome (2009)
Will you go to church with me?[CN] 和我一起去弥撒 好吗? Breach (2007)
I'm on my way to morning Mass.[CN] 我正要去做清晨弥撒 Breach (2007)
Thank you, gentlemen. See you at Mass.[CN] 谢谢你 先生 弥撒见 The Rite (2011)
Juliana, how did you like the service?[CN] Juliana 你喜欢今天的弥撒吗? Breach (2007)
We're going to midnight mass.[CN] 我们马上去做子夜弥撒 Nothing Like the Holidays (2008)
I wanted to wear a habit and sit in the front rowat christmas mass, get mentioned infather's sermons.[CN] 我想穿上宗教服装 在圣诞弥撒的时候坐在前排 在神父的布道上受到注意 And Then (2008)
I mean, when everybody's, "Ooh, we have to have midnight mass because Jesus was born on midnight on 25th of"... this is all nonsense.[CN] 我的意思是,当人们说: "喔,我们必须去做子夜弥撒 因为耶稣生于12月25日的午夜..." Religulous (2008)
One Sunday, after Mass we stopped by her mother's bakery and got a house special... a Bombe Glacée.[CN] 我还记得周末做完弥撒, 在她家店门口停留 我们一起吃冰蛋 Potiche (2010)
You want to go to Mass with me?[CN] 你想和我一起去弥撒吗? Breach (2007)
Mass in A minor. Will you play it for me?[CN] 小调弥撒曲 The Ghost Network (2008)
But the chaplain can also give her communion in her room.[CN] 你甚至能听弥撒。 Camino (2008)
When the Germans dug out the graves in Katyn in 1943, the Canon said Mass there?[CN] 德国人1943年挖掘卡廷墓地的时候 加隆在现场做了弥撒 还有那些国际红十字会的 Katyn (2007)
Yes, Gabrielle. 9:00 mass is still at 9:00.[CN] 是的 Gabrielle 9点的弥撒仍旧是9点整开始 Sunday (2008)
The old Church taught that, in the Mass, [CN] 旧教会教导说,在弥撒上, Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
- I have to go to Mass.[CN] - 我得去做弥撒 In Darkness (2011)
Jimmy? Come on. You're serving today.[CN] Jimmy 快起来 今天你还要在弥撒上辅祭呢 Doubt (2008)
Going to Mass.[CN] 可以参加弥撒 Breach (2007)
You will present a godly spectacle to others, attend mass daily and display a virtuous demeanour.[CN] 你们将向世人传达神的旨意 You will present a Godly spectacle to others, 每日出席弥撒 Attend mass daily 行为举止应彰显高尚品德的风范 And display a virtuous demeanour. Checkmate (2008)
There you'd have the High Altar where the Mass was celebrated day in, day out.[CN] 举行弥撒的地方,天天如此。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
And the High Altar, at which they presided at Mass, was the most sacred place in church.[CN] 而他们主持弥撒的高高祭坛, 就是教堂里最神圣的地方。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
- after Mass.[CN] - 过了弥撒之后 You Kill Me (2007)
We'll miss mass.[CN] 会错过弥撒了 La Vie en Rose (2007)
They showed miraculous ability in the Mass to turn bread and wine into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ.[CN] 并在弥撒中展示其神奇的能力, 能将面包和酒变成耶稣 基督实实在在的身体和血。 Reformation: The Individual Before God (2009)
He hasn't been to midnight mass in over 20 years.[CN] 他已经20年没有做子夜弥撒了 20 Nothing Like the Holidays (2008)
Did I miss mass?[CN] 我错过弥撒仪式了? Sunday (2008)
I'd never been to a Mass where people knelt the whole time.[CN] 我还没参加过弥撒 也没看过这么多人一起跪着祷告 Breach (2007)
You can meet him tomorrow at Mass.[CN] 你明天能在弥撒上见到他。 The Perfect Game (2009)


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