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宰割[zǎi gē, ㄗㄞˇ ㄍㄜ,  ] invade #48,609 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He's a sitting duck out there.[CN] 完全任人宰割 Judge Dredd (1995)
It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children... and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences.[CN] 发出了好像在屠宰场里 任人宰割的弱智儿童的惨叫 夜晚则充满着道德沦丧的乌烟瘴气 Watchmen (2009)
I turn into a pizza afterward.[CN] 完事之后,我全身都任你宰割 (原文是"我就变成匹萨饼了",意指可吃可舔) Rabbit Without Ears (2007)
if I was on the trail of one of these psychos, I wanted to make sure I didn't end up in a paper bag like the last guy who lit these matches who knows, maybe I'd get lucky and the dame could lead me to Samantha Kelso and I could[CN] 我想确保我不被宰割 别像前火柴主人一样 谁知道 也许我会走运 那女人会带我找到萨曼莎 Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988)
He's on the chopping block. Chop him.[CN] 他说"任你宰割" 宰吧 Blind Auditions, Part 3 (2013)
Or do we let the taste police make them for us?[CN] 还是任人宰割 Art Isn't Easy (2007)
Not some actor shitting in his pants, waiting to get a role. But the guy who can say, "The kid stays in the picture".[CN] 操生杀大权,而非任人宰割的人 The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
Is that why you didn't cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals?[CN] 这就是你没有掩护我们出逃 让我们任人宰割的原因? The Cushion Saturation (2009)
American Arabs are a vulnerable, visible population, and they have no power.[CN] 阿拉伯裔美国人是弱势族群 他们任人宰割 The Siege (1998)
Some slob who'll roll over and just take it?[CN] 是呼来唤去还是任你宰割的笨蛋吗 Summer Things (2002)
Look, we can't all live the Dr. King rule. What you want us to do?[CN] 我们不能这么任人宰割 你想让我们怎么做? Glory Road (2006)
The Republic will agree to any demands we make.[CN] 共和国将任凭我们宰割 Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (2002)
Beaten outsmarted.[CN] 至少到目前为止 竟会任人宰割 Fallen (1998)
She's a sitting duck. Can't kill her. No need.[CN] 任人宰割,可割不可宰 不用杀 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
Nobody likes to get the shit kicked out of them.[CN] 没有人喜欢任人宰割 Fallen (1998)
Was I supposed to let her kill me right on the spot?[CN] 那我刚才就该忍气吞声任她宰割吗 2 Days in New York (2012)
But you're still in the bed, aren't you, Mr. Maldonado?[CN] 但你依然是任人宰割? 不是么,Maldonado先生? Freelancers (2012)
His man is only going to be meat in the room. No talking. He's just padding.[CN] 他的人在房间里面任人宰割 他就是不说话,像个摆设 In the Loop (2009)
Lambs to the slaughter, both of 'em.[CN] 两个都是任人宰割的羔羊 Sheriff Got Your Tongue? (2006)
If you leave... it'll make you prey for the hunter... and anyone can shoot at you.[CN] 离开军队... ...你就从猎人变成了猎物... 任人宰割 Padre Padrone (1977)
Hair, makeup, shellac, whatever it is you do.[CN] 头发、化妆、发胶,任你宰割 Miss Congeniality (2000)
You'll never take us alive![CN] 我们不会任人宰割的 Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué (1994)
We will not vanish without a fight![CN] 我们不会任人宰割 Independence Day (1996)
Like the cows they butcher at work.[CN] 就像砧板上的鱼肉 任人宰割 The Tap-Out Job (2009)
Only dark meat and white meat.[CN] 我们不过是待宰割的人肉 Guts (2010)
I'm not saying it's good news, in the circumstances, but you'll be a brill...[CN] 我觉得这可不是什么好消息 你就像变成案板上的鱼,任人宰割 Third Star (2010)
And now we're set up for the kill.[CN] 他就任我们宰割了 The Matador (2005)
A knocker is the guy that knocks the cow inside of the head... so it won't struggle while they slit its throat.[CN] 就是负责把牛击昏 让它乖乖的任人宰割 K-PAX (2001)
It's Miller time.[CN] 现在任你宰割 Shadow (2006)
But if thou dares not this, then I present my throat to thee and to thy ancient malice, which not to cut would show thee but a fool, since I have ever followed thee with hate, and cannot live but to thy shame[CN] 可是你要是没有这样的胆量 我愿意伸直我的颈项 听任你的宰割 你要是不杀我 你就是个傻瓜 Coriolanus (2011)
I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life[CN] 我不会坐以待毙... 不会任由宰割 Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
I've just seen a kid butchered with a sickle.[CN] 我刚看到宰割了一个孩子 镰刀。 Dead of the Nite (2013)
I'm not cleaning lambjizz the rest of my life, bro.[CN] 我不想余生都给做任人宰割的羔羊 老兄 Empire State (2013)
What good is it if you leave us here to be slaughtered?[CN] 把我们丢在这里任人宰割 对你们有什么好处 Three Kings (1999)
I'm happy to be screwed by you[CN] { \fnSimHei\bord1\shad1\pos(200, 288) }任君宰割最為樂 A Chinese Torture Chamber Story (1994)
In this so-called democracy, if you speak up about Muslims being slaughtered, you're an extremist.[CN] 在这个所谓的民主, 只要你敢说穆斯林任人宰割 你就是极端分子. Cleanskin (2012)
I had to send out three torpedo squadrons unescorted to be slaughtered.[CN] 我只好让三个鱼雷机中队 毫无掩护地任人宰割 Part III (1988)
The patient doesn't get prodded, probed, scoped or cut open like a thanksgiving turkey you supercilious fool![CN] 不用被推進手術室忍你宰割 你這目中無人的大蠢蛋 The Time Warp (2010)
But if you think that I or the Bureau... are gonna let the C.I.A. Come in and throw any of my guys under the bus... you're fucking high.[CN] 可如果你觉得我或者调查局 会让中情局介入 并把我的手下丢出去任人宰割 Crossfire (2011)
No, the Captain enjoys not going down the highway, dragging his ass so every Tom, Dick and Qaddafi can take a whack at it.[CN] 不, 我只是不喜欢拉着队伍沿着大路... 成了任人宰割的对象 The Manchurian Candidate (2004)
I'm a patsy. I'm a sitting duck. I'm lost.[CN] 我做了凯子,任人宰割 我失败了 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
He's a fuckin' glitter boy, looking to get sprayed, laid, played and slayed![CN] 他可是个很有勉力的家伙 他就是期待着被喷,被放倒 被玩弄被宰割呢,明白我的意思吗 King of New York (1990)
It makes him look sad, don't you think?[CN] 他这样子看上去有点杯具 你不觉得吗? 无力还击任人宰割 His Red Right Hand (2009)
Fucked![CN] 不会任人宰割! Shadow Games (2010)
And then, you can fire away to your heart's content![CN] 之后就任你们宰割吧 A Very Long Engagement (2004)
I won't be stitched up. I'm sorry.[CN] 我不会再任你们宰割了 Episode #2.3 (2008)
You know, you don't put your second most senior man on the trail of those motherless bastards you send him home.[CN] 不能讓你的得力干將 任那幫沒人性的土匪宰割 所以把他派回來 Better Call Saul (2009)
She is exposed. No prenup. She's a sitting duck.[CN] 没有婚前协议,她任人宰割 Intolerable Cruelty (2003)
A cross-channel attack would be a futile slaughter.[CN] 现在就发动渡海作战只能是任人宰割 Part III (1988)


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