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ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: , -姗-
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English Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese Characters: Make-Me-a-Hanzi Dictionary
[, shān, ㄕㄢ] to slander, to ridicule; to go slowly; graceful
Radical: , Decomposition:   女 [, ㄋㄩˇ]  册 [, ㄘㄜˋ]
Etymology: [pictophonetic] woman
Variants: , Rank: 3883

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
[shān, ㄕㄢ, / ] deprecate; lithe (of woman's walk) #49,474 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Susan, you told me to come in.[CN] 苏姗是你让我进来的 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
Well, he went out last night, he said he was gonna go find Sandy and...[CN] 他昨晚出去了,去找姗蒂... Racing Stripes (2005)
Susan... came here to see me.[CN] 苏姗... .... 到这儿来看我. Dark Blue World (2001)
Oh, my God. Susan's home.[CN] 天啊 苏姗回来了 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
We are now getting our first rain, but it has just slowed down.[CN] 我们现在急需下一场雨 但它姗姗来迟 Grizzly Man (2005)
Susan, what the hell have you been smoking?[CN] 苏姗你吸过什么了吗? I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
- Hey, Sandy.[CN] - 嗨,姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
- There's Sandy.[CN] - 姗蒂在那 Racing Stripes (2005)
You must be crazy. A lot of people think I'm crazy, Susan..[CN] 哈哈,很多人都这么说我, 苏姗 Scorched (2003)
- Hey, Sandy.[CN] - 嘿,姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
And every time they call[CN] ♪每当他们电话姗姗而来♪ 8 Women (2002)
Yes, Lonnie was Susan's rock.[CN] 是啊 罗尼是苏姗的精神支柱 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
Susan, you said you wanted to help me, and I believed you.[CN] 苏姗你说过愿意帮我 我相信了你 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
Watch it, Susie.[CN] 啊 小心苏姗 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
I'm sorry, Susan, I don't know what you're talking about.[CN] 抱歉苏姗 我不知道你在说什么 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
You can't stay.[CN] 不能看苏姗穿婚纱的样子 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
They have Sandy. Sir Trenton's gonna hurt her if I race.[CN] 他们绑走了姗蒂,如果我比赛 川顿会对她下黑手 Racing Stripes (2005)
Suze...[CN] 苏姗? They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
- Come on, Sandy.[CN] - 来,姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
...Susan interfered with a family reunion.[CN] 苏姗阻止了家人重逢 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
I'd love to see how you'd sexy it up, but I'm afraid it's too late.[CN] 我很乐意看到Stgalinh更多么有吸引力? 但你是姗姗来迟。 The First $20 Million Is Always the Hardest (2002)
Well, Susan did say that he murdered Mrs Huber.[CN] 叫警察吗? 苏姗说他杀死了修博夫人我想应该报警 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
Might we know what kept you?[CN] 请问为何姗姗来迟 The Piano Teacher (2001)
- Just got here. I'm Sandy.[CN] - 刚到,我是姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
Susan.[CN] 苏姗,苏西! City of Angels (1998)
- Sandy![CN] - 姗蒂! Racing Stripes (2005)
Listen, Sandy, I know I don't look like a racehorse, but...[CN] 听着,姗蒂,我知道 我看上去不像匹赛马,但是... Racing Stripes (2005)
Visiting day for the parents of Susan's evacuees.[CN] 苏姗抚养的那些疏散儿童的父母的探视日. Dark Blue World (2001)
It was Lonnie who helped Susan promote her first children's book.[CN] 是罗尼 帮助苏姗推广了她的第一本儿童绘画 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
Lonnie?[CN] 罗尼 苏姗? They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
Hello, Susan.[CN] 你好 苏姗 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
Wonderful. I see you've all turned into Susan while I've been gone.[CN] 很好 看来你们都相信苏姗说的在我离开的时候 I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
You'll burn your balls Suzanne![CN] 你的弹煮熟了, "苏姗娜". The Barber of Siberia (1998)
It was Lonnie who took Susan's mind off her painful divorce with a fun vacation.[CN] 还是罗尼让苏姗 从离婚的痛苦中解救出来 通过一个愉快的渡假 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
" You're going to burn your balls, Suzanne!"[CN] - 你煮沸了你的蛋,苏姗娜. The Barber of Siberia (1998)
Thank you. Now, listen. To rescue Sandy, we all have to work together.[CN] 谢谢,现在,听着,为了救姗蒂 我们必须合作 Racing Stripes (2005)
Sandy![CN] 姗蒂! Racing Stripes (2005)
Susan.[CN] 苏姗你不能死 Susan. City of Angels (1998)
I'm meeting Arthur Digby Laurence in 26 minutes and if you think he's the kind of man who tolerates tardiness you are sadly mistaken.[CN] 我在26分钟与作家劳伦有约 你若以为他能容忍别人姗姗来迟 你就大错特错了 Panic Room (2002)
I was on fire. And the prince himself took a half-hour to get to my office.[CN] 他姗姗来迟,我盛怒 The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
What did Susan tell you?[CN] 苏姗和你说了什么? I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
Susan![CN] 苏姗! Susan! City of Angels (1998)
For Susan Mayer, that dependable someone was her book agent, Lonnie Moon.[CN] 对苏姗. 梅尔来说 她的依靠是图书代理罗尼. They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
How can you believe that? We've been neighbours for years.[CN] 苏姗你怎么能相信别人胡说? I Wish I Could Forget You (2005)
- Tucker, get Sandy.[CN] - 达克,去救姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
It's Susan.[CN] 你在吗? 我是苏姗 They Asked Me Why I Believe in You (2005)
I need to make things right with Sandy.[CN] 我要和姗蒂说清楚 Racing Stripes (2005)
My name is Susan Douglas, and my story tonight is important... because the world need mulch.[CN] 还有获得荣誉和财富的机会 我们的第一位选手... 是来自索普金斯的苏姗道格拉斯 Slap Her, She's French! (2002)
- Thanks, Sandy.[CN] - 谢谢,姗蒂 Racing Stripes (2005)
Always the Cassandra, always bad news.[CN] 总是带来坏消息的卡姗德拉 The Hoax (2006)


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