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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
多幸[たこう, takou] (adj-na, n) great happiness [Add to Longdo]
多幸感[たこうかん, takoukan] (n) (1) (See 多幸) euphoria; eudemonia; (adj-f) (2) euphoric [Add to Longdo]
多幸症[たこうしょう, takoushou] (n) (1) euphoria; (adj-f) (2) euphoric [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
May this letter find you well and happy!あなたのご多幸をお祈りします。
May you be happy!ご多幸を祈ります。
May you and your family be happy.家族のご多幸を祈ります。
May you be happy.御多幸をお祈りします。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Know how lucky you are to have a girl like this?[CN] 知道你有多幸運是有一個女孩這樣嗎? Filth and Wisdom (2008)
Look how lucky you are.[CN] 瞧你多幸运 Felon (2008)
Oan you believe how lucky we are?[CN] 看 我们多幸运啊 Bee Movie (2007)
Kurashima is traveling in his camper, lucky man.[CN] 仓岛开着休旅车旅行呢 多幸福 Dearest (2012)
Do you know how lucky you are?[CN] 知道你有多幸运吗 Do you know how lucky you are? Heart & Soul (2008)
Let me just say how gratifying it is to see so many smiling faces here today.[CN] 让我说这让我多么幸福 今天这么多幸福的笑脸。 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (2011)
Will you tell me what's going on between us.[CN] 你知道自己有多幸运吗 Do you know how lucky you are? Life on the Line (2009)
You have no idea how good you have it.[CN] 你不知道 能吃到有多幸福 The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012)
How lucky are you?[CN] 你们可知有多幸运? Ice Age: Continental Drift (2012)
But do you know how lucky you all are, huh?[CN] 你知道你们有多幸运? Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010)
And how happy I can make you, Claire.[CN] 我能让你有多幸福 Claire Dog Eat Dog (2010)
Have you any idea how lucky you are?[CN] 你不知道自己多幸运? Elles (2011)
I would say everything. I mean.. I hope he knows how lucky he is.[CN] 要是我,就會告訴她一切 這傢伙不知道他有多幸運 The Descendants (2011)
Oh, Chris! Yeah, Chris was luckier with his daddy![CN] 哦克里斯 是啊 克里斯有他那老爸多幸运啊 Loft (2008)
You know how lucky I am?[CN] 你知道我有多幸运? Jayne Mansfield's Car (2012)
They're so happy.[CN] 你看他们多幸福 Love in a Puff (2010)
Look how happy they were.[CN] 看看他们多幸福啊 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009)
There are other survivors, civilization and safety.[CN] 那有很多幸存者 文明 安全 Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010)
You know, one day the government is going to realize how lucky they were, ...to have Professor X on their side.[CN] 知道吗,有朝一日政府会认识到他们有多幸运 能有X教授站在他们这边 X-Men: First Class (2011)
You don't even realize how lucky you are never to know what it is to grow old.[CN] 你根本不知道你有多幸运... 不用体会老去的痛苦 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)
How lucky are these people ...[CN] 你们那知道有多幸运吗 Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)
And at dinner we were talking about how happy we were in our marriages and...[CN] 吃晚饭的时候我们一直在聊 各自的婚姻生活有多幸福 Sex and the City 2 (2010)
But can you see during all these years that we retired how happy I am, how much I want to thank you?[CN] 那你的炯炯眼可否看到 我们退隐了这么多年 我有多幸福多开心,有多想感谢你? Mr. and Mrs. Incredible (2011)
Do you know how happy our baby would be?[CN] 你知道我們的孩子會有多幸福嗎? Hook, Line and Sinner (2010)
'Claire Bonheur'! What felicity![CN] "克莱尔・保乐!"多幸福的名字! Inspector Bellamy (2009)
Wife... tell the Lord Crow how content we are.[CN] 老婆 和乌鸦司令说说我们有多幸福 The North Remembers (2012)
I was euphoric when I killed Freddie Lounds.[JP] フレディー・ラウンズを殺したときに 多幸感を感じた。 Ko No Mono (2014)
You don't know how lucky you are.[CN] 其实你不知道你有多幸运 100 Feet (2008)
These youngsters, born of the right bloodline, don't know how privileged they are.[CN] 这些系出名门的小猴子 不知道自己有多幸运 Primates (2009)
Prior to recent unfortunate... events.[CN] Walt从没提过他有多幸运 -- Abiquiu (2010)
What good fortune, Darnay.[CN] 達爾內,你太多幸運啊 Ironclad (2011)
Aren't they the lucky ones![CN] 他们是多幸运的一对! Inspector Bellamy (2009)
Imagine our luck.[CN] 看看我们有多幸运 Dead Space: Aftermath (2011)
I'm thinking how happy I am.[CN] 在想我有多幸福 The Host (2013)
I imagined how happy and noble she was[CN] 想著她的生活有多幸福,多高貴 Murderer (2009)
What a spoiled mama.[CN] 多幸福的妈妈. Bullhead (2011)
I'm truly happy to see so many beatific faces here today.[CN] 我感到真心高兴 今天能在这里看到那么多幸福的脸 The Crown Jewels (2011)
You don't even know how lucky you are, Nichol.[CN] 你还不知道你多幸运 尼克尔 That's What I Am (2011)
Oh, yeah. What a lucky girl.[CN] 哦,多好,多幸运的女孩阿 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)
Oh, look at the three of you, you just look like a proper wee family, love you bye. Love you.[CN] 瞧你们一家三口多幸福 我爱你,再见 我爱你 Second Hand Wedding (2008)
Do you know how lucky I am?[CN] 你知道我有多幸运吗 Lovelace (2013)
You gave me such happiness, but life is not so simple.[CN] 你给了我那么多幸福 但是生活没有那么单纯 Emperor (2012)
After my first ortolan, I was euphoric.[JP] 初めてこれを食した後、 多幸感に包まれた。 Ko No Mono (2014)
- Maybe you're one of the lucky ones[CN] - 也许你是众多幸运儿中的一个 Third Star (2010)
He was mostly happy.[CN] 他是多幸福。 Hide Your Smiling Faces (2013)
These visions of bugs, they're just garden-variety psychosis but a clear indication that you've hurdled over the initial fun and euphoric phase and passed on to the next phase.[JP] 虫の幻覚は ただのありふれた精神病だ だが、明らかにそれは 障害になってるな 初期の喜びから 多幸感の段階を過ぎて A Scanner Darkly (2006)
We were so happy together then.[CN] 我跟你那时多幸福啊 Between Love & Goodbye (2008)
And they remind me how lucky I am To be in the position that I am.[CN] 他们让我知道 能有今天我多幸运 Blind Auditions (2013)
How happy would you say you are?[CN] 你说你有多幸福 Mhysa (2013)
There's more survivors.[CN] 还有更多幸存者 The Darkest Hour (2011)


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