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制片[zhì piàn, ㄓˋ ㄆㄧㄢˋ,   /  ] moviemaking #16,699 [Add to Longdo]
制片人[zhì piàn rén, ㄓˋ ㄆㄧㄢˋ ㄖㄣˊ,    /   ] moviemaking #13,367 [Add to Longdo]

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Well, we, uh, we heard from Universal and Columbia, but we haven't heard from the other studios.[CN] 我们收到环球和哥伦比亚的消息 但其他制片厂还没有 What's the Matter with Helen? (1971)
Produced by the 1st studio of GOSKINO[CN] 高斯影业第一制片厂 出品 Battleship Potemkin (1925)
Gloria Gritti Productions Incorporated.[CN] 歌莉娅格里蒂制片公司 The V.I.P.s (1963)
..provided you were just blowing up a studio model.[CN] ...倘若你只是在炸一个制片场的模型的话 Whirlwind: Bombing Germany - September 1939-April 1944 (1974)
The Faraway Mountain will be made with a million-dollar budget.[CN] "远方的山丘"将用百万元 的预算来制片 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Everybody knows about this girl. No studio will touch her--[CN] 每个人都知道这个女孩 没有制片厂会动她... The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
- The producer takes them.[CN] - 制片人洗啊 Sex and the Single Girl (1964)
Your producer had a great idea.[CN] 你的制片人有个好的打算 8½ (1963)
He's been following the producer, why, he's taken steam baths for me.[CN] 他一直追着制片人 他还为我洗蒸汽浴 Sex and the Single Girl (1964)
Producers are something I can easily do without.[CN] 我能轻易举地做一些制片人的事 Contempt (1963)
GEORGIA-FILM Studio[CN] 格鲁吉亚电影制片厂 Pirosmani (1969)
Production Design by YOSHINAGA YOKOO[CN] 制片设计: 横尾嘉良 Youth of the Beast (1963)
I gave him his chance to do The Faraway Mountain. Four months later, his contract's up, and he walks out of the studio.[CN] 我给他机会拍"远方的山丘" 四个月过后,他的合约期满 然后他就离开制片厂 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Produced by Nobuyo Horiba, Setsuo Noto and Kazuo Kuwabara[CN] 黑猫 制片人: 崛场伸世 能登节雄 桑原一雄 Kuroneko (1968)
Oh, those idiot producers.[CN] 那些白痴制片人 Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Now you tell the producer it's for the money, that your ideal is the theatre.[CN] 而现在你跟制片人说你只是为了钱 你的理想是你的剧本能出现在剧院里 Contempt (1963)
It's the program manager at the Memphis TV station.[CN] 是孟菲斯TV的制片主任 A Face in the Crowd (1957)
Artistic Association "Luch" "Viy is a colossal creation of the imagination of simple folk.[CN] 莫斯科电影制片厂 《邪灵》是民间想象的伟大创作 Viy (1967)
Was that the writer, the male model or the producer?[CN] 是那个作家 还是男模特 还是制片人? House of Whipcord (1974)
- I'd even go to a DEFA movie with you.[CN] - 一起看德国电影制片厂的片子? Spur der Steine (1966)
A producer can be a friend to a director.[CN] 制片人可是导演的朋友 Contempt (1963)
Like all producers, he doesn't know.[CN] 制片人永远不知道他们想要什么 不是那样吗? Contempt (1963)
He was the kind of agent who handled only bit players and who never could get into a major producer's office.[CN] 是那种只有极少数演员 的经纪公司... 也是那种从无法进大制片厂 的经纪公司 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Miss DeLeon, I'd like you to meet our producer, Bob Precht.[CN] 德良小姐 见见我们的制片 鲍勃·普雷希特 Bye Bye Birdie (1963)
Assistant Producer:[CN] 助理制片人: Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Producer:[CN] 制片人: Memories of Underdevelopment (1968)
Hey, look, I'm C.S. Divot, the producer.[CN] 我是傣沃特 制片傣沃特 The Party (1968)
But Prokosch isn't a real producer.[CN] 但布罗可修不是真正的 制片人,他是导演 Contempt (1963)
Next year, he'd have put up a new studio for me to inherit.[CN] 一年内 他会建一个新制片厂让我继承 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Three studios tried to lick it and couldn't.[CN] 三家制片厂想染指它 但却没有做 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Maxim Gorkii Central Film Studio (Children and Youth Films)[CN] 高尔基中央儿童与少年电影制片厂 Maxim Gorkii Central Film Studio(Children and Youth Films) We'll Live Till Monday (1968)
Only the greatest director /producer in town, Jeffrey Cordova.[CN] 纽约最棒的导演兼制片杰佛瑞可多瓦 The Band Wagon (1953)
--= Translation by:[CN] 莫斯科电影制片厂 Watch Out for the Automobile (1966)
Lars-Owe Carlberg was the production supervisor, and the lab was Film Teknik.[CN] -维科林等人对此剧亦有贡献 制片主任 拉斯 -奥弗 Scenes from a Marriage (1973)
Production Manager G. KUZNETSOV[CN] 制片人 G·库兹涅索夫 Ivan's Childhood (1962)
Executive Producer:[CN] 制片: A Touch of Zen (1971)
He was a smart producer with a set of ulcers to prove it.[CN] 他是一个聪明的制片人 一堆溃疡可以证明这一点 Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Do you think it was an idea of his or...?[CN] 你认为这是他的意思还是制片人意思? Contempt (1963)
Produced by KEINOSUKE KUBO[CN] 制片人: 久保圭之介 Youth of the Beast (1963)
You don't run this studio, but you're an executive producer. -B pictures--[CN] 你不用经营这个制片厂 但你是制片人 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Executive Producer:[CN] 执行制片人 If I Had a Gun (1971)
Yes, I did read the little synopsis your producer sent us.[CN] 是的,我读过了你的制片人的大纲. 8½ (1963)
You have four producers, why not five?[CN] 你有四个制片人 何尝不能有五个? The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Every studio in town turned this stinker down. Go ahead, make it.[CN] 城里每个制片厂会拒绝背叛者 试试看啊 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Administrators A. P. KRYUKOV and A. KOTOSHEV[CN] 制片人: A. P. Battleship Potemkin (1925)
Cinematography:[CN] 制片: Good Morning (1959)
And all you've got in the world is a wife, six kids, two Academy Awards and every studio in town after you.[CN] 你现在拥有的是你太太 六个小孩和二个奥斯卡奖... 还有城里每一个制片厂 The Bad and the Beautiful (1952)
Executive Producer:[CN] 执行制片人: The Organ (1965)
MOSFILM STUDIOS[CN] 289) }■ 莫斯科电影制片厂 Ivan's Childhood (1962)
MOSFILM[CN] 莫斯科电影制片厂 Jamilya (1969)


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