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Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
做主[zuò zhǔ, ㄗㄨㄛˋ ㄓㄨˇ,  ] make the decision; take charge of; back up; support; be host #15,885 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
When was the meeting where we made you lord and master of the band?[CN] 如果是会议,你 我们做主人的乐队? Rudderless (2014)
You selfish fuckers![CN] 竟然擅自做主 Hunter X Hunter: Phantom Rouge (2013)
Your plan, your call.[CN] 你的计划 你做主 The Huntress Returns (2013)
You're an apprentice no more. You serve no master but yourself.[CN] 你不再是学徒了 你不再听命于他人而是要自己做主 The Physician (2013)
It's not your call.[CN] 现在还轮不到你做主 Gerontion (2013)
I need to own the boy officially.[CN] 杀掉奴隶主 翻身做主人 Twerk (2013)
You will be left to your own devices.[CN] 你们自己做主吧 The World's End (2013)
Otherwise how could the little girl be the main broadcaster[CN] 要不然,怎会捧那个小丫头做主播 I Love Hong Kong 2012 (2012)
This time you'll have to solve it.[CN] 这次你一定要为我做主。 Verliefd op Ibiza (2013)
You're no front guy, but if you can cut that down to a goatee, and stay out of the sun, we might see how your voice works with the other two.[CN] 你不能做主唱 但如果你剃个山羊胡子 不抛头露面 Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
We can do whatever the fuck we want.[CN] 我们的地盘我们做主 The Art of the Steal (2013)
I decide my own reality, and I've decided all of your realities as well.[CN] 我的现实我做主 你们的现实也是同样 Charlie Rules the World (2012)
But my way, and I pick the team. Starting with the Flash.[CN] 但我要做主 成员也由我来挑 闪电侠就是第一个 Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013)
We don't make decisions. We follow orders.[CN] 我们不能做主 只是奉命行事而已 The Berlin File (2013)
You are the princess. You make the decisions.[CN] 您是公主 一切由您做主 Nueva guerra (2012)
I don't control the outcome, do I?[CN] 结果又不是我能做主的 I don't control the outcome, do I. Jolly LLB (2013)
Before he was an anchor, before he was a reporter, before he was a speechwriter, he was a prosecutor.[CN] 在他做主播 做记者 做演讲稿写手之前 他做过检察官 The 112th Congress (2012)
I don't always do anything. The world is fucked by unemotional, rational men deciding shit.[CN] 世界就因为 无感情而理性的男人做主而一团糟 Before Midnight (2013)
Up to me, I'd shoot your sorry ass.[CN] 让我做主的话 我会开枪打你个可怜虫 Reasonable Doubt (2013)
No, men call the shots in a gang. Women tend to facilitate the murders;[CN] 不 帮派里做主的是男人 女人们通常是杀人案的从犯 El Carnicero en el Coche (2013)
I just want you to know, between us, from now on, it's gonna be 100% honesty and open, clear communication.[CN] YOU YOU REALLY WEAR THE PANTS AROUND HERE. 你确实是个当家做主的纯爷们 CLEAR COMMUNICATION. Pilot (2013)
Who made you the boss?[CN] 谁让你做主的 The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
Why did you take charge and order two? I'm not going to eat.[CN] 为什么自己做主 要了两份啊 我不会吃的 Episode #1.6 (2012)
It gives us the illusion of choice.[CN] 这些让我们有了可以当家做主的错觉 Stuck in Love (2012)
That's for me to decide. Got it?[CN] 我做主 明白吗 Hwayi: A Monster Boy (2013)
Forget that democracy crap. It's my wedding, my decision.[CN] 忘了那些民主之类的废话吧 我的婚礼我做主 Family United (2013)
You can make your own decisions.[CN] 你可以自己做主 Freaks and Geeks (2013)
None of us would presume to.[CN] 我们谁都不会擅做主张的 His Thoughts Were Red Thoughts (2012)
- We not kids. We make decisions.[CN] 我们才不是小子 我们能做主 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013)
If it goes well with the Romanians, the rest is up to you.[CN] 如果跟罗马尼亚人的交涉得不错的话 之后的就全由你做主了 Episode #1.2 (2013)
You're right; I'm being presumptuous.[CN] 你说的对 我自做主张了 The Seven Day Rule (2013)
They're just rookies, they can't all have leading roles![CN] 她们都是新人而已 还要七个一起做主角? The Midas Touch (2013)
Who's in charge?[CN] 那现在谁做主 The Fire (2013)
Not my business. Your house, sorry.[CN] 我不该多事 你的家你做主 Grudge Match (2013)
She makes her own choices.[CN] 而且能为自己做主 Nueva guerra (2012)
ISN'T IT NICE WHEN WE GET OLDER AND WE CAN TURN THE TABLES, [CN] 当我们长大 能翻身做主人了 The Frozen Ground (2013)
Who running things around here?[CN] 这里谁做主? The Old Ship of Zion (2013)
There's been a change in command.[CN] 这里换人做主了. The Colony (2013)
Yes. It's all on you.[CN] - 真的 一切都由你做主 The Tangible Affection Proof (2013)
It was for is passport. He left.[CN] -这么做主要是为了通过检查,他离开了 Ein anderer Krieg (2013)
So, I guess my first question is, as a scientist and as the lead author of this two-year study, do you think there are implications for human health from GMOs?[CN] 因此,我猜测我的第一个疑问是, 当做一位科学家 而且当做主导作者 这项两年研究, GMO OMG (2013)
Unfortunately, it's not, so I have to protect you, because your best friend might be on her way here to kill you.[CN] 可惜不由我做主 所以我得保护你 因为你最好的朋友可能正赶过来 要杀了你 Reasonable Doubt (2013)
How can you have gone there without telling me?[CN] 你知道那是什么地方吗 自己随便做主就飞过去了 Way Back Home (2013)
In 1950, work resumed at the station, to integrate it with the first line of the Moscow Metro.[CN] 1950年, 工人阶级... 翻身做主人 Metro (2013)
I told you I was gonna decide some things.[CN] 我告诉过你有些事由我做主 Bridget (2013)
I think she's the one making the decisions.[CN] 我觉得这个家她做主 Blue Ribbon Panel (2012)
Not with those creatures who call the shots here.[CN] 不能与那些在这里谁做主生物。 Harrigan (2013)
How can we accept this when he didn't get permission from his parents?[CN] 都没得到父母的批准 自己擅自做主的怎么能接受呢 Episode #5.8 (2012)
If it was up to me, you'd get it, I mean, I gave you my full support.[CN] 如果是我做主我就会给你 我已经全力支持你了 Blood Ties (2013)
Now I'm the one in charge.[CN] 现在这里可是我做主 Zombie 108 (2012)


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