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仪态[yí tài, ㄧˊ ㄊㄞˋ,   /  ] bearing; deportment #44,629 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
And the Princess would be so taken with the style and elegance that she would introduce me to HIM![CN] 公主会被我的优雅与仪态所震撼 她甚至会将我介绍给他 The Ticket Master (2010)
I'm a scum, not caring for the table manner.[CN] 你不是说我流氓吗? 流氓是没有仪态的 Fa fa ying king (2008)
I am the most elegant and beautiful leader of the Moon, the Luna Queen[CN] 我是仪态万千 风度翩翩的月球管理者 月亮女王 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
Conduct yourselves with the utmost maturity.[CN] 尽最大的努力保持你们的仪态,象成人一样 Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
You seem to have been trained by a weaver and taught etiquette by a blacksmith.[CN] 你看你,打人时花拳乡腿, 仪态却像个铁工 Quo Vadis (2001)
I am the most elegant, beautiful, and sweetest[CN] 我就是仪态万千 风度翩翩 甜到飞天的 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
His taste in women is the same as his taste in lawyers only the very best with just the right amount of dirty.[CN] 显然 他挑女人很有品位 对律师也一样 只有仪态万方又给人感觉有点坏坏的人 才能入他的眼 Abiquiu (2010)
Dancers have coordination, skill, timing, fitness and grace.[CN] 舞蹈员讲求配搭,技巧... 掌握时间,健壮,仪态 The Full Monty (1997)
And staid like a Boyar.[CN] 它的仪态就像一位大老爷 A Nest of Gentry (1969)
The Swimsuit Preliminary accounts for 15% of the total score and tests the grace, athleticism and poise of each lovely woman.[CN] 泳装初选占总分的百分之十五 评估每位美女的优雅 对运动的爱好和仪态 Miss Congeniality (2000)
Good posture, nice smile, loving your children...[CN] 仪态端庄,笑容迷人,爱自己的孩子 Ghost River (2002)
Good. It lends such an elegance to our misfortune![CN] 很好, 倒霉中还不失仪态 Episode #1.5 (1995)
If you don't watch your fucking step, councillor, you'll be right back in it.[CN] 你最好注意一下自己的仪态 The Long Good Friday (1980)
I have to act with dignity and maintain my pose and grace[CN] 为了时刻保持仪态万千风度翩翩 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
I find your presence engaging and your conversation sparkling.[CN] 我觉得您的仪态和修辞是如此的炫目悦耳 Mulan 2: The Final War (2004)
You have your Grandfather's bearing.[CN] 你有你祖父的仪态 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Great definition, carriage.[CN] 好棒的线条和仪态 Mergers and Acquisitions (2002)
I studied her, her presence, The way she carried herself, [CN] 我观察她 她的仪态和举手投足 Alive and Kicking (2014)
I don't expect you to walk appropriately, but please bear in mind that our own grandparents did this.[CN] 我对你们现在的仪态举止没太多期许,不过... 请记住很有可能你们的祖父母也参与了这些 Finsterworld (2013)
Right, your look, your gesture, your face, your hair are so Hong Kong.[CN] 你的仪态,打扮,行为举止 加上五官都像香港人 Comrades: Almost a Love Story (1996)
I am the most graceful, sweetest and elegant Luna Queen of the Moon[CN] 我就是仪态万千 甜到飞天 风度翩翩的月亮女王呢 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
I can't let Angel know that I have no manners.[CN] 我不可以让安琪知道我这么没仪态 Hei se xi ju (2014)
A client interview, appearance counseling, date coaching.[CN] 客户访谈 仪态指导 约会指南 Every Rose Has Its Thorn (2011)
I am the dignified Wolnie![CN] 我是仪态万千风度翩翩的红太狼 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf 3 (2011)
How embarrassing to fall asleep on the dinning table.[CN] 要是吃到一半就睡着了 岂不是很没仪态吗? Fa fa ying king (2008)
I graduated from UVA. It's not a charm school.[CN] 我毕业于维吉尼亚大学,那可不是仪态学校 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Mind your nature, husband.[CN] 注意您的仪态 夫君 The Heavenly and Primal (2014)
They do something for my posture.[CN] 因为可以改善仪态 Miss Congeniality (2000)
You need only smile and look good which you already do.[CN] 你要保持微笑和仪态 就是这些 Barefoot (2005)
We can handle them! It can't be true. Ashley loves me.[CN] 你这样没仪态,爱伦小姐不喜欢 Gone with the Wind (1939)
This princess is indeed a lady[CN] 这位公主果然是仪态万千啊 Adventure of the King (2010)
Little?[CN] 她总强调她的身高,还有 她的风度仪态、"超高"的仪态 A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)


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