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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
付き添い(P);付添い(P);付添[つきそい, tsukisoi] (n) attendance on; attendant; escort; chaperon; retinue; (P) [Add to Longdo]
付き添い看護婦[つきそいかんごふ, tsukisoikangofu] (n) private nurse [Add to Longdo]
付き添い人;付添人;付添い人[つきそいにん, tsukisoinin] (n) attendant [Add to Longdo]
付き添い婦[つきそいふ, tsukisoifu] (n) practical nurse [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.彼女は結婚式で花嫁の付き添い役をつとめた。
Location check: The parties involved themselves or their attendants should look over the place for the miai meeting in advance.場所の確認:見合いの場所を本人か付き添い人が下見をしておきましょう。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Doug Newberg was his best man at his wedding.[JP] ドグは ディエゴの結婚式で 花婿の付き添い役だった Dead Clade Walking (2014)
He isn't a good swimmer, and it's a little too soon... for him to be out here unsupervised.[JP] 泳ぎが下手なもので まだ息子には早すぎるのではと... 付き添いなしに学校など Finding Nemo (2003)
No one messes with the maid of honor.[JP] 誰にも付き添い役を邪魔させない The Lady on the List (2013)
Liesl was a bridesmaid.[JP] リースルが付き添いをしてくれた Ruddy Cheeks (2012)
I've come to escort you to the godswood, my lady.[JP] ゴッズウッドまで付き添います Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015)
I want you to be my maid of honor.[JP] 花嫁付き添いを してほしい Excision (2012)
On those rare occasions that you would allow me a few hours unchaperoned time, [JP] 僕が君の付き添い無しで 1人で過ごせる珍しい時間が数時間あった時 Ancient History (2013)
So, what, you're like my chaperone now?[JP] 付き添いみたいなこと 言わないでよ Still (2014)
I'm a driver and attaché for Mr. Gerald Lydon of Lydon Industries.[JP] 私は ライドン産業のジェラルド・ライドン氏の 運転手で 付き添いの者です Possibility Two (2013)
What is it with you people?[JP] 付き添いは誰が? Nor'easter (2012)
Unless you're too busy chaperoning, Mr. Dixon.[JP] 私の付き添いに 忙しくならないように Still (2014)
Then all my sisters will have to be my bridesmaids.[JP] 姉さん達が付き添い役で Episode #1.5 (1995)
My brother's best man.[JP] 僕の兄貴の付き添い役で Wedding in Red (2013)
It's "maid of honor."[JP] 花嫁の付き添い役ね The Lady on the List (2013)
- Where Supergirl goes, we go.[JP] スーパーガールの 付き添いだ。 For the Girl Who Has Everything (2016)
Looks like Derek is running an escort service.[JP] デレクが付き添い役をしてる Booked Solid (2013)
May I escort you to them?[JP] 付き添いしてもよろしですか? Dark Wings, Dark Words (2013)
Attendance, emotion, personality.[JP] 付き添い、感情、個性。 Planetarium (2016)
Officers Koh and Yu will now take you to your room, where you'll be served lunch.[JP] 2人があなたの付き添いを あなたの移動のすべてを The Interview (2014)
Why couldn't you have invited me as a friend instead of me having to get a job as a cater waiter?[JP] 付き添いにしてくれないから ウェイターとして入ったのに Closet Bear (2013)
When does his mother pick him up?[JP] ママが付き添いか? The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)
Now where do you think my son is going on these chaperone-less excursions?[JP] 今 何処に息子が 付き添いもなく行ってると思う? Honor Thy Father (2012)
No, you know, that...[JP] いや 違うよ あの ほら... "ウエディング展"とかの付き添い Heavenly Forest (2006)
Well, she should have a friend though. Someone who can help her home.[JP] ほかに誰か 家まで付き添いを Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
And my bridesmaid.[JP] 私の付き添い役よ Wedding in Red (2013)
You are the Fräulein Hammersmark's escort.[JP] ハマーシュマルクさんの付き添いなのか? Inglourious Basterds (2009)
I haven't taken a shit without a chaperone for the last six days.[JP] 6日間 付き添いのない糞をしてない Aniqatiga (2014)
Lieutenant H icox was going as my escort.[JP] ヒーコックス中尉は私の付き添い... Inglourious Basterds (2009)
- You still don't want to tag along?[JP] - まだ付き添いたくないのか? Nautilus (2014)
What, are you my chaperone now?[JP] 何だよ オレの付き添いか? Still (2014)
I stood by her for three years.[JP] 私は彼女のそばに3年間付き添い 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (2014)
Someone had to be groomsman.[JP] 付き添い人としてね Episode #1.6 (1995)
No, I offered to take her and chaperone.[JP] いや 俺は彼女と付き添いを 連れて行くと申し出た Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
- Oh, I'm fine. No need for a chaperone. Ugh.[JP] 僕は大丈夫だ 付き添いは いらない ヴァンペルトね Days of Wine and Roses (2013)
Did you have a flower girl?[JP] 花嫁の付き添いは いたの? What Maisie Knew (2012)
So, who are your three handsome escorts?[JP] ところで、こちらのハンサムな付き添いの方々は? Inglourious Basterds (2009)
I said you might chaperone him, if you were around.[JP] 付き添いを頼んだでしょ Close Encounters (2017)
Two in the coffins, two under the dummy floors and the other three disguised as pall bearers.[JP] 2つの棺桶の下に それぞれ2人隠して 別に3人が棺の付き添い人に化けます Anthropoid (2016)
Private Companion Agency, is that right?[JP] 付き添い役として働いていますね? Black-Winged Redbird (2013)
Rose, are you mad at me because I paid for your bridesmaid dress?[JP] ローズ 私が付き添い役用の ドレス代を支払ったから 怒ってるの? Wedding in Red (2013)
I'd tag along, but he and his girl are coming here to crash.[JP] 付き添いたいが 彼らがここに泊まりに来る Green Room (2015)
You are free to escort me back to New York.[JP] ニューヨークに戻る 付き添いをすればいいじゃない The Return (2017)
Maid of honor![JP] 花嫁の付き添い! Last Vegas (2013)
You may be the biggest bastard I have ever met.[JP] 今までで一番 タチの悪い 付き添いかも知れん Just Another Love Story (2007)
You want some company?[JP] 付き添いは? The Dreamscape (2008)
So now you're interested in being the best man.[JP] 新郎の付き添い役は 忘れてなかったようだな Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)
You're here by invitation, by courtesy, Dr Bloom. Please don't interrupt me again.[JP] 君は付き添いだ 邪魔はするな Trou Normand (2013)
Haqqani's men will leave Mr. Berenson here in plain sight, then withdraw.[JP] ハッカニの仲間はベレンソンを ここの広々とした場所で解放するわ それから引き下がる 捕虜は付き添いなしで There's Something Else Going On (2014)
You're going to be a flower girl.[JP] - 花嫁の付き添いになってね What Maisie Knew (2012)
Bride, groom, reverend... reverend's wife.[JP] 花嫁、花婿 付き添いの夫婦まで・・ Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
付き添い[つきそい, tsukisoi] bedienen, begleiten [Add to Longdo]


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