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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
下表[かひょう, kahyou] (n) diagram below #18,028 [Add to Longdo]
下表参照[かひょうさんしょう, kahyousanshou] (n) (see the) following table or tables [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
The components obtained by distillation of coal tar are as shown below.コールタールを蒸留して得られる成分名は下表の通りである。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Between ourselves, I should like to express my personal regret.[CN] 我私下表示我个人的遗憾 The Mission (1986)
- to balance out the duo.[CN] 鲁拉已经在地下表演十年了 Well, Lula's been on the underground scene for the last decade, 我觉得她非常有天赋 and I think she has some real talent, 我想让她到舞台上试试身手 and I'd like to try her on stage Now You See Me 2 (2016)
These particular circumstances will paint a thorough picture of the horrific events endured in Selma.[CN] 这些特殊的情况下表示的是 这些可怕的事件发生在塞尔玛。 Selma (2014)
Do fill in, please.[CN] 请填一下表格 Do fill in, please. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015)
Look, just fill out these forms and check back tomorrow... when the shift breaks.[CN] 听着,填一下表格,明天再回来 等着交班 Taxi Driver (1976)
We'll fill the form.[CN] 我们来填一下表 Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)
Sir, could you just fill that out and when you're done bring it back up to me?[CN] 先生,能先填下表吗? 填好给我 Blue Valentine (2010)
Would be my first time in the spotlight, [CN] 是我第一次在聚光灯下表演 Blind Auditions (2013)
- They haven't booked you for ages. - Asshole. I had a shooting a half year ago for Rolex.[CN] 压力下表现最冷静的 Black Sheep (2006)
Hey, I'm gonna get right into this.[CN] 嘿,我得跟传达下表彰 Act of Valor (2012)
Check the composition of the fuel units and surface deposits.[CN] 去对燃料成分做个分析 扫瞄一下表层矿物 Men in Black 3 (2012)
We need you to fill out this form.[CN] 填一下表格 Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
He accepted the timepiece, ma'am, and raised another subject you and I ought pursue at some different moment.[CN] 他收下表了,夫人 并且提到一个问题 需要另找时间继续谈 New Money (2005)
Let me see...[CN] 我看下表先... The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Inspector Clouseau had this to say.[CN] 克劳索探长有如下表态 The Pink Panther 2 (2009)
I'll go down to the station and fill out the paperwork.[CN] 我去警局填一下表格 Messy Houses (2012)
It gives us great pleasure on this festive occasion not only to honour Signor da Vinci, who seems to have disappeared but also to tell you of a long-awaited decision.[CN] 在这个给我们带来很大快乐的 节日般的场合... 我不仅要对达芬奇阁下表示敬意 也不知道他现在到哪去了 Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
We actually thought you handled yourself quite well in this situation.[CN] 我们认为你在这种场合下表现得很不错 Basic (2003)
Public comment may be made in person at the county council meeting or prior to the meeting via regular U.S. mail.[CN] 你的意见, 可以私下表达, 通过邮寄,在会议之前。 Hits (2014)
But I may change the act a bit.[CN] 我要改变一下表演. Postman Pat: The Movie (2014)
There was speculation you might make an appearance.[CN] 你可以思索一下表态 Almost Thirty Years (2002)
Blink twice if you're fine. I'm fine. Okay.[CN] 闭两下表示你没事我没事 Say Anything... (1989)
We'll give the watch a reference check before we go.[CN] 动身前我们要核对一下表 The Bourne Identity (2002)
I'm just gonna ask you some questions, and you blink once for yes, and twice for no, okay?[CN] 我只想问你几个问题 你眨一下表示对 眨两下眼表示错 有问题吗? Turner & Hooch (1989)
All right, fill that out.[CN] 好吧 先填一下表格 Life of a King (2013)
You scrape shavings off it with a stick that is split for a sharp edge.[CN] 用利器刮下表皮 The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980)
"Master of the Dark Arts Jack Hellion performs magic with the help of casino employee Ryan D'Stefano."[CN] 黑暗艺术大师Jack Hellion在赌场雇员 Ryan D'Stefano的协助下表演魔术 Pink Champagne on Ice (2012)
Let's get you set up here.[CN] 你填一下表格 Lochan Mor (2010)
But we're getting information now about how this system is performing in a tournament setting, and we've got six months before the world championship in Lisbon, and no one can catch up to us![CN] 但我们现在正收集 这个系统在巡回赛设定下表现的信息 里斯本世锦赛之前我们还有六个月时间 Computer Chess (2013)
And what time was that? I looked at the clock.[CN] - 我看了下表 6點5分 Play Dead (2012)
If the spirit is Claire, please signal, one for yes, two for no.[CN] 如果是克莱尔的灵魂 请示意 敲一下表示是 两下表示否 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010)
I want clean surfaces. A good design.[CN] 我要清洗一下表面 多好的设计啊 Folk flest bor i Kina (2002)
I also wanted an opportunity to express my love and devotion to Your Majesty.[CN] 我借此向陛下表达我的爱戴及忠诚 I also wanted an opportunity to express my love and devotion to Your Majesty. Matters of State (2008)
They're born of a conflict that is relentless and unforgiving.[CN] F16在极地条件下表现绝佳 Life (2009)
No. I'm gonna go practice my routine over there.[CN] 不了, 我去那边练习一下表演 Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
You could try Mrs Fitzpatrick.[CN] 你可以找一下表姐 Tom Jones (1963)
This being a Te Deum day, His Excellency shows magnanimity.[CN] 今天是感恩日, 阁下表示宽宏大量 Allonsanfan (1974)
Okay. Let's see you do it with a little pressure.[CN] 好,看看在有點壓力的情況下表現如何 17 Again (2009)
Being on "The Voice" would be my first time in the spotlight.[CN] 这是我第一次在聚光灯下表演 The Battles Part 2 (2013)
I'm going to start you face down, under the top sheet and ah, you can hang your things here.[CN] 我要开始 你面临下来, 顶下表啊, 你可以在这里挂你的东西。 Touchy Feely (2013)
One rap for yes. Two raps for no.[CN] 敲一下桌子表示有 敲两下表示没有 Blithe Spirit (1945)
Take it off.[CN] 你把你关 下表。 Dead Man on Campus (1998)
It's in the bag.[CN] 你就放心吧,它早就平安落袋 我们对下表 It's in the bag. Taxi 4 (2007)
-What's that mean?[CN] 意思是"是" 響一下表示"是" 不響就說明"不是" Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)


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