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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
宰割[zǎi gē, ㄗㄞˇ ㄍㄜ,  ] invade #48,609 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
In this so-called democracy, if you speak up about Muslims being slaughtered, you're an extremist.[CN] 在这个所谓的民主, 只要你敢说穆斯林任人宰割 你就是极端分子. Cleanskin (2012)
But if you think that I or the Bureau... are gonna let the C.I.A. Come in and throw any of my guys under the bus... you're fucking high.[CN] 可如果你觉得我或者调查局 会让中情局介入 并把我的手下丢出去任人宰割 Crossfire (2011)
I'm not saying it's good news, in the circumstances, but you'll be a brill...[CN] 我觉得这可不是什么好消息 你就像变成案板上的鱼,任人宰割 Third Star (2010)
It screams like an abattoir full of retarded children... and the night reeks of fornication and bad consciences.[CN] 发出了好像在屠宰场里 任人宰割的弱智儿童的惨叫 夜晚则充满着道德沦丧的乌烟瘴气 Watchmen (2009)
I turn into a pizza afterward.[CN] 完事之后,我全身都任你宰割 (原文是"我就变成匹萨饼了",意指可吃可舔) Rabbit Without Ears (2007)
His man is only going to be meat in the room. No talking. He's just padding.[CN] 他的人在房间里面任人宰割 他就是不说话,像个摆设 In the Loop (2009)
It makes him look sad, don't you think?[CN] 他这样子看上去有点杯具 你不觉得吗? 无力还击任人宰割 His Red Right Hand (2009)
Fucked![CN] 不会任人宰割 Shadow Games (2010)
Like the cows they butcher at work.[CN] 就像砧板上的鱼肉 任人宰割 The Tap-Out Job (2009)
I won't be stitched up. I'm sorry.[CN] 我不会再任你们宰割 Episode #2.3 (2008)
Is that why you didn't cover our escape and let us get cut down like animals?[CN] 这就是你没有掩护我们出逃 让我们任人宰割的原因? The Cushion Saturation (2009)
You know, you don't put your second most senior man on the trail of those motherless bastards you send him home.[CN] 不能讓你的得力干將 任那幫沒人性的土匪宰割 所以把他派回來 Better Call Saul (2009)

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