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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
原版[げんばん;げんぱん, genban ; genpan] (n) typesetting plates (books); mold; mould; pressing plates (records); original edition [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
it's you who's "original".[CN] 你倒是"原版"的 The Departure (1967)
It's original.[CN] 这是原版 The Departure (1967)
I'm flattered. You see yourself in me, so you want to destroy me and be the original.[CN] 你从我这里看到了自己 因此你想摧毁我,做原版 My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument (1996)
Original hand-painted face.[CN] 原版的手绘脸 Toy Story 2 (1999)
Do you want to see the original?[CN] 你想看原版的吗 My Left Foot (1989)
He's referring to the original ghost block within the shell.[CN] 他"是指进入这具义体的Ghost的原版 Ghost in the Shell (1995)
This is an original edition of Shannon and Weaver's[JP] これは シャノンとウィーバーの原版です RAM (2014)
Of the book.[CN] 那本书的原版 My Left Foot (1989)
We develop them, destroy the originals and send them out of the country as microfilm.[CN] 我们拍出来 毁掉原版 - - 用缩微胶卷寄出国 Uden en trævl (1968)
Um, I collect original edition Scrooge Mcduck comics.[CN] 我收集的原版<吝音鸭>漫画 The Last Days of Disco (1998)
The original?[CN] 原版 My Left Foot (1989)
You don't think Vail has a copy? You don't think there's an original?[CN] 难道魏尔手上会没留原版吗? Primal Fear (1996)

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