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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
危険地帯[きけんちたい, kikenchitai] (n) danger zone [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
That is right. But it's away from the hot zone.[JP] そうだ,だが危険地帯からは離れてる Wildfire (2010)
This here, is one big hot zone.[JP] この辺一帯は 危険地帯 Monsters: Dark Continent (2014)
Another two, three miles, we'll be in the no-go area.[JP] あと2, 3マイルで 危険地帯 About a Boy (2014)
Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear. Repeat.[JP] 原住民は 危険地帯を抜けた! Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Your girl lives in an impact zone.[JP] 女の子は 危険地帯に住んでる Razgovor (2013)
Oh, shit. Wallace, they're going toward the radioactive area.[JP] ヤバイぞ 奴等 大気汚染危険地帯に向かってる Automata (2014)
Location: Delta Vega. Class M planet.[JP] デルタベガです クラスMの惑星 危険地帯 Star Trek (2009)
It makes the waters around here too dangerous to travel in.[JP] 海中の浅瀬、 船には危険地帯さ どこへ行く? Annabelle Hooper and the Ghosts of Nantucket (2016)
That's the dark zone.[JP] そこは危険地帯 Firewall (2012)
Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence.[JP] 宇宙は暗闇と沈黙の 危険地帯 Star Trek (2009)
You're going downtown, through this mess of DZ flesh-eating whatnot to get some kid who ain't your son, some old woman who ain't your mom, and some lady who ain't your wife?[JP] お前はダウンタウンに行く 危険地帯で 人肉食いの 得体のしれない奴らを通りぬけ お前の子供でもなく Cobalt (2015)
So the warehouse is too hot.[JP] 倉庫は危険地帯になるな Dead Freight (2012)

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