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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
翻越[fān yuè, ㄈㄢ ㄩㄝˋ,  ] to cross; to surmount; to transcend #27,405 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
The guy was singing "Climb Every Mountain," and we couldn't bear it.[CN] 有个家伙在唱《翻越群山》, 我们受不了了,就溜了出去... ... Everyone Says I Love You (1996)
"Kiss your lover as though they're about to climb Mount Everest."[CN] "吻你的爱人,就像他们将要去翻越珠峰" (DVD版本修改了台词, 原文为 "就像他们即将上战场" 注意Debra的嘴型和声音不一致) No Roll! (2001)
Having climbed all the way up over the Andes, we saw the lights of La Paz in the distance.[CN] 一路翻越安第斯山脉之后, 我们终于看见远方拉巴斯的灯光了。 Full Circle with Michael Palin (1997)
The man who fled over the roof is not the same as the man in the studio.[CN] 翻越屋顶的人与舞蹈室内的男人不是一个人 Come Dance with Me! (1959)
He could take an East German who'd just come over the wall look him in the eye, and ask him to go back to the place he'd just fled and spy for us.[CN] 一个刚翻越柏林围墙的东德人 他可以看着对方双眼 说服他重返铁幕替我们当间谍 Spy Game (2001)
But dream forever[CN] { \fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F }翻越喜马拉雅 Rear Window (1954)
Who pummeled you in this state? We have been fleeing for weeks. We had to climb the city walls to come to you.[CN] 我们已经逃亡了数个星期 我们翻越了城墙才到你这 我们是多纳图教徒 Augustine of Hippo (1972)
'My feet treading' all God's surface 'his ocean, his swamps, his slopes and ridges 'to find myself, at last, a mark in the aching snow, 'from whence I beheld through a blue haze... a world of mountains piled upon mountains, '[CN] "我的足迹遍及大地 -- "跨过海洋, 沼泽, 翻越丛山峻岭 Cold Mountain (2003)
We'd have to cross the Pyrenees on foot in November.[CN] 我们就必须在十一月徒步翻越 比利牛斯山 Part IV (1988)
We advance, going up and I descend these steep mountains.[CN] 我们翻越这些陡峭的山 向前推进 It's a Lovely Day Tomorrow: Burma - 1942-1944 (1974)
The walk over to the hills to Rosenlawry is very beautiful.[CN] 翻越山岭到罗森洛伊的沿途很漂亮 The Final Problem (1985)
* I've stumbled up on the side of twelve misty mountains[CN] ◎ I've stumbled up on the side of twelve misty mountains ◎ 我翻越迷雾萦绕的丛山 Remember the Titans (2000)

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