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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
生怕[shēng pà, ㄕㄥ ㄆㄚˋ,  ] to fear; afraid; extremely nervous; for fear that; to avoid; so as not to #12,461 [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
There is a scorpion in your aunt's pocket. She is afraid to be stung by it.[CN] 你姨婆的口袋里 有一只蝎子, 她生怕被咬到。 My Father and My Son (2005)
My father would have me marry him for fear of anyone guessing we are not wholly in league with the Sheriff.[CN] 我父亲会让我嫁给他 生怕别人 猜到我们我们和郡长不是一条心 The Tax Man Cometh (2006)
Mathilde tightly clasps her hands, to keep from shaking and crying and making a fool of herself.[CN] 犸蒂德紧搓着双手 生怕自己失声哭了出来 让大家看笑话 A Very Long Engagement (2004)
In case... they're expensive over there[CN] 生怕带少了 到时候还要去买 Everlasting Regret (2005)
Now, you see Dan, Generally, pretty much everyone wants to live[CN] 你看到了吧,丹,一般而言 幾乎所有的人... 都貪生怕 3:10 to Yuma (2007)
You think I feel like I deserve to be here?[CN] 你以为我贪生怕死? Dawn of the Dead (2004)
He lived to rest, He was born tired.[CN] 他生来就爱休息 天生怕 Cold Mountain (2003)
They're afraid I'll run away with their money.[CN] 生怕我拿着钱跑了 Blind Mountain (2007)
Who stayed in labor without painkillers so you wouldn't turn dim-witted like your cousin Jimmy?[CN] 生你的时候30多个小时,我疼得都不敢吃止疼片 我就是生怕把你脑子弄坏了,像你Jimmy表哥一样 Saving Face (2004)
The archers had taken down the North Gate around 800 of them had escaped[CN] 弓箭营的叛徒制服了北门的守卫 有近八百贪生怕死的正从北门逃走 Battle of the Warriors (2006)
I think in some situations you can tell... and there are situations where people want you to know.[CN] 我认为在某些情形下你无法辨别。 不过某些情形下别人还生怕你不知道呢! Elephant (2003)
I don't have to go around saying my name out loud in order to remember it.[CN] 不必四处叫嚷自己的名字 生怕自己忘记 Schmidt Happens (2005)

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