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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
族長[ぞくちょう, zokuchou] (n, adj-no) patriarch; head of a family [Add to Longdo]

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All the Chieftains of the Dúnedain have been fostered for a time in Elrond's halls.[JP] 族長は裂け谷で育つ習わし Born of Hope (2009)
Lord of the Dúnedain![JP] ドゥネダインの族長 Born of Hope (2009)
Our chieftain, Lord Arador.[JP] 族長 アラドール殿の Born of Hope (2009)
He'll be the next clan leader.[JP] 次の部族長候補 Avatar (2009)
This great painting is from the world-famous Bonnet collection sold by order of the present head of the family monsieur Charles Bonnet.[CN] 這件由蜚聲國際的 龐奈家族收藏的珍品... 由族長查爾斯. 龐奈先生... How to Steal a Million (1966)
It can be perhaps two tribal leaders both wanting to make peace, but neither wanting to be the one to begin it.[JP] たとえば、2人の部族長がいて 停戦したいけど 先に言い出せない... Life in a Day (2011)
A land that still enjoyed the watchful eye of the Dúnedain and brought them to his father, Lord Arador, in the hidden settlement of Taurdal.[JP] ドゥネダインの見守る平和な土地へ 彼の父 族長アラドールの待つ- 隠れ里 タウアダルである Born of Hope (2009)
By the valour of the Lord and his Rangers, the Dúnedain had a measure of peace.[JP] 族長と野伏たちに守られて- 束の間の平穏が訪れた Born of Hope (2009)
They were trying to buy the loyalty of tribal leaders by bribing them with precious stones but their caravans were being raided[JP] 宝石で族長を買収して 取り入ろうとしてた The Dark Knight (2008)
Chieftain of the Dúnedain and the Heir of Isildur.[JP] ドゥネダインの族長 そしてイシルドゥアの末裔 Born of Hope (2009)
Aragorn, Chieftain of the Dúnedain![JP] アラゴルン ドゥネダインの族長 Born of Hope (2009)
Lord of the Dúnedain, led his people in a great and valiant onslaught, and the servants of the Enemy quailed.[JP] ドゥネダインの族長は- 果敢な討伐に打って出た 敵のしもべは恐れをなした Born of Hope (2009)

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