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Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
封建的[ほうけんてき, houkenteki] (adj-na) feudal; (P) [Add to Longdo]

Tanaka JP-EN Corpus w/ local updates (ตัวอย่างประโยค)
It seems a bit feudal to call him "sir".彼を「サー」と呼ぶのは少し封建的に思える。

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
He's bound by his wealth[CN] 他是個非常保守封建的 Zesshô (1975)
Feudal, Prussian, peasant Germany is no more.[CN] 封建的, 普鲁士的, 农民的德国一去不复返了 Reckoning: 1945... and After (1974)
My friends ask me, "Pascal, how can you be so interested... in such a backward, grotty little country?"[CN] 我的朋友问我 "你为何会对一个... 如此落后封建的岛国感兴趣? Johnny English (2003)
He snatched this set from the bourgeoisie.[CN] 战胜资产阶级的棋手 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }to defeat the chess players of bourgeois 推翻封建的古人残局 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }and to overthrow the unsolved chess game left by the feudal ancients 他这副象棋 { \cH00FFFF }{ \3cH000000 }He got this set of chess King of Chess (1991)
Only I am alive, I swear I will fight with the devil king of that feudalism[CN] 我只要一息尚存 誓和那封建的魔王抗争 Song at Midnight (1937)
Ancient feudal Japan, a land shrouded in mystery, forbidden to foreigners.[CN] 古代封建的日本... 笼罩在一片神秘之中 拒绝所有外来人员 47 Ronin (2013)
Small minds breed small-minded superstitions.[CN] 狭窄的眼光造成了封建的迷信 Dead Silence (2007)
"If you still look down on villagers, or honor the samurai or the noble, you are still bound to the feudal way of thinking."[CN] 人们蔑视部落民 把士族身份看得很重要 这是因为我们的社会上 还残留着凄惨的封建的东西 Apostasy (1948)

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