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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

Chinese-English: CC-CEDICT Dictionary
复元[fù yuán, ㄈㄨˋ ㄩㄢˊ,   /  ] recovery [Add to Longdo]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
You'll get back on your feet.[CN] 你会恢复元气的。 Fading Gigolo (2013)
Basically ruthlessly exploiting them in a vampire like way - as it were sucking from them the life energy.[CN] 基本上就是像吸血鬼一样 无情地利用他们 从他们身上吸走能量从而恢复元 The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012)
When you have regained your strength, You must tell us your whole story.[CN] 当你体力复元后 你必须告诉我们你的一切经历 Pope Joan (2009)
Dana likes the "Revive" flavor, and Chris likes the "Energy" one.[CN] 丹娜喜欢"复元"口味的 克里斯喜欢"能量"的 Crossfire (2011)
I feel like I got my second wind.[CN] 我觉得我恢复元气了 Ride Along (2014)
But even though Orthodoxy snatched back its city, the empire never recovered.[CN] 虽然东正教夺回了它的城市, 但帝国再也无法复元了。 Orthodoxy: From Empire to Empire (2009)
As Christians here learned how to live side-by-side with Islam, one group of Eastern Christians was about to get an unexpected new lease of life.[CN] 当这里的基督徒在学习 如何与伊斯兰教相处时, 另一个东方基督教的团体即将 获得一次意想不到的生命复元 The First Christianity (2009)
Just until I'm back on my feet.[CN] 直到我恢复元 Hurricane Monica (2012)
And if they come home, it's my job to put them back together again.[CN] 若他们回家 我得帮他们复元 Ender's Game (2013)
Now, while they're still recuperating, [CN] 趁现在现在他们还没恢复元 The Taking of Tiger Mountain (2014)
You should not put your recuperation at risk just to observe this meeting.[CN] 您不应仅仅为了旁听议政 而耽误了身体复元 Pope Joan (2009)
The Cleveland Mafia has never recovered.[CN] 克利夫兰黑手党从此再也没恢复元 Kill the Irishman (2011)

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