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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

ลองค้นหาคำในรูปแบบอื่น ๆ เพื่อให้ได้ผลลัพธ์มากขึ้นหรือน้อยลง: hoho, -hoho-
Possible hiragana form: ほほ
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Chinese Phonetic Symbols

อังกฤษ-ไทย: ศัพท์บัญญัติราชบัณฑิตยสถาน [เชื่อมโยงจาก แบบอัตโนมัติและผ่านการปรับแก้]
lithohorizonแนวชั้นตามลักษณะหิน [ธรณีวิทยา๑๔ ม.ค. ๒๕๔๖]

อังกฤษ-ไทย: คลังศัพท์ไทย โดย สวทช.
Alchohollimetersแอลกอฮอล์ลิมิเตอร์ [การแพทย์]

ตัวอย่างประโยค จาก Open Subtitles  **ระวัง คำแปลอาจมีข้อผิดพลาด**
Uh-huh. Could have fooled me.Ich muss schnellstens einen neuen HOHOHO ernennen. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
And he's got a very good understanding of what people want...- Ein Mensch. Ein Mensch? Als HOHOHO? Santa's Little Helper (2015)
Mrs. Claus, I love your husband, but I would never...Nein, du Dummerchen. Ich wollte mit dir über den HOHOHO-Posten sprechen. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
That's really none of your business, Eleanor.Wenn ich der neue HOHOHO bin, schon. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
Enjoy these next few days, because when I become the new HOHOHO, Kein Mensch kann der HOHOHO sein. Das ist schlicht unmöglich. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
* 'Cause, baby, I've been down *- Das habe ich gehört, Rundohr. Genieß die nächsten Tage, denn wenn ich erst der neue HOHOHO bin ... mache ich dir das Leben zur Hölle. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
Don't talk.- Als HOHOHO. - Am Nordpol? Santa's Little Helper (2015)
I, Eleanor the elf, Formally challenges Santa's normie nominee...Dax hat bewiesen, dass er perfekt geeignet ist ... den HOHOHO-Posten zu bekleiden. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
SBC? What's that? Santa's Boot Camp.Obwohl Santa dafür verantwortlich ist, den HOHOHO auszuwählen ... kann jeder, der dagegen ist, offiziell Einspruch erheben." Santa's Little Helper (2015)
No problem then. I run the Cro-Magnon every year. Eleanor has never been beat, ever."Außerdem kann er den Kandidaten ... zu einem Wettstreit herausfordern ... dessen Sieger zum rechtmäßigen HOHOHO ernannt wird." Santa's Little Helper (2015)
Oh, sugarplums!Ich hätte der HOHOHO werden können. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
Why do I get the feeling that this might have been your plan all along? I have no idea what you're talking about. [ Angry Grunt ]"Im unwahrscheinlichen Fall eines Wettstreits um den HOHOHO-Posten ... gilt Fairness der Kandidaten untereinander ... zu jeder Zeit." Santa's Little Helper (2015)
You wanted to do something great, and you did.HOHOHO zu sein, war mein Traum. - Ich weiß. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
[ chuckling ] Ohh, I don't doubt it.Ohhh, hoho, das glaube ich dir sofort! Look Who's Purging Now (2015)
- Whoa.- Ohoho! Other Voices, Other Rooms (2016)
Oh-oh!Hoho! Storks (2016)
(LAUGHING) Hungry, are we?Hoho, haben wir Hunger? The Wild Life (2016)
(CHUCKLES)Hohoho, ach, Mr. Brickton. Lego Scooby-Doo!: Haunted Hollywood (2016)
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you coming home? Are you coming home?- (Tom) Ohohoho... (elektronische Stimme, wiederholt sich) Kommst du wieder nach Hause? Cell (2016)
I wanted to blame myself for my dad's drinking, for my mom's crying all the time and her emotional breakdown.ICH LIEBE MEINE MAMA Ich wollte mir für die Akhoholsucht meines Papas die Schuld geben, für das Weinen meiner Mutter und für ihren Zusammenbruch. I am Jane Doe (2017)
Oh, oh, that's rich.Hoho, das ist frech! Lego Scooby-Doo! Blowout Beach Bash (2017)
- Hi-ho-hotamus.- Hyhohotamus. Pinocchio (1940)
Oh-ho-ho!Ohohoho! Donnerwetter! Pinocchio (1940)
- Wo-hoho, you make big catch, eh?- Wo-hoho, großen Fang gemacht, hä? The World in His Arms (1952)
Fore!Hohoho! Armageddon (1998)
You're-- you're not goin'.Du fährst nicht. - Ohoho, ich fahre. Papa Pill (2001)
You want a latte? HoHo? Double venti macchiato?กาแฟเย็น เค้ก ขนมจีบ ซาลาเปาทานเพิ่มมั๊ย? Transformers (2007)
And lewd use of a musical montage. I'm going hohome at once to file this report. Crazy thing happened today.และตัดต่อภาพลามกเป็นวิดิโอ มีเรื่องบ้าๆ เกิดขึ้นวันนี้ Chuck Versus Tom Sawyer (2008)
Hohow will I know?ผ... ผมจะรู้ได้อย่างไร? What Lies Below (2010)
Take the staff to happy hoho. Get stinking drunk.พาลูกน้องไปก๊ง เมาให้หัวทิ่ม You Take for Granted (2012)
Listen, if he... if he shows up at thhohospital... okay, thanks.ฟังนะ ถ้าเขา... ถ้าเขาไปโผล่ที่รพ... โอเคครับ ขอบคุณ Master Plan (2012)
- McLin.Hoho, McLin! McLintock! (1963)
- Running Buffalo.- Hoho, Schneller Büffel. McLintock! (1963)
I can't stand that tickling'.Das kann ich nicht ausstehen! Hohohoho! The Jungle Book (1967)
Hey!Hey! Hohoho! The Jungle Book (1967)
Boy, when you flick a fly, you really...Ohoho! Musst du die Fliegen so fangen, dass... Oh! The Jungle Book (1967)
Oh-ho!Hoho! Rollerball (1975)
Whoo!Hoho! Rollerball (1975)
Whoo!Hoho! Rollerball (1975)
– Wa-hoo!- Hoho. The Jewel of the Nile (1985)
So ho!Hoho! Romeo + Juliet (1996)
Ho-ho! Whoa!Hoho, wow! Storks (2016)
We're wasting precious time.Ohoho! Warum verschwenden wir unsere Zeit? Pinocchio (1940)
No.Er war fast 200 Jahre lang der HOHOHO. Santa's Little Helper (2015)
My, my!Hohoho! Das kann doch nicht wahr sein! Pinocchio (1940)
No.Hohohohoho! The Jungle Book (1967)
What do you mean "oh"?Was meinen Sie mit "ohohoh"? Love and Marriage: Part 2 (1986)
- Wow.- Hoho. Moonstruck (1987)
Hey, hold it, man.Hohoho! Lionheart (1990)
In Ho-Ho-Kus, this is Judy Graph for 8-news alive.Aus Hohokus sahen Sie Judy Grafe von "Eight News Alive". Frankenhooker (1990)

CMU English Pronouncing Dictionary Dictionary [with local updates]

Japanese-Thai-English: Saikam Dictionary
微笑む[ほほえむ, hohoemu] TH: ยิ้ม  EN: to smile

Japanese-English: EDICT Dictionary
処方[しょほう, shohou] (n, vs) prescription #16,355 [Add to Longdo]
頬(P);頰[ほお(P);ほほ(P), hoo (P); hoho (P)] (n) cheek (of face); (P) #17,862 [Add to Longdo]
のほほんと[nohohonto] (adv) (on-mim) nonchalantly; without a care [Add to Longdo]
ストレス対処法[ストレスたいしょほう, sutoresu taishohou] (n) method of dealing or coping with stress [Add to Longdo]
トホホホ[tohohoho] (n) (on-mim) boo-hoo; boo-hoo-hoo [Add to Longdo]
ホッホッホッ;ほっほっほっ[hohhohhotsu ; hohhohhotsu] (exp) Hohoho, as for Santa Clause [Add to Longdo]
ホホジロザメ属[ホホジロザメぞく, hohojirozame zoku] (n) Carcharodon (genus containing the extant great white shark and the extinct megalodon shark in the mackerel or white shark family Lamnidae) [Add to Longdo]
研究所報[けんきゅうしょほう, kenkyuushohou] (n) research institute bulletin [Add to Longdo]
処方薬[しょほうやく, shohouyaku] (n) prescription drug [Add to Longdo]
処方箋;処方せん[しょほうせん, shohousen] (n) prescription (medical) [Add to Longdo]
初歩[しょほ, shoho] (n, adj-no) basics; rudiments; elements; ABCs of ...; (P) [Add to Longdo]
初歩的[しょほてき, shohoteki] (adj-na) elementary; basic; rudimentary [Add to Longdo]
所々方々;所所方方;処々方々;処処方方[しょしょほうぼう, shoshohoubou] (n) everywhere [Add to Longdo]
書法[しょほう, shohou] (n, adj-no) penmanship; calligraphy [Add to Longdo]
諸方[しょほう, shohou] (n) every direction [Add to Longdo]
諸法[しょほう, shohou] (n) { Buddh } all existing things (formed and formless) [Add to Longdo]
諸法実相[しょほうじっそう, shohoujissou] (n) { Buddh } concept that all things and phenomena reflect the truth [Add to Longdo]
正書法[せいしょほう, seishohou] (n) (1) correct orthography; (2) reference format [Add to Longdo]
千乃正法[ちのしょうほう, chinoshouhou] (n) Chino Shoho (Japanese religious group founded by Chino Yuuko) [Add to Longdo]
対処法[たいしょほう, taishohou] (n) coping method; approach; how to deal with (problem, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
微笑の浮かんだ唇[ほほえみのうかんだくちびる, hohoeminoukandakuchibiru] (n) lips with a flickering smile [Add to Longdo]
微笑ましい[ほほえましい, hohoemashii] (adj-i) pleasant; charming [Add to Longdo]
微笑み;頬笑み;ほほ笑み[ほほえみ;ほおえみ(微笑み;頬笑み), hohoemi ; hooemi ( hohoemi ; hohoemi )] (n) smile [Add to Longdo]
微笑みかける;微笑み掛ける[ほほえみかける, hohoemikakeru] (v1, vi) to smile (at someone) [Add to Longdo]
微笑み返す;ほほえみ返す[ほほえみかえす, hohoemikaesu] (v5s) to smile back (at a person); to answer someone's smile [Add to Longdo]
微笑む(P);頬笑む;ほほ笑む[ほほえむ, hohoemu] (v5m, vi) to smile; (P) [Add to Longdo]
歩法[ほほう, hohou] (n) (1) horse gait; (2) way of walking (e.g. in martial arts, etc.) [Add to Longdo]
補法[ほほう, hohou] (n) revitalizing treatment that stimulates the organs or the meridians (in Chinese medicine) [Add to Longdo]
頬骨[ほおぼね;きょうこつ;ほほぼね;つらぼね, hoobone ; kyoukotsu ; hohobone ; tsurabone] (n, adj-no) cheekbones; zygomatic bone; malar bone [Add to Longdo]
頬染める[ほほそめる, hohosomeru] (v1) to blush [Add to Longdo]
頬白;画眉鳥;黄道眉[ほおじろ;ほほじろ(頬白);ホオジロ;ホホジロ, hoojiro ; hohojiro ( hoo shiro ); hoojiro ; hohojiro] (n) (1) (uk) meadow bunting (species of passerine, Emberiza cioides); (2) (頬白 only) (obsc) (See 頬白鮫) great white shark; white pointer (Carcharodon carcharias) [Add to Longdo]
頬白鮫[ほおじろざめ;ほほじろざめ;ホオジロザメ;ホホジロザメ, hoojirozame ; hohojirozame ; hoojirozame ; hohojirozame] (n) (uk) great white shark; white pointer (Carcharodon carcharias) [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-English: COMPDICT Dictionary
初歩的[しょほてき, shohoteki] fundamental, elementary [Add to Longdo]
正書法[せいしょほう, seishohou] reference format [Add to Longdo]

Japanese-German: JDDICT Dictionary
初歩[しょほ, shoho] Anfangsgruende, Elementar- [Add to Longdo]

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